Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Administration Guide

Using Files to Add or Modify Objects

Use the qconf command with the following options to add objects according to specifications you create in a file:

qconf -Ae
qconf -Aq
qconf -Au
qconf -Ackpt
qconf -Ap

Use the qconf command with the following options to modify objects according to specifications you create in a file:

qconf -Me
qconf -Mq
qconf -Mu
qconf -Mckpt
qconf -Mp

The –Ae and –Me options add or modify execution hosts.

The –Aq and –Mq options add or modify queues.

The –Au and –Mu options add or modify usersets.

The –Ackpt and –Mckpt options add or modify checkpointing environments.

The –Ap and –Mp options add or modify parallel environments.

Use these options in combination with the qconf –s command to take an existing object and modify it. You can then update the existing object or create a new object.

Example 8–1 Modifying the Migration Command of a Checkpoint Environment

# modify the migration command
# of a checkpointing environment
# Usage: <checkpoint-env-name> <full-path-to-command>


qconf -sckpt $CKPT | grep -v '^migr_command' > $TMPFILE
echo "migr_command $MIGMETHOD" >> $TMPFILE
qconf -Mckpt $TMPFILE