Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Administration Guide


Here is an example of a derivation rule using the <sql> tag. The sge_queue table has a composed primary key comprising q_qname and q_hostname. For a rule specified for the queue object_type, a query will be made for each entry in the sge_queue table, the placeholders __key_0__ will be replaced by the queue name,ilwill be replaced by the hostname.

        average queue utilization per hour
<derive object="queue" interval="hour" variable="h_utilized">
        SELECT DATE_TRUNC( 'hour', qv_time_start)
                        AS time_start,
                DATE_TRUNC( 'hour', qv_time_start) + INTERVAL '1 hour'
                        AS time_end,
                AVG(qv_dvalue * 100 / qv_dconfig)
                        AS value
                FROM sge_queue_values
                WHERE qv_variable = 'slots' AND
                        qv_parent = (SELECT q_id FROM sge_queue
                                WHERE q_qname = __key_0__
                                        AND q_hostname = __key_1__)
                        AND qv_time_start &lt;= '__time_end__' AND
                        qv_time_end &gt; '__time_start__'
                GROUP BY time_start

Here is an example of a derivation rule using the <auto> tag.

<!-- average load per hour -->
<derive object="host" interval="hour" variable="h_load">
        <auto function="AVG" variable="np_load_avg" />