Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Install the Berkeley DB Spooling Server

The installation procedure installs the grid engine software necessary for Berkeley DB spooling.

Before You Begin

The grid engine software must be loaded onto a local file system. For details on how to extract the files, see How to Load the Distribution Files On a Workstation.

  1. Log in to the spooling server host as root.

  2. If the $SGE_ROOT environment variable is not set, set it by typing:

    # SGE_ROOT=sge-root; export SGE_ROOT

    To confirm that you have set the $SGE_ROOT environment variable, type:

    # echo $SGE_ROOT
  3. Change to the installation directory.

    # cd $SGE_ROOT
  4. Type the inst_sge command with the -db option.

    # sge-root/inst_sge -db

    This command starts the spooling server installation procedure. You are asked several questions. If you think something went wrong, you can quit the installation procedure and restart it at any time.

  5. Choose an administrative account owner.

    Choosing Grid Engine admin user account
    You may install Grid Engine that all files are created with the user id of an
    unprivileged user.
    This will make it possible to install and run Grid Engine in directories
    where user >root< has no permissions to create and write files and directories.
       - Grid Engine still has to be started by user >root<
       - this directory should be owned by the Grid Engine administrator
    Do you want to install Grid Engine
    under an user id other than >root< (y/n) [y] >> y

    Choosing a Grid Engine admin user name
    Please enter a valid user name >> sgeadmin
    Installing Grid Engine as admin user >sgeadmin<
    Hit <RETURN> to continue >>
  6. Verify the sge-root directory setting.

    In the following example, the value of sge-root is /opt/n1ge6.

    Checking $SGE_ROOT directory
    The Grid Engine root directory is:
       $SGE_ROOT = /opt/n1ge6
    If this directory is not correct (e.g. it may contain an automounter
    prefix) enter the correct path to this directory or hit <RETURN>
    to use default [/opt/n1ge6] >> 
    Your $SGE_ROOT directory: /opt/n1ge6
    Hit <RETURN> to continue >> 
  7. Type the name of your cell.

    The use of grid engine system cells is described in Cells.

    Grid Engine cells
    Grid Engine supports multiple cells.
    If you are not planning to run multiple Grid Engine clusters or if you don't
    know yet what is a Grid Engine cell it is safe to keep the default cell name
    If you want to install multiple cells you can enter a cell name now.
    The environment variable
    will be set for all further Grid Engine commands.
    Enter cell name [default] >> 
  8. Select Berkeley DB spooling.

    Setup spooling
    Your SGE binaries are compiled to link the spooling libraries
    during runtime (dynamically). So you can choose between Berkeley DB 
    spooling and Classic spooling method.
    Please choose a spooling method (berkeleydb|classic) [berkeleydb] >> 
  9. Verify your host name.

    In this example, the installation script is being run on host2.

    Berkeley Database spooling parameters
    You are going to install an RPC Client/Server mechanism!
    In this case, qmaster will
    contact an RPC server running on a separate server machine.
    If you want to use the SGE shadowd, you have to use the 
    RPC Client/Server mechanism.
    Enter database server name or 
    hit <RETURN> to use default [host2] >> 
  10. Type the directory path of your spooling directory.

    You might need to change this path if this directory is NFS mounted, or if you do not have write permissions to this directory.

    Enter the database directory
    or hit <RETURN> to use default [/opt/n1ge6/default//spooldb] >> 
    creating directory: /opt/n1ge6/default//spooldb
  11. Start the RPC server.

    Now we have to startup the rc script
    on the RPC server machine
    If you already have a configured Berkeley DB Spooling Server,
    you have to restart the Database with the rc script now and continue with >NO<
    Shall the installation script try to start the RPC server? (y/n) [y] >> y
    Starting rpc server on host host2!
    The Berkeley DB has been started with these parameters:
    Spooling Server Name: host2
    DB Spooling Directory: /opt/n1ge6/default//spooldb
    Please remember these values, during Qmaster installation
    you will be asked for them! Hit <RETURN> to continue!
  12. Specify whether you want Berkeley DB service to start automatically at boot time.

    Berkeley DB startup script
    We can install the startup script that
    Grid Engine is started at machine boot (y/n) [y] >> y

    Once you answer this question, the installation process is complete.

  13. Create the environment variables for use with the grid engine software.

    Note –

    If no cell name was specified during installation, the value of cell is default.

    • If you are using a C shell, type the following command:

      % source sge-root/cell/common/settings.csh
    • If you are using a Bourne shell or Korn shell, type the following command:

      $ . sge-root/cell/common/