Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理指南 Linux - Messaging Server Patch 120230-08 IMAP、POP 和 HTTP 服务器由于每个进程会话过多而未启动

安装该修补程序后,当您尝试启动 Messaging Server 时,IMAP、POP 和 HTTP 服务器无法启动,并可能发送以下示例错误日志:

http server - log:
[29/May/2006:17:44:37 +051800] usg197 httpd[6751]: General Critical: Not enough file 
descriptors to support 6000 sessions per process; Recommend ulimit -n 12851 or 87 
sessions per process.

pop server - log:
[29/May/2006:17:44:37 +051800] usg197 popd[6749]: General Critical: Not enough file 
descriptors to support 600 sessions per process; Recommend ulimit -n 2651 or 58 
sessions per process.

Once these values setting in /opt/sun/messaging/sbin/configutil then imap server 
failed to start

imap server - log: 
[29/May/2006:17:44:37 +051800] usg197 imapd[6747]: General Critical: Not enough 
file descriptors to support 4000 sessions per process; Recommend ulimit -n 12851 
or 58 sessions per process.

为所有三个服务器会话设置相应数目的文件描述符。通过向 /etc/sysctl.conf 添加类似以下代码的行并使用 sysctl -p 重读该文件,即可使用附加的文件描述符:

fs.file-max = 65536

还必须向 /etc/security/limits.conf 添加类似以下代码的行:

*   soft  nofile  65536  
*   hard  nofile  65536