Sun Java Communications Suite 5 发行说明

第 3 章 Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 发行说明

版本 6.3

本发行说明包含 Sun Java Messaging Server 6.3 发行时可用的重要信息。此处介绍了新增功能和增强功能、已知问题和限制以及其他信息。在使用 Messaging Server 6.3 之前,请先阅读本文档。

注 –

Sun 对本文档提及的第三方 Web 站点的可用性不承担任何责任。对于此类站点或资源中的(或通过它们获得的)任何内容、广告、产品或其他资料,Sun 并不表示认可,也不承担任何责任。对于因使用或依靠此类站点或资源中的(或通过它们获得的)任何内容、产品或服务而造成的或连带产生的实际或名义损坏或损失,Sun 概不负责,也不承担任何责任。


本文档引用了第三方 URL,并提供了其他相关信息。

Messaging Server 发行说明修订历史记录

表 3–1 Sun Java System Messaging Server 修订历史记录



2007 年 7 月 

通过指向 Communications Express 一章阐明了 Web 浏览器支持。 

2007 年 6 月 

阐明了对 Sun Cluster 和 Veritas Cluster 版本的支持; 添加了新的错误,包括 HA 环境中的 ENS 错误,以及安装期间创建的目录错误。 

2007 年 5 月 

添加了对 Red Hat Linux 3.1 的支持已过时的声明。 

2007 年 3 月 

Sun JavaTM System Messaging Server 6.3 正式版

2006 年 9 月 

Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Beta 版 

关于 Messaging Server 6.3

Messaging Server 是一个高性能、高安全性的邮件传送平台,可以通过扩展为成千上万的用户服务。Messaging Server 提供了强大的安全功能,通过用户验证、会话加密以及适当的防垃圾邮件和病毒的内容过滤来确保邮件传送的完整性。使用 Messaging Server,企业和服务提供商可以为整个员工、合作伙伴和客户群体提供安全、可靠的邮件传送服务。

通过使用开放的 Internet 标准,Messaging Server 提供了强大、灵活的解决方案来满足各种规模企业和邮件传送主机对于电子邮件的需要。

此 Messaging Server 发行版的新增功能

Messaging Server 6.3 发行版中添加了以下新功能和增强功能:

使用 Sun Content Management 以及 Sun Compliance and Content Management Solution 进行邮件归档

Messaging Server 通过 Sun Content Management 以及 Sun Compliance and Content Management Solution 支持归档功能。邮件归档系统会将全部或部分(指定子集的)收到的邮件和外发的邮件保存在 Messaging Server 以外的系统上。已发送、接收、删除和移动的邮件都可以在归档系统中进行保存和检索。电子邮件用户无法对已归档的邮件进行删除或修改,因此传入和传出通信的完整性得到了维护。邮件归档对于规范记录的保存、邮件存储库管理和邮件备份十分有用。有关详细信息,请参见《Message Archiving Using the Sun Compliance and Content Management Solution》

注 –

尽管对可操作的归档进行了记录,但此功能直到 Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Patch 1 发行时才启用。

Webmail 服务器支持 IMAP

Webmail 服务器也称为 mshttpd(Messaging Server HTTP 守护进程),可以为 Messenger Express 和 Communications Express 客户端提供电子邮件服务。现在,Webmail 服务器通过 IMAP 服务器访问邮件存储库。此功能提供了很多优点:


MeterMaid 通过确定 IP 地址最近何时连接过于频繁并应暂停使用来发挥限制功能。MeterMaid 如同巡视街道的警员,负责查找超过分配量的 IP 地址。它是一个可以取代 的系统信息库进程,提供了类似功能,但却将其扩展到 Messaging Server 产品。此外,MeterMaid 比 具有更高的可配置性。

注 –

目前不会针对 提供进一步的增强功能。


Messaging Server 支持使用常见且可免费获取的第三方病毒扫描程序 ClamAV,以检测邮件是否感染了病毒和特洛伊木马。


现在可以在 Messaging Server 中运行基于 Sendmail Content Management API 的程序,该程序也称为 Milter(邮件过滤器 Mail Filter 的缩写)。Milter 为第三方软件提供插件接口,以便在邮件通过 MTA 传递时对其进行验证和修改。Milter 可以处理邮件的连接 (IP) 信息、信封协议元素、邮件标题和/或邮件正文内容,并且可以修改邮件的收件人、标题和正文。在垃圾邮件拒绝、病毒过滤和内容控制等过程中可能会用到过滤器。通常,Milter 尝试以可伸缩的方式来解决站点范围内的过滤问题。请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》中的“使用 Milter”

支持 IMAP 标准扩展

高性能用户查找和验证 (HULA)

高性能用户查找和验证 (High Performance User Lookup and Authentication, HULA) 为 Communications Suite 提供了一个库,以便实现一致的用户查找语义(例如,domainmap 对域查找所起的作用)。使用 HULA 时,以下接口更改将会影响 MMP:

已在多个发行版中实现 HULA。此发行版支持 HULA 的 MMP 实现。下一个发行版支持邮件存储库和 MTA 中的 HULA 实现。

以下接口更改将会影响 MMP:

新的 imsconnutil 选项

imsconnutil 实用程序的新 -k 选项用于断开用户与 IMAP 和 POP 会话的连接。登录到 Communications Express 的用户将丢失基本的 IMAP 连接,因此也会断开连接。

JMQ 通知

JMQ 通知插件允许您使用 Java Messaging Service (JMS) 标准发送通知邮件。现在,您可以将插件配置为向两种不同的邮件传送服务发送通知:

使用 Message Queue,可以为邮件或队列生成主题,或者同时为这两种传送方法生成主题。Message Queue 还提供了增强的负载平衡、可伸缩性和可靠性。请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》中的第 22  章 “配置 JMQ 通知插件为 Message Queue 生成邮件”


发件人策略框架 (Sender Policy Framework, SPF) 是一种技术,可以在 SMTP 对话期间检测和拒绝伪造的电子邮件。具体来说,SPF 是一种方法,它允许域对可能使用其域名的主机进行明确授权。此外,可以将接收主机配置为检查此授权。这样,SPF 可以显著减少伪造电子邮件的实例。请参见 《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》中的第 15  章 “使用发件人策略框架处理伪造的电子邮件”


现在可以为特定的文件夹和邮件类型设置邮件存储库配额。邮件类型配额允许您指定邮件类型(如语音邮件和电子邮件)的限制。文件夹配额可以对用户的文件夹大小设置限制(以字节或邮件数为单位)。例如,可以对“垃圾箱”文件夹设置配额。Messaging Server 允许您为域和用户设置默认配额以及自定义配额。请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》中的“关于消息存储配额”

获取服务器 SSL 证书

无法再通过 Administration Console 获取证书。而应使用一个名为 msgcert 的新命令。仍然可以使用旧的 certutil 命令,但该命令更复杂,并且未经国际化。有关详细信息,请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》中的“获得证书”

Sun Java Enterprise System Monitoring Framework

有关 Sun JavaTM Enterprise System Monitoring Framework 的信息,请参见《Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Monitoring Guide》

新的 MMP 功能

新的 MTA 功能

本部分介绍的许多 MAT 新功能都合并到 Messaging Server 文档中了。这里列出这些功能是为了文档的完整并发布新增功能。

(54) A new facility has been added to store information 
that previously would
	have gone in the general, forward, and reverse databases in the compiled
	configuration instead. A new MTA option, USE_TEXT_DATABASES, has been
	added to control this capability. This option is bit encoded. If bit
	0 (value 1) is set the file IMTA_TABLE:general.txt is read as the MTA
	configuration is initialized and the information from that file replaces
	all uses of the general database. If bit 1 (value 2) is set the file
	IMTA_TABLE:reverse.txt is read and used in instead of the reverse
	database. Finally, if bit 2 (value 4) is set the file
	IMTA_TABLE:forward.txt is read and used instead of the forward
	database. The default value for this option is 0, which disables all
	use of text databases. Note that use of the text database option
	means that changes to the underlying files will only be seen after
	a cnbuild, and in the case of running processes, after a reload.

Several additional MTA options can be used to set the initial size of
the various text database tables:
GENERAL_DATA_SIZE - Initial number of entries in the general text database.
REVERSE_DATA_SIZE - Initial number of entries in the reverse text database.
FORWARD_DATA_SIZE - Initial number of entries in the forward text database.

The MTA stores the database template strings in string pool 3, so the
STRING_POOL_SIZE_3 MTA option controls the  initial allocation of space
for this purpose.
Note that these various options only control initial sizes; the
various tables and arrays will resize automatically up to the
maximum allowed size. The maximum string pool size in 6.2P8 and
earlier is 10Mb, after 6.2P8 is has been increased to 50Mb. Up
to 1 million entries are allowed in 6.2P8 and earlier, this has
been increased to 2 million entries in later releases.

(144) A new MTA option, USE_CANONICAL_RETURN, has been added. This option
is bit-encoded with the various bits matching those of the USE_ORIG_RETURN
option. Each place where the MTA performs a comparison operation against
	the envelope from (MAIL FROM) address has an assigned bit. If the bit
	in USE_CANONICAL_RETURN is clear normal rewriting is applied to the
	envelope from address prior to use. In particular rewriting from
	mailAlternateAddress attributes to mail attributes will be performed;
	mailEqvuialentAddress attributes won't be rewritten to the corresponding
	mail attribute. If, however, the bit is set, the corresponding address
	will be rewritten if it appears in a mailEquivalentAddress attribute.

	 It should be noted that the bit USE_ORIG_RETURN will, if set, disable
	rewriting entirely. So setting a bit in USE_ORIG_RETURN makes the
	corresponding bit in USE_CANONICAL_RETURN a noop.

	 Note that the various bits of USE_ORIG_RETURN don't appear to be
	documented at this time, so here's a list of them:

Bit	 Value	 Usage
0	 1	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in
			 ORIG_SEND_ACCESS mapping table probes
1	 2	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in
			 SEND_ACCESS mapping table probes
2	 4	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in
			 ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS mapping table probes
3	 8	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in
			 MAIL_ACCESS  mapping table probes
4	 16	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
5	 32	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list [CANT_LIST] and [SASL_CANT_LIST] checks
6	 64	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
7	 128	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list [CANT_MAPPING] and [SASL_CANT_MAPPING] checks
8	 256	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list [ORIGINATOR_REPLY] comparisons
9	 512	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 [NOHOLD_LIST]	checks
10	 1024	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 and [NOHOLD_MAPPING] checks
11	 2048	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list checks for whether the sender is the list moderator
12	 4096	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list LDAP_AUTH_DOMAIN LDAP attribute (e.g.,
			 mgrpAllowedDomain) checks
13	 8192	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list LDAP_CANT_DOMAIN LDAP attribute (e.g.,
			 mgrpDisallowedDomain) checks
14	 16384	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list LDAP_AUTH_URL LDAP attribute (e.g.,
			 mgrpAllowedBroadcaster) checks
15	 32768	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list LDAP_CANT_URL LDAP attribute (e.g.,
			 mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster) checks
16	 65536	 OBSOLETE. In Messaging Server 5.0 and Messaging Server 5.1, when set use the original
			 envelope From: address in mailing list LDAP_MODERATOR_RFC822
			 comparisons; since as of Messaging Server 5.2 there is no longer any such
			 global MTA option nor need for such an attribute (since the
			 LDAP_MODERATOR_URL attribute value can, in fact, specify a
			 mailto: URL pointing to an RFC 822 address), this bit no
			 longer has any meaning.
17	 131072	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in mailing
			 list LDAP_MODERATOR_URL LDAP attribute (e.g., mgrpModerator)
18	 262144	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in any
			 source-specific FORWARD mapping tables probes
19	 524288	 When set, use the original envelope From: address in any
			 source-specific FORWARD database probes

	Bit 0 is the least significant bit.

(145) The SPAMFILTERn_OPTIONAL MTA options now accept two additional values: -2
	and 2. -2 and 2 are the same as 0 and 1 respectively except that they also
	cause a syslog message to be sent in the event of a problem reported by
	the spam filter plugin.

(146) Old-style mailing lists defined in the aliases file or aliases database now
	accept a nonpositional [capture] parameter. If used the [capture] parameter
	specifies a capture address with the same semantics as capture addresses
	specified by the LDAP_CAPTURE attribute applied to a user or group in LDAP.

(147) The default value for the MISSING_RECIPIENT_POLICY MTA option has been changed
	from 2 (add envelope recipient list as a To: field) to 1 (ignore missing
	recipient condition). This brings Messaging Server in line with what RFC 2822 recommends.

(148) Although it will rarely make sense to do so, the x_env_to keyword can now
	be used without also setting single on a channel.

(149) The MTA now has the ability to process multiple different LDAP attributes
	with the same semantics. Note that this is not the same as processing of
	multiple values for the same attribute, which has always been supported.
	The handling attributes receive depends on the semantics of the attribute.
	The possible options are:

	 (a) Multiple different attributes don't make sense and render the user
		entry invalid. In 6.2 and later this handling is the default for
		all attributes unless otherwise specified.
	(b) If multiple different attribute are specified one is chosen at random
		LDAP_AUTOREPLY_TEXT_INT all receive this handling in 6.2 only; in
		6.3 and later they receive the handling described in item 153 below.
		6.3 adds the LDAP_SPARE_3 and LDAP_PERSONAL_NAME attribute to this
		category. Note that this was how all attributes were handled prior
          to 6.2.
	(c) Multiple different attributes do make sense and should all be acted
		on. This handling is currently in effect for LDAP_CAPTURE,
		was first added to Messaging Server in 6.3.
(150) The MTA now has the ability to chose between multiple LDAP attributes
	and attribute values with different language tags and determine the
	correct value to use. The language tags in effect are compared against
	the preferred language information associated with the envelope from
	address. Currently the only attributes receiving this treatment are
	LDAP_AUTOREPLY_SUBJECT (normally mailAutoReplySubject),
	(normally mailAutoReplyTextInternal), LDAP_SPARE_4, LDAP_SPARE_5,

	 It is expected that each attribute value will have a different language
	tag value; if different values have the same tag value the choice between
	them will be essentially random.

151) The length of URLs that can be specified in a mapping URL lookup has been
	increased from 256 to 1024. The same increase also applies to expressions
	evaluated by mappings and mapping calls to other mappings.

(152) A new MTA option, LOG_REASON, controls storage of error reason information
	in log records. Setting the option to 1 enables this storage, 0 (the
	default) disables it. This information, if present, appears just before
	diagnostic information in log records.

(153) A :percent argument has been added to spamtest. If present it changes the
	range of the spamtest result from 0-10 to 0-100. See the Internet Draft
	draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-05.txt for additional information on this

(154) The SpamAssassin spam filter plugin's DEBUG option setting now accepts an
	integer value instead of a boolean 0 or 1. The larger the value the more
	debugging will be generated. In particular, a setting of 2 or greater
	reports exactly what was received from spamd.

(155) The conversion mapping now allows a new "PREPROCESS" directive. If specified
	it allows charset conversions to be done on messages prior to sending them to
	the conversion channel.

(156) The $. metacharacter sequence can now be used in a mapping or rewrite
	rule to establish a string which will be processed as the mapping entry
	result in the event of a temporary LDAP lookup failure. By default
	temporary LDAP failures cause the current mapping entry to fail.
	This is problematic in cases where different actions need to be taken
	depending on whether the LDAP lookup failed to find anything versus the
	directory server being unavailable or misconfigured.  The temporary
	failure string is terminated by an unescaped ".". In the case of mappings
	once a failure string has been set using this construct it will remain
	set until current mapping processing is completed. Rewrite rules behave
	differently; a temporary failure string remains set only for the duration
	of the current rule. "$.." can be used to return to the default state
	where no temporary failure string is set and temporary LDAP failures
	cause mapping entry or rewrite rule failure. Note that all errors other
	than failure to match an entry in the directory are considered to be
	temporary errors; in general it isn't possible to distinguish between
	errors caused by incorrect LDAP URLs and errors caused by directory
	server configuration problems.

(157) Setting the LOG_FORMAT MTA option to 4 now causes log entries to be
	written in an XML-compatible format. Entry log entry appears as
	a single XML element containing multiple attributes and no subelements.
	Three elements are currently defined, en for enqueue/dequeue entries, co
	for connection entries, and he for header entries.

	 Enqueue/dequeue (en) elements can have the following attributes:

	ts - time stamp (always present)
	no - node name (present if LOG_NODE=1)
	pi - process id (present if LOG_PROCESS=1)
	sc - source channel (always present)
	dc - destination channel (always present)
	ac - action (always present)
	sz - size (always present)
	so - source address (always present)
	od - original destination address (always present)
	de - destination address (always present)
	de - destination address (always present)
	rf - recipient flags (present if LOG_NOTARY=1)
	fi - filename (present if LOG_FILENAME=1)
	ei - envelope id (present if LOG_ENVELOPE_ID=1)
	mi - message id (present if LOG_MESSAGE_ID=1)
	us - username (present if LOG_USERNAME=1)
	ss - source system (present if bit 0 of LOG_CONNECTION
		is set and source system information is available)
	se - sensitivity (present if LOG_SENSITIVITY=1)
	pr - priority (present if LOG_PRIORITY=1)
	in - intermediate address (present if LOG_INTERMEDIATE=1)
	ia - initial address (present if bit 0 of LOG_INTERMEDIATE
		is set and intermediate address information is available)
	fl - filter (present if LOG_FILTER=1 and filter information
		is available)
	re - reason (present if LOG_REASON=1 and reason string is set)
	di - diagnostic (present if diagnostic info available)
	tr - transport information (present if bit 5 of LOG_CONNECTION
		is set and transport information is available)
	ap - application information (present if bit 6 of LOG_CONNECTION
		is set and application information is available)

		Here is a sample en entry:
en ts="2004-12-08T00:40:26.70" pi="0d3730.10.43" sc="tcp_local"
	dc="l" ac="E" sz="12" so=""
	de="" rf="22"
	fi="/path/ZZ01LI4XPX0DTM00IKA8.00" ei=""
	mi="<11a3b401c4dd01$7c1c1ee0$1906fad0@elara>" us=""
	ss=" ([])"
	in="" ia=""
	fl="spamfilter1:rvLiXh158xWdQKa9iJ0d7Q==, addheader, keep"

      Here is a sample co entry:

co ts="2004-12-08T00:38:28.41" pi="1074b3.61.281" sc="tcp_local" dr="+"
       ac="O" tr="TCP||25||33469" ap="SMTP"/

      Header (he) entries have the following attributes:

        ts - time stamp (always present, also used in en entries)
        no - node name (present if LOG_NODE=1, also used in en entries)
        pi - process id (present if LOG_PROCESS=1, also used in en entries)
        va - header line value (always present)

      Here is a sample he entry:

he ts="2004-12-08T00:38:31.41" pi="1074b3.61.281" va="Subject: foo"/

(158b) Added list authorization policy values SMTP_AUTH_USED and AUTH_USED.
       These are similar in effect to the old SMTP_AUTH_REQUIRED and AUTH_REQ
       but unlike the old values do not require posters to authenticate.
(159) Sieve errors are now logged as such in mail.log when LOG_FILTER is
(160) The ALLOW_TRANSACTION_PER_SESSION limit kicked in one transaction too
      early; it now allows the specified number of transaction instead of one
(161) The type of transport protocol in use (SMTP/ESMTP/LMTP) is now logged
      and made available to the various access mappings. In particular, two
      new modifier characters have been added to the set that can appear after
      an action indicator in the mail.log* files:
      E - An EHLO command was issued/accepted and therefore ESMTP was used
      L - LMTP was used

	Previously the only modifier characters that would appears were A
 	(SASL authentication used) and S (TLS/SSL used).

 	Additionally, the $E and $L flags respectively will be set as
 	appropriate for the various *_ACCESS mappings.

(162) Wildcards are now allowed in the strings used to match verdicts
 	returned by spam filters.

 (163) imsimta encode now supports three new switches:

      -disposition=VALUE	   Sets the content-disposition to the specified
 	-parameters=NAME=VALUE	   Specifies one or more additional content-type
                                   parameters and their values
 	-dparameters=NAME=VALUE	   Specifies one or more additional content-disposition
                                   parameters and their values

 	(164) Bit 4 (value 16) of the DOMAIN_UPLEVEL MTA option is now used to
 	control whether address reversal rewriting is:

 	(1) Skipped if the address is a mailEquivalentAddress (bit clear)
 	(2) Performed only if the address is a mailAlternateAddress (bit set)

 	(165) A value "/" given as an [envelope_from] nonpositional alias parameter,
 	as an errors to positional alias parameter, or as a value of the
 	mgrpErrorsTo LDAP attribute is now interpreted as a request to
 	revert to using the original envelope from address for the incoming
 	message while retaining mailing list semantics. This can be useful
 	for setting up mailing lists that report all forms of list errors
 	to the original sender.

(166) The Job controller directory sweep is now more sophisticated. Instead
 	of reading all the files in the queue directory in the order in which
 	they are found, it reads several channel queue directories at once.
 	This makes for much more reasonable behaviour on startup, restart, and
 	after max_messages has been exceeded.  The number of directories to be
 	read at once is controlled by the job controller option
 	Rebuild_Parallel_Channel. This can take any value between 1 and 100.
 	The default is 12.

 	(167) The sieve interpreter now keeps track of whether a response message was
 	generated by a notify or vacation action and logs this information as

      (168) Add the option Rebuild_In_Order parameter to the job_controller.	If
 	this is set to a non zero value, then on startup the job controller adds
 	previously untried (ZZ*) messages to the delivery queue in creation
 	order.  Previous (and default) behavior is to add the messages in the
 	order in which they are found on disk.  There is a cost associated with
 	recreating the queues in order.

     (169) Some additional reasons why a requested vacation response isn't sent
 	are now logged.

 	(170) Add the command imsimta cache -change command.  This command allows
 	certain job controller parameters to be changed on the fly.  The allowed
 	formats of this command are:

  	imsimta cache -change -global -debug=<integer>
 	imsimta cache -change -global -max_messages=<integer>
   imsimta cache -change -channel_template=<name> master_job=<command>
   imsimta cache -change -channel_template=<name> slave_job=<command>
   imsimta cache -change -channel=<name> master_job=<command>
   imsimta cache -change -channel=<name> slave_job=<command>
   imsimta cache -change -channel=<name> thread_depth=<integer>
   imsimta cache -change -channel=<name> job_limit=<integer>

   Changing parameters for a channel template (e.g. tcp_*) changes that
 	parameter for all channels derived from that template.

     (171) Add the command imsimta qm jobs.	This command displays what messages are
 	being processed by what jobs for what channels. Typical output might be:

   channel <channel name>
     job <pid>
       host <host name>
       host <host name>
         <count of hosts> HOSTS BEING PROCESSED BY JOB <pid>
       message <subdir/message name>
       message <subdir/message name>
       processed messages: <# messages sucessfully dequeued>
       failed processing attempts: <# messages reenqueued>
       <count of messages> MESSAGES BEING PROCESSED BY JOB <pid>
      <count of jobs> JOBS ACTIVE FOR CHANNEL foo
     <count of active channels> ACTIVE CHANNELS

	In the past they were only available to the various *_ACCESS mappings.

 	E - Incoming connection used ESMTP/EHLO.
 	L - Incoming connection used LMTP/LHLO.
 	F - NOTIFY=FAILURES active for this recipient.
 	S - NOTIFY=SUCCESSES active for this recipient.
 	D - NOTIFY=DELAYS active for this recipient.
 	A - SASL used to authenticate connection.
 	T - SSL/TLS used to secure connection.

(174) The buffer used for spamfilter verdict destination strings has been
 	increased in size from 256 to 1024 characters. This was done to
 	accomodate the much longer verdict destination strings that Brightmail
 	6.0 can return.

 	(175) Two new values now have meaning for the various SPAMFILTERx_OPTIONAL
 	MTA options: 3 and 4. A value of 3 causes spamfilter failures to
 	accept the message but queue it to the reprocess chanel for later
 	processing. A value of 4 does the same thing but also logs the
 	spam filter temporary failure to syslog.

 	(176) The ability to log the amouint of time a message has spent in the queue
 	has been added to the MTA logging facility. A new option, LOG_QUEUE_TIME,
 	enables this capability. Setting the option to 1 enables queue time
 	logging, while the default value of 0 disables it. The queue time is logged
 	as an integer value in seconds. It appears immediately after the application
 	information string in non-XML format logs. The attribute name in XML formatted
 	logs for this value is "qt".

 	(177) Source channel switching based on user or domain settings is now possible.
 	There are three new settings involved:

 	(a) A new channel keyword userswitchchannel. This keyword must be present
 	  on the initial source channel for user channel switching to occur.

 	(b) A new MTA option LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_SOURCE_CHANNEL that specifies the
 	  name of a domain-level attribute containing the name of the channel
 	  to switch to.

 	(c) A new MTA option LDAP_SOURCE_CHANNEL that specified is the name of a
 	  user-level attribute containing the name of the channel to switch

 	Additionally, the channel being switched to must be set to allow channel
 	switches, that is, it cannot be marked with the noswitchchannel keyword.

 	Switching is done based on information returned by rewriting the MAIL
 	FROM address. Note that MAIL FROM addresses are easily forged so this
 	functionality should be used with extreme care.

 	(178) List expansion in the context of the mgrpallowedbroadcaster LDAP attribute
 	now includes all the attributes used to store email addresses (normally
 	mail, mailAlternateAddress, and mailEquivalentAddress). Previously only
 	mail attributes were returned, making it impossible to send to lists
 	restricted to their own members using alternate addresses.

 	(179) The default for the GROUP_DN_TEMPLATE MTA option has been changed to
 	""ldap:///$A??sub?mail=*". It used to be ""ldap:///$A?mail?sub?mail=*".
 	This change makes the change described in item 178 work correctly in
 	the case of lists defined using DNs.

 	a domain-level attribute containing the default mailhost for the domain.
 	If set and the attribute is present on the domain the mailhost attribute
 	is no longer required on user entries in the domain. This option
 	currently has no default, but preferredmailhost is the logical attribute
 	to use as long as some other, conflicting usage doesn't exist.

 	(181) New channel keywords generatemessagehash, keepmessagehash, and
 	deletemessagehash. Generatemessage will, if specified on a destination
 	channel, cause a Message-hash: header field to be inserted into the
 	message. Keepmessagehash will cause any existing Message-hash: field
 	to be retained. Deletemessagehash will delete any existing Message-hash:
 	field. Deletemessagehash is the default.

 	The value placed in Message-Hash: fields is (obviously) a hash of the
 	message. Several new MTA options control how the hash is generated:

 	MESSAGE_HASH_ALGORITHM - The hash algorithm. Can be any of "md2",
 	"md4", "md5" (the default), "sha1", "md128" (for RIPE-MD128), or
 	"md160" (for RIPE-MD160).

 	MESSAGE_HASH_FIELDS - Comma separated list of fields from the header to
 	hash (in order). Any known header field can be specified. If this
 	option is not specified it defaults to "message-id,from,to,cc,bcc,

 	(182) New MTA option UNIQUE_ID_TEMPLATE. This option specifies a template
 	used to convert an address into a unique identifier. The template's
 	substitution vocabulary is the same as that for delivery options.
 	The resulting unique identifier is intended for use by message
 	archiving tools.

 	(183) Per-user aliasdetourhost is now possible through the following set
 	of features:

    (a) Added a aliasoptindetourhost channel keyword. This is similar in
 	function to aliasdetourhost except detouring only occurs if the
 	user has opted in via the following attribute. The keyword's
 	value is a comma-separated list of potential detour hosts.

    (b) Added a LDAP_DETOURHOST_OPTIN MTA option, which specifies the name
 	of an attribute used to opt the user in to the detour (assuming of
 	course the source channel has aliasoptindetourhost set). If the
 	values of this attribute contain periods they will be compared
 	against the list of potential detour hosts and the first host
 	on the list that matches will be the chosen detour. If the
 	value doesn't contain a period the first detour host will be
 	used unconditionally.

    (c) Added a ALIASDETOURHOST_NULL_OPTIN MTA option. This is similar to
 	SPAMFILTERx_NULL_OPTIN - it specifies a "special" value which if
 	used in the optin attribute is treated as the same as the
 	attribute being omitted. The default valueis "", which means that
 	an empty attribute value is ignored.

 	(184) Support for a new IP_ACCESS table has been added. This access mapping
 	is consulted during SMTP client operations just prior to attempting to
 	open connections to a remote server. The mapping probe has the following


 	source-channel is the channel the message is being dequeued from,
 	address-count is the total number of IP addresses for the remote
 	server, address-current is the index of the current ip address being
 	tried, ip-current is the current IP address, and hostname is the
 	symbolic name of the remote server.

 	The mapping can set the following flags:

 	$N - Immediately reject the message with an "invalid host/domain error"
           Any supplied text will be logged as the reason for rejection but
           will not be included in the DSN.

 	$I - Skip the current IP without attempting to connect.

 	$A - Replace the current IP address with the mapping result.

 	(185) The ACCESS_ORCPT MTA option has been changed from a simple boolean (0 or 1)
 	to a bit-encoded value. Bit 0 (value 1) has the same effect it always
 	had: It enables the addition of the ORCPT to all the various access mappings.
 	Bits 1-4 (values 2-16), if set, selectivey enable the addition to the

 	(186) The new ACCESS_COUNTS MTA option provides a way to get at various types
 	of recipient count information in the various recipient *_ACCESS mappings.
 	ACCESS_COUNTS is bit-encoded in the same way as ACCESS_ORCPT now is (see
 	the previous item for specifics) and if set enables the addition of a
 	set of counts to the end of the access mapping probe string. Currently
 	the format of the count addition is:


 	Note the trailing slash. It is expected that additional counter information
 	will be added to this field in the future; all mappings making use of this
 	information should be coded to ignore anything following the (current)
 	last slash or they may break without warning.

 	(187) Support for SMTP chunking (RFC 3030) has been added to both the SMTP
 	client and server. This support is enabled by default. Four new
 	channel keywords can be used to control whether or not chunking is
 	allowed. They are

 	chunkingclient - Enable client chunking support (default)
 	chunkingserver - Enable server chunking support (default)
 	nochunkingclient - Disable client chunking support
 	nochunkingserver - DIsable server chunking support

 	The log file action field has been extended to indicate whether or not
 	chunking was used to transfer a given message. Specifically, a C will
 	be appended if chunking is used. Note that ESMTP has to be used for
 	chunking to work, so you'll typically see field values like "EEC" or

 	(188) Support has been added for a new caption channel keyword. This keyword
 	is similar to the existing description channel keyword in that it takes
 	a quoted string as an argument that is intended for use in channel
 	displays. The difference is presumably that a "caption" is short than
 	a "description". JES MF appears to need both.

 	(189) A new utility routine has been written to verify domain-level Schema 1
 	and 2 information in the directory. This utilty routine is accessible
 	to user through a new verify command in the imsimta test -domain program:

 	% imsimta test -domain
 	DOMAIN_MAP> verify

 	Various checks are done by this utility, but the most important by far
 	is verification of canonical domain settings for domains with overlapping
 	user entries.

 	The verification utility can return the following fatal errors:

 	%DMAP-F-CANTGETDN, Cannot obtain DN of domain entry, directory error
 	%DMAP-F-INTDEFERROR, Internal defined flag error on domain '%.*s', aborting
 	%DMAP-F-INTHASHERROR, Internal hash error, aborting
 	%DMAP-F-INTTREESTRUCTERROR, Internal tree structure error, aborting

      These are all indicative of an internal error in the verification code
 	and should never occur.

 	The following domain errors can be reported:

 	%DMAP-E-ALIASTOOLONG, Domain alias '%s' in entry with DN '%s' is too long
 	%DMAP-E-BASEDNTOOLONG, Base DN pointer '%s' in entry for domain '%.*s' is too
 	%DMAP-E-CANONICAL, Overlapping domains '%.*s' and '%.*s' defined by entries
                         '%.*s' and '%.*s' have different canonical domains '%.*s'
                         and '%.*s'
 	%DMAP-E-CANONICALINVALID, Canonical domain '%.*s' defined/referenced by
                                domain entry with DN '%.*s' is syntactically
 	%DMAP-E-CANONICALTOOLONG, Canonical name '%s' in entry for domain '%.*s'
                                is too long
 	%DMAP-E-CANTCONVDCDN, Cannot convert DN '%s' in DC tree to domain name
 	%DMAP-E-CANTEXTALIAS, Empty alias pointer attribute in '%.*s' domain alias
 	%DMAP-E-DOMAININVALID, Domain name '%.*s' defined/referenced by domain entry
                             with DN '%.*s' is syntactically invalid
 	%DMAP-E-DOMAINMULTDEF, Domain '%s' multiply defined by entries with DNs '%s'
                             and '%s'
 	%DMAP-E-DOMAINTOOLONG, Domain '%s' in entry with DN '%s' is too long
 	%DMAP-E-DOMAINUNDEF, Domain name '%.*s' referenced by domain entry with DN
                           '%.*s' never defined
 	%DMAP-E-EMPTYCANONICAL, Domain '%.*s' has an empty canonical name
 	%DMAP-E-INVALIDBASEDN, Base DN pointer '%.*s' in entry for domain '%.*s'
                             is not a valid DN
 	%DMAP-E-MULTICANONICAL, Multivalued canonical name in entry for domain
                              '%.*s', used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-E-NOBASEDN, Domain '%.*s' has no base DN
 	%DMAP-E-EMPTYBASEDN, Domain '%.*s' has an empty base DN
 	%DMAP-E-NODOMAINNAME, Domain entry with DN '%s' does not have a domain

      The following warnings can be reported:

 	%DMAP-W-DISALLLOWEDATTR, Domain '%.*s' has a disallowed attribute '%s'
                               with value '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-DNTOOLONG, Domain entry DN '%s' is too long
 	%DMAP-W-EMPAPPSTAT, Domain '%.*s' has an empty application status
 	%DMAP-W-EMPDISALLLOWED, Domain '%.*s' has an empty disallowed attribute
 	%DMAP-W-EMPDOMSTAT, Domain '%.*s' has an empty domain status
 	%DMAP-W-EMPUIDSEP, Domain '%.*s' has an empty UID separator
 	%DMAP-W-INVALIDAPPSTAT, Application status '%s' for domain '%.*s' is
 	%DMAP-W-INVALIDDOMSTAT, Domain status '%s' for domain '%.*s' is invalid
 	%DMAP-W-INVALIDUIDSEP, UID separator '%s' for domain '%.*s' is invalid
 	%DMAP-W-MULTDOMAINNAMES, Domain entry with DN '%s' has multiple domain
                               names, used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-MULTIAPPSTAT, Multivalued application status in entry for domain
                            '%.*s', used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-MULTIBASEDN, Multivalued base DN pointer in entry for domain
                           '%.*s', used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-MULTIDOMSTAT, Multivalued domain status in entry for domain
                            '%.*s', used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-MULTIUIDSEP, Multivalued UID separator in entry for domain '%.*s',
                           used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-MULTIVALIAS, Multivalued alias pointer in entry for domain alias
                           '%.*s', used value '%s' ignored '%s'
 	%DMAP-W-NOBASEDNNODE, Base DN pointer '%.*s' in entry for domain '%.*s'
                            doesn't point at anything
 	%DMAP-W-NODOMAINNAME, Domain entry with DN '%s' has a blank domain alias
 	%DMAP-W-NOENTRIES, No domain entries found, aborting

      Additional messages will undoubtedly be added to this list over time.

(190) The ability to generate :addresses arguments to sieve vacation via an
 	LDAP autoeply attribute has been added to Messaging Server. The new MTA option
 	LDAP_AUTOREPLY_ADDRESSES provides the name of the attribute to use.
 	This option has no value by default. The attribute can be multivalued,
 	with each value specifying a separate address to pass to the
 	:addresses vacation parameter.

 	(191) The new LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_CATCHALL_MAPPING can now be used to specify
 	the name of a LDAP domain attribute. This option is not set by default.
 	If set the option specifies the name of a mapping which is consulted
 	when an address associated with the domain fails to match any user
 	entries. The format of the mapping probe is the same as that of the
 	forward mapping, and the USE_FORWARD_DATABASE MTA option controls the
 	format of the probe of this mapping in the same way as the forward
 	mapping. If the mapping sets the $Y metacharacter the resulting string
 	will replace the address being processed.

 	(192) The MTA now fetches the block limit associated with the envelope return
 	address and will set RET=HDRS if no return policy is specified and the
 	message size exceeds the block limit. This prevents nondelivery
 	reports for large messages from being undeliverable themselves. No new
 	options or settings are associated with this change.

(193) The $E metacharacter in a mapping template means "exit after processing
 	the current template". There are cases where it is desireable to exit
 	immediately without interpreting the rest of the template. The $+1E
 	metacharacter sequence now produces this behavior.

 	(194) Use of POP-before-SMTP via the MMP is now indicated in mail.log E records
 	by the addition of a "P" to the action code.

     (195) Use of POP-before-SMTP can now be checked in the various *_ACCESS mappings
 	(except PORT_ACCESS, which occurs before the necessary information has been
 	communicated to the server), the FORWARD mapping, and any domain catchall
 	mapping. The $P metacharacter flag is set if POP-before-SMTP is used.

 	(196) The restriction that the same attribute cannot be assigned to multiple
 	"slots" and hence can have multiple semantics during alias expansion
 	and address reversal.

 	(197) The internal separator character used to delimit multiple subject line
 	tag additions has been changed from space to vertical bar. This makes it
 	possible to add a tag containing spaces, as some spam filters want to do.
 	This change effectively prevents vertical bars from being used in tags,
 	but such usage is almost certainly nonexistant.

 	(198) The MIME specification prohibits the use of a content-transfer-encoding
 	other than 7bit, 8bit, and binary on multipart or message/rfc822 parts.
 	It has long been the case that some agents violate the specification
 	and encode multiparts and message/rfc822 objects. Accordingly, the Messaging Server
 	MTA has code to accept such encodings and remove them. However, recently
 	a different standards violation has shown up, one where a CTE field is
 	present with a value of quoted-printable or base63 but the part isn't

 	actually encoded! If the MTA tries to decode such a message the result
 	is typically a blank messages, which is pretty much what you'd expect.

 	Messages with this problem have become sufficiently prevalent that
 	two new pairs of channel keywords have been added to deal with the
 	problem - interpretation of content-transfer-encoding fields on
 	multiparts and message/rfc822 parts can be enabled or disabled.
 	The first pair is interpretmultipartencoding and
 	ignoremultipartencoding and the second is interpretmessageencoding and
 	ignoremessageencoding. The defaults are interpretmultipartencoding
 	and interpretmessageencoding.

 	(199) Several additional error messages the SMTP server either returns
 	or places in DSNs have been made configurable. The new options and
 	their default values are:

  ERROR_TEXT_MAILFROMDNSVERIFY		invalid/host-not-in-DNS return address not allowed
  ERROR_TEXT_INVALID_RETURN_ADDRESS	invalid/unroutable return address not allowed"  
  ERROR_TEXT_UNKNOWN_RETURN_ADDRESS	invalid/no-such-user return address
  ERROR_TEXT_ACCEPTED_RETURN_ADDRESS	return address invalid/unroutable but accepted anyway
  ERROR_TEXT_SOURCE_SIEVE_ACCESS	source channel sieve filter access error
  ERROR_TEXT_SOURCE_SIEVE_SYNTAX	source channel sieve filter syntax error:
  ERROR_TEXT_SOURCE_SIEVE_AUTHORIZATION source channel sieve filter authorization error
  ERROR_TEXT_TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED number of transactions exceeds allowed maximum"
  ERROR_TEXT_INSUFFICIENT_QUEUE_SPACE	insufficient free queue space available
  ERROR_TEXT_TEMPORARY_WRITE_ERROR	error writing message temporary file
  ERROR_TEXT_SMTP_LINES_TOO_LONG	lines longer than SMTP allows encountered; message rejected
  ERROR_TEXT_UNNEGOTIATED_EIGHTBIT	message contains unnegotiated 8bit

     (200) We're seeing cases of overly agressive SMTP servers which will issue a
 	"5xy bad recipient" response to the first RCPT TO and then disconnect
 	immediately. (This is of course a flagrant standards violation.) The
 	problem is Messaging Server treats this as a temporary error (which of course it
 	is) and tries later, only to get the same result. A better thing to
 	do which works around this server bug is to handle the one recipient
 	as bad and requeue any remaining recipients for a later retry.

 	(201) Two new actions are availabile to system sieves: addconversiontag and
 	setconversiontag. Both accept a single argument: A string or list of
 	conversion tags. Addconversiontag adds the conversion tag(s) to the
 	current list of tags while setconversiontag empties the existing list
 	before adding the new ones. Note that these actions are performed very
 	late in the game so setconversiontag can be used to undo all other
 	conversion tag setting mechanisms.

 	(202) A new MTA option, INCLUDE_CONVERSIONTAG, has been added to selectively
 	enable the inclusion of conversion tag information in various mapping
 	probes. This is a bit-encoded value. The bits are assigned as follows:

 	pos   value    mapping
 	0	1    CHARSET_CONVERSIOn - added as ;TAG= field before ;CONVERT
 	1	2    CONVERSION - added as ;TAG= field before ;CONVERT
 	2	4    FORWARD - added just before current address (| delim)
 	3	8    ORIG_SEND_ACCESS - added at end of probe (| delim)
 	4	16    SEND_ACCESS - added at end of probe (| delim)
 	5	32    ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS - added at end of probe (| delim)
 	6	64    MAIL_ACCESS - added at end of probe (| delim)

 	In all cases the current set of tags appears in the probe as a comma
 	separated list.

(203) The sieve envelope test now accepts "conversiontag" as an envelope
  	field specifier value. The test checks the current list of tags,
 	one at a time. Note that the :count modifier, if specified, allows
 	checking of the number of active conversion tags.

      This type of envelope test is restricted to system sieves. Also
 	note that this test only "sees" the set of tags that were present
 	prior to sieve processing - the effects of setconversiontag and
 	addconversiontag actions are not visible.

 	(204) Trailing dots on domains, e.g. "foo@bar.", are illegal in email but
 	have been tolerated in some contexts by Messaging Server for a long time. RFC 1123
 	points out that trailing dots are syntactically illegal in email but
 	notes that some convention needs to exist in user interfaces where
 	short form names can be used. Accordingly, it may be handy in contexts
 	like SMTP submission to be able to accept addresses with trailing dots,
 	remove the dot while attaching special semantics to its presence.

 	Accordingly, Messaging Server has modified in two ways: (1) Trailing dots are now
 	accepted by the low-level address parser, making it possible to use them
 	in context where they could not previously be used, like addresses
 	inside of group constructs. (2) Trailing dots, when specified will
 	cause a rewrite of the address with a trailing dot. If the rewrite
 	with a trailing dot isn't found or otherwise fails rewriting will
 	continue as before without the trailing dot.

 	(205) Metacharacter substitutions can now be specified in mgrpModerator,
 	mgrpAllowedBroadcaster and mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster attributes. In
 	particular, the various address-related metacharacter sequences ($A for
 	the entire address, $U for the mailbox part, $D for the domain part) refer
 	to the current envelope from address and can in some cases be used to
 	limit the results returned by the URL to entries that are likely (or
 	guaranteed) to match. This may make authorization checks much more

 	The new MTA option PROCESS_SUBSTITUTIONS controls whether or not
 	substitutions are performed in various LDAP attributes that specify
 	a URL. This is a bit-encoded value, with the bits defined as follows:

 	Bit	Value
 	0		1		Enables substitutions in mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster if set
 	1		2		Enables substitutions in mgrpAllowedBroadcaster if set
 	2		4		Enables substitutions in mgrpModerator if set
 	3		8		Enables substitutions in mgrpDeliverTo if set
 	4		16	Enables substitutions in memberURL

      The PROCESS_SUBSTITUTIONS MTA option defaults to 0, meaning that all of
 	these substitutions are disabled by default.

 	Note that the information available for substitution varies depending
 	on whether the attribute is used for authorization checks or for actual
 	list expansion. For authorization attributes the whole address ($A),
 	domain ($D), host ($H), and local-part ($L) are all derived from the
 	authenticated sender address. In the case of list expansion attributes
 	all of these substitution values are derived from the envelope recipient
 	address that specified the list. In both cases, however, the subaddress
 	substitution ($S) is derived from the current envelope recipient address.

 	The ability to access subaddress information in list expansion URLs makes
 	it possible to define "metagroups", that is, a single group entry that
 	in effect creates an entire collection of different groups. For example,
 	a group with a mgrpDeliverTo value of:


 	would make it possible to send mail to every member of a given department
 	with an address of the form Note that a
 	mechanism like a forward mapping could be used to alter the syntax if
 	subaddresses are seen as too difficult.

206) New MTA option LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_UPLEVEL. This option specifies the name of
      a domain-level attribute used to store a domain-specific uplevel value
      which overrides the value of the DOMAIN_UPLEVEL MTA option for this
      one domain.
      Note that this attribute is only consulted if the domain is looked up.
      This means that setting bit 0 of this value to 1 for a domain won't
      make subdomains of the domain match unless bit 0 of DOMAIN_UPLEVEL is
      also set. As such, the way to get subdomain matching for some domains
      but not others is to set bit 0 of DOMAIN_UPLEVEL (this enabling subdomain
      matches for all domains) then clear bit 0 of the attribute for the
      domains where you don't want uplevel matching to occur.
      (207) Rewrite rules can now be used to override the default ALIAS_MAGIC setting.
      Specifically, a construct of the form $nT, where n is an appropriate
      value for the ALIAS_MAGIC MTA option, overrides the setting for
      the domain when the rule matches during alias expansion.
      ((208) $U in a PORT_ACCESS mapping template can now be used to selectively
      enable channel level debugging.
      (209) In 6.2 and earlier the PORT_ACCESS mapping was only reevaluated by the
      SMTP server (as opposed to the dispatcher) when bit 4 (value 16) of
      the LOG_CONNECTION MTA option is set, SMTP auth is enabled, or both.
      Additionally, evaluation only occurred when an AUTH, EHLO, or HELO
      command was issued. This has now been changed; PORT_ACCESS is
      now evaluated unconditionally as soon as the SMTP server thread
      starts, before the banner is sent. PORT_ACCESS may be reevaluated
      with different transport information when proxying from the MMP is
      (210) A useful spam-fighting strategy is to delay sending the SMTP banner
      for a brief time (half a second, say), then clear the input buffer,
      and finally send the banner. The reason this works is that many
      spam clients are not standards-compliant and start blasting SMTP
      commands as soon as the connection is open. Spam clients that do this
      when this capability is enabled will lose the first few commands in
      the SMTP dialogue, rendering the remainder of the dialogue invalid.
      This feature has now been implemented in Messaging Server. It can be enabled
      unconditionally by setting the BANNER_PURGE_DELAY SMTP channel
      option to the number of centiseconds to delay before purging and
      sending the banner. A value of 0 disabled both the delay and purge.
      The PORT_ACCESS mapping can also be used to control this capability.
      Specifying $D in the template causes an additional argument to be
      read from the template result, after the mandatory SMTP auth
      rulset and realm and optional application info addition. This value
      must be an integer with the same semantics as the BANNER_PURGE_DELAY
      value. Note that any PORT_ACCESS mapping setting overrides the
      BANNER_PURGE_DELAY SMTP channel option.
      (211) Added channel keywords acceptalladdresses and acceptvalidaddresses.
      Keyword acceptvalidaddresses is the default and corresponds to the
      MTA's standard behavior where any recipient errors are reported
      immediately during the SMTP dialogue.  If the keyword acceptalladdresses
      is specified on a channel, then all recipient addresses are accepted
      during the SMTP dialogue. Any invalid addresses will have a DSN sent

   (212) Support has been added for postprocessing LDAP expansion results with
 	a mapping. The new LDAP_URL_RESULT_MAPPING MTA option can be used to
 	specify the name of a group attribute which in turn specifies the name of

 	a mapping. This mapping will be applied to any results returned by
 	expanding either a mgrpDeliverTo or memberURL attribute. The mapping
 	probe will be of the form:


 	If the mapping returns with $Y set the mapping result string will replace
 	the LDAP result for alias processing purposes. If the mapping returns with
 	$N set the result will be skipped.

 	This mechanism can be used to define groups based on attributes that don't
 	contain proper email address. For example, suppose a company has placed
 	pager numbers in all their user entries. Messages can be sent to these
 	numbers via email by suffixing them with a particular domain. A group
 	could then be defined as follows:

 	(a) Define a new mgrpURLResultMapping attribute in the directory and
 	  set the  LDAP_URL_RESULT_MAPPING MTA option to this attribute's name.

 	(b) Define a page-all group with the following attributes:

            mgrpDeliverto: ldap:///o=usergroup?pagerTelephoneNumber?sub
            mgrpURLResultMapping: PAGER-NUMBER-TO-ADDRESS

 	(c) Define the mapping:


              *|*		"$1"$Y

      Even more interesting effects can be acheived by combining this mechanism
 	with the PROCESS_SUBSTITUTION mechanism described in item 205 above. For
 	example, it would be easy to create a metagroup where sending to an
 	address of the form

 	sends a page to the user named "user".

 	(213) Setting the LOG_QUEUE_TIME MTA option to 1 now causes an additional field
 	to be selectively written to connection log records. This new field
 	appears immediately after any diagnostic information and is labelled
 	as "ct" in the XML-based log format. The value of this field is an
 	integer count of the number of seconds that elapsed when performing the
 	operation. So, for connection open ("O") records, the time shown is
 	the number of seconds needed to open the connection. For connection
 	close ("C") records it indicates the number of seconds the connection
 	was open. For connection failure records ("Y") the value indicates the
 	amount of time that was spent attempting to open the connection.

 	(214) "S" transaction log entries now increment the various submitted message
 	counters associated with the channel.

 	(215) The $( metacharacter in a FROM_ACCESS specifies that an address should
 	be read from the result string and used to replace the current overriding
 	postmaster address. $) has the same effect with the added constraint
 	that the overriding postmaster address must not be set prior to invoking
 	the mapping. This allows for specific postmaster addresses to be used
 	with addresses in nonlocal domains - domain postmaster addresses by
 	definition only work with locally defined domains. The override address
 	is (currently) the last string read from the FROM_ACCESS result prior to
 	reading any $N/$F failure result.

   (216) The capture sieve action now has two optional nonpositional parameter:
 	:dsn and :message. Only one of these can be specified in a single
 	capture action. :dsn is the default, and encapsulates the captured
 	message inside a special type of DSN. :message eliminates the
 	enacapsulation and behaves more like a redirect. But unlike redirect,
 	capture :message is only available to system sieves, always takes
 	effect even when a more specific sieve specifies some other sort of
 	action, and the envelope from address will be overridden with the
 	address of the sieve owner.

 	(217) The MTA now checks to make sure the UID attribute has a single value and
 	reports an alias expansion error if it does not. The UID attribute is
 	required to be single-valued in order to insure the user has a single,
 	unique mailbox.

 	(218) Two additional MTA options have been added to support more efficient
 	domain lookups from user base DNs. They are:


	 String specifying filter used to identify Schema 1 domains when
		 performing baseDN searches. Default is the value of
		 LDAP_DOMAIN_FILTER_SCHEMA1 if that MTA option is specified.
		 If neither option is specified the default is


	String specifying additional filter elements used to identify
	 Schema 2 domains when performing baseDN searches. Default is the
	 value of LDAP_DOMAIN_FILTER_SCHEMA2 if that MTA option is specified.
	 If neither option is specified the default is an empty string.

      (219) A new MTA option MESSAGE_SAVE_COPY_FLAGS has been added to control how the
 	probes are constructed for the MESSAGE-SAVE-COPY mapping. If bit 0 (value
 	1) is  set it adds the transport and application information to the
 	beginning of the probe, if bit 1 (value 2) is set the original source
 	channel is added, if bit 2 (value 4) is set the most recent conversion
 	tag string is added. If all three bits are set the overall probe format is:


 	(220) The LDAP_OPTIN1 through LDAP_OPTIN8 MTA options specify attributes
 	for per-user optins to spam filtering based on destination addresses.
 	There are now 8 new MTA options, LDAP_SOURCE_OPTIN1 through
 	LDAP_SOURCE_OPTIN8, that provide comparable originator-address-based
 	per-user spam filter optins.

 	(221) Some additional switches have been added to imsimta test -rewrite:

   -saslused	 - Set internal flag indicating SASL authentication was used
 	-tlsused - Set internal flag indication TLS is in use
 	-esmtpused - Set internal flag indicating ESMTP is in use
 	-lmtpused - Set internal flag indicating LMTP is in use
 	-proxyused - Set internal flag indicating proxy authentication was used

 	Only -saslused and -tlsused are available in 6.2; the other depend on
 	other changes made in 6.3 and hence cannot be implemented in earlier
 	versions. -lmtpused and -esmtpused cannot be set at the same time.
 	-proxyused requires that -esmtpused or -lmtpused also be set.

(222) New LMTP channel option MAILBOX_BUSY_FAST_RETRY. If set to 1 (the default)
 	a 4.2.1 Mailbox busy error in response to LMTP message data is handled
 	by retrying the message after a random but short interval; normal
 	message backoff values do not apply. Setting the option to 0 disables
 	this behavior.

Messaging Server 中已过时和已删除的功能


Messenger Express 和 Calendar Express

以后,Messenger Express 和 Calendar Express 用户界面中将不再添加任何新功能。与新的 Communications Express 用户界面相比,它们已经过时了。在下一主要发行版中,Messenger Express 和 Calendar Express 都将从产品中删除。

注 –

已过时的内容还包括 Messenger Express 邮件过滤器用户界面 (msg-svr-base /SUNWmsgmf/MailFilter.war )。

以下错误将影响过时的 Messenger Express 产品:





在 Internet Explorer 6 中使用代理服务器设置时,Messenger Express 可能会出现问题。

解决方法:启用或禁用 Internet Explorer 编码菜单中的“自动检测”选项。使用直接连接或切换到其他代理服务器。



在 Messaging Server 6.0 Patch 1 发行版中,从“邮件过滤器”用户界面的“高级邮件过滤器条件”窗口中删除了为过滤器指定时间帧的功能。删除该功能的原因是基础系统不支持该功能。


在现有组中创建组时,可能会遇到以下错误: pab::PAB_ModifyAttribute:ldap 错误(无此对象)。


本地化的 Messenger Express 未合并一些由 Outlook Express 创建的文件夹。

有时需要用 Outlook Express 创建的“已发送邮件”文件夹替代 Messenger Express 中默认的“已发送”文件夹,这样两个客户端发送的所有邮件都将被复制到“已发送邮件”文件夹中。这不适用于日语本地化。


  1. 编辑日语的 i18n.js,使其与 Outlook Express 的 "Sent Items" 的翻译相匹配。

    				  i18n[’sent folder IE’] = ’soushinzumiaitemu’ 
    				  fldr[’Sent Items’] = ’soushinzumiaitemu’
  2. 最终用户必须首先使用 Outlook Express 登录 Messaging Server。


使用 Directory Server 5.1 或更高版本时,无法在“个人通讯录”中为单个联系人输入多个电子邮件 ID。

目录服务器的运行是正常的。由于 Netscape Directory Server 4.x 中存在的一个问题,您可以输入多个电子邮件 ID。

Administration Console

Messaging Server 产品中已删除 Sun Java System Administration Console。

应该通过 Messaging Server 命令行界面或配置文件执行管理功能。文档中有关使用控制台的参考资料尚未更正。


当客户端通过 IMAP、POP 或 SMTP 连接到 Messaging Server 时,必须使用 SASL (RFC 2222) 验证机制或简单密码向服务器证明其身份。当 LDAP 目录被配置为以明文格式存储用户密码时,所有用户密码都会迁移为此格式,并在 Messaging Server 上设置 sasl.default.ldap.has_ plain_passwords 选项,然后启用其他三种验证机制:APOP、CRAM-MD5 和 DIGEST-MD5。所有这三种机制都通过线路传输密码的单向编码,而非密码自身。DIGEST-MD5 机制因部署和复杂性有限而不再使用,只保留 APOP 和 CRAM-MD5 机制。

LMTP 本地通道

LMTP 本地通道已过时,并要在将来的发行版中删除。

Messenger Express Multiplexor

Messenger Express Multiplexor 已被删除,建议使用 Webmail Server。请参见 Webmail 服务器支持 IMAP

imsimta refresh

此命令已过时。请根据需要使用《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference》中的“imsimta cnbuild”《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference》中的“imsimta restart”

imsimta stop 和 imsimta start

新的 start-msgstop-msg 命令已取代了 imsimta startimsimta stop(这两个命令已过时,并要在将来的发行版中删除)。

有关详细信息,请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference》中的“start-msg”《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference》中的“stop-msg”

MMP Section 选项

ServiceList MMP 配置参数中 INSTANCENAME 选项的可选 SECTION 选项已过时,并要在将来的发行版中删除。

直接编辑 MTA 数据库

对数据库文件的 MTA 访问和用于处理 MTA 数据库文件的 imsimta 工具已过时。

Netscape 浏览器支持

以后将取消对 Netscape 浏览器的支持。

Red Hat Linux 3 支持

此发行版中对 Red Hat Linux 3 平台的支持已过时,并将在以后的发行版中删除。Red Hat Linux 4 上将继续支持 Communications Suite 5。

事件通知服务 (ENS)

在此发行版中,有两种用于发送事件通知和警报的通知服务:Sun Java System Message Queue (JMQ) 和事件通知服务 (Event Notification Service, ENS)。在将来的发行版中,Communications Suite 产品只使用 JMQ,而不再使用 ENS。但在此发行版中,Messaging Server、Calendar Server 和 Instant Messaging 对 ENS 仍具有内部依赖性;因此,您可以继续使用 ENS。

对于此发行版,Messaging Server IMAP IDLE 功能需要使用 ENS。Messaging Server 对 ENS 没有其他依赖性。如果不使用 IMAP IDLE,则可以只使用 JMQ 来发送事件通知。

如果要使用 IMAP IDLE,则必须配置 ENS 通知插件。您还可以通过配置 JMQ 通知插件将 JMQ 用于邮件通知。(Messaging Server 允许您配置多个通知插件。)

已过时的 configutil 参数

表 3–2 中列出的 configutil 参数已过时,并已从 Messaging Server 产品中删除。

注 –

如果将 Messaging Server 从早期发行版升级到 Messaging Server 6.3 ,则表 3–2 中列出的参数将在升级后从配置中删除。在升级之前,Sun 建议您将 configutil 输出保存为文件。

表 3–2 已删除的 configutil 参数




在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。无替代参数。 


改用 local.ssldbpathlocal.ssldbprefix


改用 local.ssldbpathlocal.ssldbprefix


不再与已过时的 SSL v2 支持相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 SSL v2 支持相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 SSL v2 支持相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。SSL v3 现在始终处于启用状态。 


在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。无替代参数。 


在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。改用 service.*.sessiontimeout


在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。如果证书数据库中存在有效的 certmap.conf 和有效的客户端证书 CA,则 SSL 现在始终要求提供客户端证书。


在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。改用 service.*.sessiontimeout


在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。无替代参数。 


在 Messaging Server 6.0 中已删除。改用 encryption.rsa.nssslpersonalityssllocal.*.sslnicknames。令牌名称可以作为 SSL 昵称的前缀提供:例如,token-name:nick-name




不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。改用 alarm.serverresponse.msgalarmstatinterval


从未使用。只要定义了 local.webmail.sso.amnamingurl 和相关参数,就会启用 SSO。


改用 local.enduseradmincred


改用 local.enduseradmindn


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。




不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。




不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。


不再与已过时的 dirsync 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.0 开始)。




不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。

在 Messaging Server 6.2 中已删除。无替代参数。 




MEM 已过时,因为 Webmail 通过 IMAP 与存储库进行通信(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


改用 local.snmp.servertimeout

改用 local.schedule.expire





















改用 sasl.default.ldap.has_plain_passwords


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


改用 local.webmail.cert.enable


改用 local.webmail.cert.port


使用 local.service.http.ims5compat(如有必要)。


Calendar Server 参数。在 Messaging Server 中未使用。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


不再与已过时的 Administration Server 相关(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。 


改用 sasl.default.auto_transition


改用 LDAP 属性 mailAllowedServiceAccess


改用 LDAP 属性 mailAllowedServiceAccess


在 Messaging Server 5.2p2 中已删除。改用 service.experimentalldapmemcache


在 Messaging Server 5.0 中已删除。无替代参数。 


在 SIMS 4.0 中已删除。无替代参数。 


在 Administration Server 作废时已删除(自 Messaging Server 6.3 开始)。使用 msgcert 管理证书数据库。


改用 local.ssldbpathlocal.ssldbprefix


改用 local.ssldbpathlocal.ssldbprefix


改用 local.ssldbpathlocal.ssldbprefix


改用 msgcert request-cert




改用 local.schedule.expire

Messaging Server 的要求

本部分介绍此 Messaging Server 发行版对平台、客户端产品和其他软件的要求,如下所述:

注 –

有关从早期版本的 Messaging Server 升级到 Messaging Server 6.3 的信息,请参见Messaging Server 安装说明

Messaging Server 的重要修补程序信息

有关 Sun Java System Messaging Server 所需的修补程序的最新列表,请转至,然后选择 "Patches" 或 "Patch Portal"。随着操作系统修补程序要求的更改和 Java Enterprise System 组件修补程序的出现,SunSolve 上会为您提供相应的更新,这些更新最初以推荐修补程序簇的形式显示。

对于常用的 Sun Java Communications Suite 5 发行版,以下 Messaging Server 6.3 升级修补程序是可用的:













Messaging Server 操作系统要求


注 –

HP-UX 或 Windows 平台不再支持 Messaging Server。

有关 Solaris 和 Linux 要求(包括所需的升级修补程序和内核版本)的详细信息,请参见《Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide》

有关 Messaging Server 软件包的列表,请参见《Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide》中的附录 E “Product Components for This Release”

注 –


注 –

决定邮件传送服务器性能的因素有很多,包括 CPU 性能、可用内存、磁盘空间、文件系统性能、用法模式、网络带宽等。例如,吞吐量与文件系统性能直接相关。如果有关于重新调整和性能的疑问,请与 Sun Java System 代表联系。

Messaging Server 客户端软件要求

访问 Messaging Server 的 Communications Express 需要使用启用了 JavaScript 的浏览器。

请遵循Communications Express 浏览器要求中的浏览器建议,以获取最佳性能。

Messaging Server 的产品版本兼容性要求

Messaging Server 与以下部分所列的产品版本兼容:

表 3–3 Messaging Server 的产品版本兼容性要求



Sun Java System Directory Server 


Sun Java System Message Queue 


Sun Java System Access Manager(原名 Identity Server) 

Legacy (6.x): 支持 Access Manager 6 功能,包括 Access Manager 6 Console 和目录信息树 (Directory Information Tree, DIT)。如果要与 Portal Server、Messaging Server、Calendar Server、Delegated Administrator 或 Instant Messaging 一起安装 Access Manager,则必须选择 Access Manager 兼容模式 (6.x) 安装类型。

Realm (7.x): 支持 Access Manager 7 功能,包括新的 Access Manager 7 Console。请仅在不是安装 Portal Server、Messaging Server、Calendar Server、Delegated Administrator 或 Instant Messaging 时使用增强模式 (7.x) 安装类型。

Sun Java System Web Server 


Sun Java System Application Server 


Messaging Server 的 NSS 版本要求

Messaging Server 6.3 要求使用共享安全组件 NSS 3.9.3 版。

有关产品版本相关性的详细信息,请参见《Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX》《Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX》

Messaging Server 的其他软件要求

部署 Messaging Server 产品时,要求在本地网络中具有高质量的缓存 DNS 服务器。Messaging Server 在很大程度上要依靠 DNS 服务器的响应率和可伸缩性。

另外,确保在设置中正确配置了 DNS,并清楚地指定了路由至非本地子网中的主机的方法:

如果 /etc/hosts 文件中的 Internet 主机表与以下内容类似: budgie loghost mailhost


请更改该表以使主机的 IP 地址位于一行。请确保第一个主机名为全限定域名。例如: budgie loghost mailhost



在 Solaris 9 或 Solaris 10 环境中,Messaging Server 可以运行在以下 Sun Cluster 和 Veritas Cluster Server 版本上:



Sun Cluster (SC) 


x86:3.1 Update 4 


Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) 






Messaging Server 安装说明

以下安装说明适用于 Messaging Server 6.3 发行版:

Messaging Server 安装概述

可以使用 Communications Services 安装程序来安装 Messaging Server。

有关安装说明,请参见《Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide》

接着,必须通过执行以下步骤来配置 Messaging Server:

有关配置说明,请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》

此发行版中的 更改

在最新版本的此程序用于准备目录服务器以供 Messaging Server 使用)中实现了以下更改:

  1. 无提示安装:密码更改

    -w dirmanager_passwd 已过时,建议使用 -j passwd_file

  2. 请参见Messaging Server 兼容性问题

    以了解对 的其他更改信息。

Messaging Server 升级说明

如果要从早期发行版升级到 Messaging Server 6.3 ,请按照《Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Upgrade Guide》中的升级说明执行操作。

检查 /etc/hosts 文件中的条目

首次安装 Messaging Server 或从早期版本的 Messaging Server 进行升级时,请确保 Solaris 系统上的 /etc/hosts 文件中包含以下条目:

<ip-of system> <FQHN> <hostname>

例如, budgie

注 –

在 Solaris 10 平台上,必须将全限定域名 (Fully Qualified Domain Name, FQDN) 同时添加到 /etc/hosts 文件和 /etc/inet/ipnodes 文件中。否则,您将收到一条错误消息,指出您的主机名不是全限定域名。

升级后增加文件的 ulimit

升级 Messaging Server 后,必须按以下步骤设置 ulimit,以增加文件描述符的数量:

ulimit -n number_of_file_descriptors


ulimit -n 100000

有关升级过程的详细信息,请参见《Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Upgrade Guide》

将 Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 前端用于 Messaging Server 6.3 后端

如果您选择将 Messaging Server 6.3 后端用于 Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 前端,则需要按以下步骤配置前端,以便在没有 Administration Server 的情况下运行:

  1. 使用 Communications Suite 5 安装程序安装和配置 Messaging Server 6.3 后端。

  2. 运行 Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 安装程序来安装 Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 前端,并在出现提示时选择 Configure Later 选项。

  3. 在文本编辑器中打开 msg-svr-base/lib/config-templates/

  4. 更改以下命令行:

    ADMINSERVER_SERVERROOT_CONF = /etc/mps/admin/v.5.2/shared/config/serverroot.conf



Messaging Server 兼容性问题

要在运行 Messaging Server 6.3 时使用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 清除用户,请参见使用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 和 Messaging Server 6.3 清除用户

下表介绍了 Messaging Server 的兼容性问题:




用于为 Messaging Server(Calendar Server 和 Delegated Administrator)准备目录服务器的程序 已被修改,可同时用于 Directory Server 6.0 和 Directory Server 5.x:交互模式:服务器根目录和目录服务器实例

目录服务器实例驻留在服务器根目录或明确的目录服务器实例目录中。早期版本的目录服务器使用服务器根目录(其中包含多个实例和配置信息)概念。Directory Server 6 不再使用服务器根目录。实例可能位于任何位置。对于此问题,用户需要:1) 指定实例目录。或者,如果用户使用早期版本的目录服务器,则可以:2) 指定包含实例的服务器根目录。系统将向您提示其他问题,以便从服务器根目录中选择实例。或者, 3) 以前使用 Directory Server 5x 而现在使用 Directory Server 6 的用户可以将所有目录服务器实例手动放在父目录(以前称为服务器根目录)之下。 

注 –

服务器根目录这一术语已从 Directory Server 6 中删除。


用于为 Messaging Server(Calendar Server 和 Delegated Administrator)准备目录服务器的程序 已被修改,可同时用于 Directory Server 6.0 和 Directory Server 5.x:无提示安装:服务器根目录

在早期版本的无提示安装中,您可能需要同时指定服务器根目录和实例目录。如果您使用 Directory Server 5.x,则仍需执行此操作。由于 Directory Server 6.0 中没有服务器根目录,您需要指定目录服务器实例的父目录。 


目录准备工具 ( 的位置已更改。 现在位于其自身的软件包中,该软件包安装在 /opt/SUNcomds (Solaris) 或 /opt/sun/comms/dssetup (Linux) 中。



在 Messaging Server 5.x 中,管理员可以使用 IMAP list 命令显示邮件存储库中的所有文件夹。对于典型的邮件存储库,使用该命令将导致服务器显示一个非常长的列表。

在 Messaging Server 6.x 中,当管理员运行 IMAP list 命令时,仅显示显式共享的文件夹。

要列出邮件存储库中的所有文件夹,请使用 mboxutil 实用程序。

有关 mboxutil 实用程序的详细信息,请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》

已更改 Delegated Administrator 的配置程序。 

安装 Delegated Administrator 并运行配置程序。当前程序位于: 

/opt/SUNWcomm/sbin/ config-commda (Solaris)

/opt/sun/comms/config-commda (Linux)

安装此版本的 Messaging Server 时,请升级到新的 Delegated Administrator。 

应同时升级 Messaging Server 和已改为使用 IMAP 协议的 Webmail (6397425, 6397451, 2137362) 

升级前端服务器之前必须先升级后端服务器。使用 IMAP 协议的 Webmail 和后端邮件存储库必须是同一产品版本。有关详细信息,请参见 Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Upgrade Guide


此 Communications Express 发行版与早期版本的 Messaging Server 不兼容。 

如果要升级 Communications Express,必须同时升级 Messaging Server。 

这也适用于 Calendar Server。 

有关 Communications Express 的详细信息,请参见第 6 章,Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 发行说明

有关在 Messenger Express 和 Communications Express 的各种浏览器上是否可以使用 RTF/HTML 编辑功能需要进行的澄清。 


  • 在 Messenger Express 中,可以在 Internet Explorer 浏览器中进行 RTF/HTML 编辑,但却不能在 Mozilla 或 Netscape 浏览器中进行 RTF/HTML 编辑。

  • 在 Communications Express 的 JES 2004Q2 版本中,可以在 Internet Explorer 浏览器中进行 RTF/HTML 编辑,但却不能在 Mozilla 或 Netscape 浏览器中进行 RTF/HTML 编辑。

  • 在 Communications Express 的 JES 2005Q1 版本中,可以进行 RTF/HTML 编辑的浏览器包括 Internet Explorer 5.5(或更高版本)、Mozilla 1.3(或更高版本)以及 Netscape 7.2(或更高版本)。


单击 Portal Server 中的 Communications Express 时会显示“session.timeout 请重新登录”弹出式错误消息。(6417988)

忽略该弹出式错误消息,关闭窗口,然后继续使用 Communications Express。 


如果将 Messaging Server 用于 Access Manager 单一登录,则它不支持 Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Access Manager Server。但支持 Access Manager 6.3 和更高版本。 

不支持 Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Access Manager Server 的 Messaging Server 特定版本包括: 

  • Messaging Server 6.2-6.01 和更高版本

  • Messaging Server 6.3

在升级 Messaging Server 之前先升级 Access Manager (JES 2004Q2)。 

Access Manager 现在具有两种安装类型:Realm(版本 7.x 样式)和 Legacy(版本 6.x 样式)。 

如果与 Messaging Server、Calendar Server、Instant Messaging、Delegated Administrator 或 Portal Server 一起安装 Access Manager,则必须选择 Legacy 模式(版本 6.x 样式)。请参见 《Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes》

如果没有正确安装 Access Manager,则将无法运行 Delegated Administrator。 

使用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 和 Messaging Server 6.3 清除用户

如果您要使用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 并升级到 Messaging Server 6.3,则无法像在 Messaging Server 早期版本中那样使用 imadmin user purge 命令从目录中删除用户(6486836)。请通过执行以下步骤来清除用户。

发生此兼容性问题的原因是 Messaging Server 6.3 中已删除了 Administration Console 和 Administration Server。使用早期版本的 Messaging Server,您可以继续像以前一样使用 imadmin user purge

注 –

iPlanet Delegated Administrator(最初用于 Messaging Server 5.x)是已过时的实用程序。它与 Communications Suite Delegated Administrator(随 Messaging Server 6.x 引入)是不同的工具。Communications Suite Delegated Administrator 支持 Schema 2,而 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 支持 Schema 1。(某些已将 Messaging Server 升级到 6.x 但仍位于 Schema 1 中的管理员还继续使用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 来置备用户。)

Procedure使用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 清除 Messaging Server 6.3 用户

  1. 应用 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 修补程序 1.2p3。


    转至 Delegated Administrator 1.2 Patch 3 for Messaging。此修补程序允许 imadmin user purge 命令使用与 Messaging Server 6.3 兼容的方式运行。执行此过程中的其余步骤可启用该新功能。

  2. 修改 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 文件中的 MsgSvrN-adminurl 属性。

    MsgSvrN-adminurl 属性用于设置 Administration Server 的 url。如果将此属性设置为实际的 url,则 imadmin user purge 命令将尝试查找 Administration Server,但不会得到响应。imadmin user purge 命令将返回一个错误。

    必须将 MsgSvrN-adminurl 设置为以下值:NO_ADMIN_SERVER

    默认情况下, 文件位于以下路径中:

    iDA_Install_Directory /nda/classes/netscape/nda/servlet/

    注 –

    多个邮件存储库已升级到 Messaging Server 6.3:

    MsgSvrN-adminurl 中的值 N 是必须使用特定值(如 0)替换的变量,该变量可标识已升级到 Messaging Server 6.3 的邮件存储库系统。如果您已在 Messaging Server 6.3 中部署了多个后端邮件存储库,则必须对 MsgSvrN-adminurl 属性的每个实例更改此值。

    例如,如果您有三个后端邮件存储库,则对于所有这三个存储库,您都必须在 文件中更改此属性。例如,您可能需要更改 MsgSvr0-adminurlMsgSvr1-adminurlMsgSvr2-adminurl 属性。

    多个邮件存储库使用不同版本的 Messaging Server:

    假定您已部署多个邮件存储库,并且只将某些存储库升级到 Messaging Server 6.3,而另一些存储库仍留在早期版本的 Messaging Server 中。在这种情况下,只需对已升级到 Messaging Server 6.3 的存储库更改 MsgSvrN-adminurl 属性。

    当您对已将 MsgSvrN-adminurl 属性更改为 NO_ADMIN_SERVER 的存储库运行 imadmin user purge 命令时,该命令将以下面步骤 5 中所述的新方式运行。

    当您对 MsgSvrN-adminurl 属性保持不变(仍指向 Administration Server url)的存储库运行 imadmin user purge 命令时,该命令将按照以前的方式运行。

  3. 重新启动已部署了 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 的 Web Server。

    必须重新启动正在运行 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 的 Web Server,才能使 文件中的更改生效。

  4. 使用 imadmin user delete 命令将用户标记为已删除。

    imadmin user delete 可将 inetUserStatus 属性设置为“已删除”。要删除多个用户,请使用 -i 选项。例如:

    imadmin user delete -D chris -L user1 -n -w bolton

  5. 使用 msuserpurge 命令删除用户的邮箱。

    msuserpurge 将查找 inetUserStatusmailUserStatus 设置为已删除的所有用户条目,然后从邮件存储库中清除这些用户邮箱,并将 mailUserStatus 设置为已删除。例如:

    msuserpurge -d domain

    必须在执行下一个步骤(从目录中删除用户条目)之前运行 msuserpurge,否则用户邮箱将处于孤立状态。

    可以使用 configutil 参数 local.schedule.userpurge 来安排 msuserpurge 命令的运行时间。例如:

    configutil -o local.schedule.userpurge 
    -v "30 2 * * 0 /opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib/msuserpurge -g 20"

    在前面的示例中,msuserpurge 将在星期日的凌晨 2:30 运行。它将删除标记为删除并且时间超过 20 天的所有用户的邮箱。

  6. 使用 imadmin user purge 命令从目录中删除用户条目。


    1. 搜索目录以查找标记为已删除的用户。

    2. 从目录中删除每个用户的个人通讯录。

    3. 从邮件存储库中删除每个用户的邮箱。

    4. 如果用户的 inetUserStatus 属性设置为已删除,该用户条目将被删除。如果用户的 mailUserStatus 设置为已删除,将从条目中删除邮件属性。

    现在,由于您修改了MsgSvr0-adminurl 属性,因此不会调用 Administration Server。将显示一条消息,通知您 Administration Server 未被调用。未执行上述步骤 c。在步骤 3 中邮箱已被 msuserpurge 删除。

    在 Messaging Server 6.3 中,如果用户的 mailuserstatus 设置为已删除(由 msuserpurge 设置),并且用户条目中不存在其他服务,则 imadmin user purge 命令将从目录中删除该用户条目。


Messaging Server 6.3 的文档更新

Messaging Server 6.3 文档集包含以下文档:

Messaging Server 文档

可以通过以下 URL 查看所有的 Messaging Server 6.3 文档。

Messaging Server 6.3 提供以下新文档和更新文档:

Communications Services 文档

可以通过以下任一 URL 来查看适用于所有 Communications Services 产品的文档:



此 Messaging Server 发行版中修复的问题

要获取此发行版中已修复问题的完整列表,请参见 Messaging Server 核心软件修补程序随附的 README 文件。

Messaging Server 中的已知问题和限制

本部分包含 Messaging Server 6.3 中已知问题的列表。涵盖以下产品区域:

Messaging Server 安装、升级和卸载

本部分介绍有关安装、升级和卸载 Messaging Server 的已知问题。


在对称 HA 环境中,该版本的 Messaging Server 不支持可以使停机时间降至最短的分阶段滚动升级。

使用 Messaging Server 5.2,您可以在同一台计算机上多次安装 Messaging Server,然后分别针对不同的安装应用修补程序。启用该功能就可以支持能使停机时间降至最短的分阶段滚动升级。


必须使用 Communications Services 安装程序为 Messaging Server 安装群集代理。

要在 Sun Cluster 环境下安装 Messaging Server,请参见《Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide》中的“Sun Cluster Software Example”


“选择要配置的组件”屏幕显示 0 个字节。

配置 Messaging Server(在安装后立即进行)时,“选择要配置的组件”屏幕显示以下组件:邮件传输代理、邮件存储库、Messenger Express、Delegated Administrator LDAP 条目和 Messaging Multiplexor。

但是该屏幕上的所有选定组件都显示 0 个字节。

6547399, 6559466

安装 SUNWma 时创建了 /opt/etc 目录


Messaging Server 问题

本部分介绍 Messaging Server 产品中的已知问题。


在 Directory Server 5.x 版中,ACI 对 LDAP 搜索性能有微弱影响。

此问题对 Messaging Server 执行的许多搜索都有影响。


msg-svr-base/sbin/configutil -o local.ugldapbinddn -v "rootdn"

msg-svr-base/sbin/configutil -o local.ugldapbindcred -v "rootdn_passwd"

其中,rootdnrootdn_passwd 是目录服务器管理员的证书。


要让使用 configutil 所做的更改生效,通常需要重新启动受到影响的服务器。



如果将 Microsoft Outlook Express 用作 IMAP 邮件客户端,则可能无法正确显示已读和未读标志。

这是 Microsoft Outlook Express 客户端存在的已知问题。


configutil -o local.imap.immediateflagupdate -v yes



如果在 /etc/hosts 文件中使用了短格式的域,则访问控制过滤器将不起作用。

如果 /etc/hosts 文件中包含短格式域名,则在访问控制过滤器中使用主机名时将出现问题。IP 地址查找返回了短格式域名时,匹配将失败。因此,应确保在 /etc/hosts 文件中使用全限定域名。



MoveUser 实用程序对于包含的子文件夹数大于 1024 的邮箱不起作用。

据报告称,如果用户的邮箱包含 1024 个以上子文件夹,则 MoveUser 实用程序在尝试删除该用户帐户时将停止。



Messenger Express Multiplexor (MEM) 没有相应的配置选项来使用操作系统解析器或 NSCD。

解决方法:将系统配置为高速缓存专用 DNS 服务器,以获得高速缓存 MXA 记录的好处。


GB18030(中国国家标准)字符集现在可由 MTA 识别

注 –

实现此支持导致已编译的字符集数据发生更改。可能需要在升级后运行 imsimta chbuild


默认情况下启用了 XSTA 和 XADR 命令。

安装后,默认情况下已启用 SMTP 扩展命令 XSTAXADR,远程和本地用户可利用该命令检索敏感信息。

解决方法:<msg-svr-base>/config/tcp_local_option 文件(如有必要请创建此文件)中添加以下行,以禁用 XSTAXADR 命令:


imsimta start 未启动分发程序和作业控制器。

只有在 watcher 进程运行时,imsimta startimsimta restartimsimta refresh 命令才起作用。

注 –

新的 start-msgstop-msg 命令已取代了 imsimta startimsimta stop(这两个命令已过时,并要在将来的发行版中删除)。

有关 start-msgstop-msg 命令的详细信息,请参阅 Messaging Server 管理指南。



客户端证书验证需要正确的 certmap.conf 文件内容。

certmap.conf 配置文件指定将证书映射到 LDAP 目录中的条目的方法。默认情况下,证书主题(带有两行注释)包含 LDAP 目录条目的准确 DN。



certmap default default
#default:FilterComps e, uid


certmap default default
default:FilterComps e

使用代理服务器时,无法通过 Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 登录 Messaging Server。

在客户端 PC 上的 Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 中使用 HTTP 代理时,可能会遇到登录 Messaging Server 困难。该问题可能是由于非标准的兼容代理服务器造成的,无法在 Messaging Server 中修复。


使用非标准组织 DN 时,配置程序失败。

configure 程序不能在组织 DN 和用户/组后缀之间构建中间 RDN。Schema 1 和 Schema 2 中都存在该问题。

解决方法:在运行 configure 程序之前(或至少在创建组织 DN 之上的 DN 之前)创建组织 DN。


未配置 SSL 时,imta 日志文件中出现 NSS 错误。

这些错误是无碍的,是由于系统在 SSL 配置中找不到 SSL 证书引起的。

解决方法:您可以通过以下步骤在 MTA 和邮件存储库中禁用 SSL:

  1. 编辑 imta.cnf 文件并从 tcp_localtcp_intranet 通道中删除通道关键字 maytlsserver

  2. 通过将 service.imap.sslusesslservice.pop.sslusessl 均设置为 "no" 来更改以下 configutil 配置参数。

  3. 使用 imsimta cnbuild 命令重新编译 MTA 配置。

  4. 重新启动服务 (stop-msg/start-msg)。这将不再支持 SSL。如果创建证书后需要在 SSL 模式下配置服务器,请确保将以前所做的更改复原。

6299309, 6290934

在 Solaris 10 上启用 SNMP 后,Messaging Server 无法启动。

解决方法:snmpwalk 定向至 snmpdx,而非 snmpd,并直接转至端口 16161 而非端口 161。


store.idx 2 GB 限制的操作方式应与配额相同。

对于 store.idx 文件,邮件存储严格限制为 2 GB。当文件夹增大到使 store.idx 文件超过 2 GB 时,mail.log_current 文件中将显示错误消息。



REVERSE_URL 行为已发生更改。

注 –


如果您要对地址反向和主要地址存储库使用其他属性,则不应使用 REVERSE_URL。应该将 LDAP_PRIMARY_ADDRESS 设置为要使用的属性。与此相关的问题是,要用于别名查找和别名反向的地址之间存在语义重叠。您也许可以在 LDAP_PRIMARY_ADDRESS、LDAP_EQUIVALENCE_ADDRESSES 和 LDAP_ALIAS_ADDRESSES 插槽之间混用属性。最简单的情况可能是,您只想将 meEndRemetente(而非邮件)同时用于别名查找和别名反向。在这种情况下,您只需将 LDAP_PRIMARY_ADDRESS MTA 选项设置为 meEndRemetente 即可。另一方面,如果您要继续使用邮件属性进行别名查找,则必须将其放入其他某个插槽中才能正常工作。是否允许这样做,取决于您是否使用 mailAlternateAddressmailEquivalentAddress 属性。Messaging Server 6.2 和更低版本允许每个插槽中具有多个属性,但每个目录条目最多只能有一个在给定插槽中结束的属性。在合理情况下,此 Messaging Server 版本放松了上述属性限制(如 LDAP_ALIAS_ADDRESSESLDAP_EQUIVALENCE_ADDRESSES,但不包括 LDAP_PRIMARY_ADDRESS)。


调整已启用的 SSL 密码;默认情况下可以禁用弱 SSL 密码。

对于 Messaging Server 6.3 及以后的版本,默认情况下将禁用弱 SSL 密码套件。这是一项不兼容的更改,因此某些只支持导出级别 SSL 的旧邮件客户端可能会中断。

以下配置选项可用于启用所有密码套件,包括弱密码套件(但 NULL 密码除外)。

  • 对于 MMP:default:SSLAdjustCipherSuites weak+all

  • 对于 IMAP/POP/SMTP/MSHTTPD:configutil -o local.ssladjustciphersuites -v weak+all

    但是, 建议您只启用互操作性所需的特定密码套件。例如,通用 SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 密码套件可以通过 +SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 启用。56 位密码不像 40 位密码那样弱,因此,如果能够只启用这些密码,则以下密码套件将会生效:+TLS_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA


imapd ENS 重新订阅者会泄漏文件描述符。

如果配置了 ENS,则必须同时配置 IDLE。如果配置了 ENS 而没有配置 IDLE,imapd 和 popd 将泄漏文件句柄。



以下是与 Messaging Server 产品相关的其他问题,这些问题没有错误号:


邮箱索引 (store.idx) 文件具有 2 GB 的严格限制。超过此限制将导致邮件无法传送给用户,并且可能会导致邮件存储库性能问题。有关详细信息,请参见《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南》中的“由于邮箱溢出而无法传送邮件”。请注意,邮箱中邮件大小的总和可能会超过 2 GB 的限制。

在 option.dat 中,以 #、! 或 ; 符号开头的行被视为注释行。

option.dat 文件中,Messaging Server 将以井号 (#)、感叹号 (!) 或分号 (;) 开头的行视为注释行,即使前面一行是以表示行将继续的反斜杠 (\) 结尾也是如此。因此,处理包含这些字符的较长选项(特别是传输选项)时必须特别小心。

有一种方法可以解决传输选项中的自然版式导致连续行以 #! 开头的问题。

解决方法:在传输选项中,Messaging Server 会忽略分隔各传输选项类型的逗号之后的空格。






DOMAIN_UPLEVEL 的默认值从 1 更改为 0

用户 ID 中不能使用以下字符:$ ~ = # * + % !@ , { } ( ) / < \> ; :" ” [ ] & ?

此约束将由 MTA 强制执行。允许在用户 ID 中使用这些字符可能会使邮件存储库出现问题。如果要更改 MTA 禁止使用的字符列表,请在 msg_svr_base/config/options.dat 文件中通过列出以逗号分隔的字符的 ASCII 值字符串来设置以下选项:



Messaging Server 本地化和全球化问题


Messaging Server 文档问题

本部分介绍特定于 Communications Services 和 Messaging Server 的文档中存在的已知问题。


ha_ip_config 脚本不能设置执行 ENS 所需的所有 ENS 配置参数。

如果要在 HA 环境中运行 ENS,则必须在 ha_ip_config 脚本中设置以下参数:

  • local.ens.port– ENS 将侦听的端口和 IP 地址(IP 地址可选)。格式为: [address:]port。例如,7997192.168.1.1:7997。如果设置了 local.ens.port,还必须配置

  • local.storenotify.enshost— ENS 服务器的 IP 地址或主机名。此设置必须与 local.ens.port 中的设置一致。

  • local.storenotify.ensport– ENS 服务器的 TCP 端口。此设置必须与 local.ens.port 中的设置一致。


对错误 5076486(关于通过 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 1.2 Patch 2 使用 imadmin user purge 命令)的更正

您可以通过 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 1.2 Patch 2 和 Messaging Server 6.x 来使用 imadmin user purge 命令。此旧版本的 Delegated Administrator 不应与第 5 章,Sun Java System Delegated Administrator 6.4 发行说明中所述的当前 Delegated Administrator 产品相混淆。要使用旧版本的 Delegated Administrator,需要按照位于 的 iPlanet Delegated Administrator 安装文档中所述的过程操作,并进行以下修改:

iDA_install_directory/nda/classes/netscape/nda/servlet/ 文件中的 MsgSvrN-cgipath 行更改为 MsgSvr0–cgipath=msg-config/Tasks/operation 并重新启动 Web Server。

此外,如果要在群集上运行,则必须确保 Administration Server 与 Messaging Server 始终在同一个节点上运行(对于 6.3 以前的发行版)。



Messenger Express Customization Guide 在关于自定义托管域的部分显示了错误的目录名称。

要求用户为每个域创建单独目录时,正确目录应该是 msg-svr-base/config/html,而不是 msg-svr-base/html


Messenger Express Customization Guide 为 SDK 文件和函数指定了错误的文件路径。

SDK 文件和函数位于 msg-svr-base /examples/meauthsdk 中。


Messenger Express 联机帮助介绍了产品中不存在的某些功能

Messenger Express 联机帮助中介绍了以下功能,但这些功能在产品中不存在:

由于 Messenger Express 已过时,因此不会更新 Messenger Express 联机帮助。



没有关于该新功能(利用该功能,MTA 系统可以共享整理数据库,因此整理可以在 MTA 系统而不是存储系统中完成)的文档。



没有启用 imarchive —s 选项,但却有记录。

当前没有启用 imarchive -s 选项。不过,该选项却记录在《Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference》中。会在将来的更新版本中启用该选项。



服务器根目录(其中存储了 Messaging Server 配置文件)为 msg-svr-base。在 Java Enterprise System 文档中,服务器根目录为 MessagingServer-base。两种表示法指的都是 Messaging Server 服务器根目录。

Messaging Server 的可再分发文件

Messaging Server 6.x 提供了以下可再分发的文件: