Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Renew Certificates

  1. Change to $SGE_ROOT and becomeroot on the master host (assuming that $SGE_CELL is the default):

    # tcsh
    # source $SGE_ROOT/default/settings.csh
  2. Edit $SGE_ROOT/util/sgeCA/renew_all_certs.csh, and change the number of days that the certificates are valid:

     # extend the validity of the CA certificate by
      set CADAYS = 365
      # extend the validity of the daemon certificate by
      set DAEMONDAYS = 365
      # extend the validity of the user certificate by
      set USERDAYS = 365
  3. Run the changed script (the default for all extension times is 365 days from the day the script is run).

    # util/sgeCA/renew_all_certs.csh
  4. Replace the old certificates against the new ones on all hosts that installed them locally (that is, under /var/sgeCA/..., see the execution daemon installation).

  5. If users have copied certificates and keys to $HOME/.sge, they have to repeat $SGE_ROOT/util/sgeCA/sge_ca -copy to have access to the renewed certificates.