Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Install Sun Java Web Console

  1. Check whether Sun Java Web Console is already available on your system, as is usually the case for the Solaris 10 software and on newer Solaris 9 versions.

    As root, you can check using the following command:

    # smcwebserver -V 
    Version 2.2.1

    ARCo for N1 Grid Engine 6.1 software requires Sun Java Web Console 2.2.x.

    Note –

    ARCo for N1 Grid Engine 6.1 software does not support Sun Java Web Console 3.0 or later.

  2. If you need to install the console, extract the web console package under a temporary directory.

    # cd /tmp
    # umask 022
    # mkdir swc
    # cd swc

    Type the following command as one string, with a space between the xvf and the path to the tar file.

    # tar xvf 
  3. If the user noaccess and the group noaccess do not exist in your password file or NIS passwd map, add them by typing:

    # groupadd -g 60002 noaccess
    # useradd -u 60002 -g 60002 -d /tmp -s /bin/sh -c "No Access User" noaccess

    Note –

    On some operating systems, using /bin/csh as the default shell might cause the installation to fail. If ARCo will not install, and you see the error message Server not started! No management applications registered, try setting the default shell as /bin/sh for noaccess.

  4. If you are running SuSE 9.0, create symbolic links for each of the /etc/rc#.d directories.

    # ln -s /etc/rc.d/rc0.d /etc/rc0.d
    # ln -s /etc/rc.d/rc1.d /etc/rc1.d
    # ln -s /etc/rc.d/rc2.d /etc/rc2.d
  5. Run the Sun Java Web Console setup script.

    # ./setup -n
    Installation complete.
    Starting Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.2.1...
    See /var/log/webconsole/console_debug_log for server logging information

    The web console is installed but not started until after the ARCo console installation. Once the console is installed, you can use the following commands to stop, start, or restart the console at any time:

    # /usr/sadm/bin/smcwebserver start
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smcwebserver stop
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smcwebserver restart