Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.2 Release Notes

Installing an N1 Service Provisioning System Master Server and an N1 System Manager Management Server on the Same System

If you use the default installation scripts for the N1 SPS master server and N1 SM management server, you cannot install both applications on the same system.

If you want to install both applications on the same system, you can modify the N1 SPS master server installation script to install the master server in an alternate root directory. To use this workaround, perform the following steps.

Note –

Do not install the N1 SPS OS Provisioning plug-in on a system that hosts both the N1 SM management server and the N1 SPS master server.

  1. Install the N1 SM management server. For more information, see Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. Log in as root on the N1 SM management server system.

  3. Copy the appropriate N1 SPS master server installation script to the system.

    Copy either the or the from the N1 SPS distribution.

  4. If necessary, start a Korn shell session.

    # ksh
  5. Create a shell script file that is named with the following contents.

    alias -x pkgadd='pkgadd -R $NEW_PKG_ROOT'
    alias -x pkginfo='pkginfo -R $NEW_PKG_ROOT'
    alias -x pkgparam='pkgparam -R $NEW_PKG_ROOT'
  6. Export the value of the alternate root directory to use with the N1 SPS installation script.

    # export NEW_PKG_ROOT=alternate-root-path

    In the previous step, alternate-root-path specifies the root directory in which you want to install the N1 SPS Master Server, for example, root1. This alternate root directory will contain a new package repository for the N1 SPS Master Server packages.

  7. Create a symbolic link from the opt directory to an alternate opt directory in the new alternate root directory.

    # ln -s /opt alternate-root-path/opt
  8. Create a new installation script by prepending the script to the default N1 SPS Master Server installation script. For example:

    # cat >
  9. Install the N1 SPS Master Server by running the new installation script.

    # ./
  10. Answer the installer questions.

    During the installation, consider the following limitations.

    • When you are prompted to specify the installation directory for the master server, enter a new subdirectory under /opt. To avoid overwriting the master server that is installed with N1 SM, ensure that this new subdirectory is different from the installation directory of the master server that is installed with N1 SM. For example, if, in step 7, you created a symbolic link from /opt to /root1/opt, specifying an installation directory of /opt/ms1 during the installation installs the new N1 SPS master server in /root1/opt/ms1.

    • When you are prompted to choose a port to use with the master server, ensure that you specify a port that is different from the port that is used by the master server used by N1 SM.

    For more information about how to install N1 SPS, see Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.3 Installation Guide.

  11. After the installation is completed, change to the directory that contains the N1 SPS master server scripts. For example:

    # cd /root1/opt/ms1/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server/bin
  12. Create a backup copy of the N1 SPS Master Server uninstallation script.

    # cp
  13. Edit the script to perform the package operations on the alternate root. You can use the sed command to make these changes to the script by typing the following command.

    # /usr/bin/sed -e 's!pkginfo!& -R '${NEW_PKG_ROOT}'!g' \
    -e 's!pkgrm!& -R '${NEW_PKG_ROOT}'!g' \
    -e 's!pkgparam!& -R '${NEW_PKG_ROOT}'!g' \ >
  14. Remove the backup copy of the uninstallation script.

    # rm

    To uninstall the N1 SPS Master Server, use this revised version of the script.

    Note –

    Do not remove the new alternate root directory. This directory is required to uninstall the N1 SPS master server.