Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Creating and Running Advanced Queries

You must have previous experience writing SQL queries to use this feature of the accounting and reporting console.

ProcedureHow to Create an Advanced Query

  1. Click New Advanced Query on the Query List screen.

  2. Type your SQL query in the field.

    Shows advanced query definition screen
  3. Save or run your query.

    • To save your query, click Save.

    • To run your query, click Run.

ProcedureHow to Run an Advanced Query

  1. Run the query.

    • To run a query that you just created, click Run on the Advanced Query screen.

    • To run a query that you previously saved, select the query from the Query List screen and click Run.

    Query List screen showing list of queries. Shows
the Run, Edit, and Delete buttons

ProcedureHow to Edit an Advanced Query

  1. Select a query from the list on the Query List screen

  2. Click Edit.

    A completed version of the Advanced Query screen displays.

  3. Make changes to the SQL query.

  4. Save or run your changed query.

    • To save your changed query, click Save.

    • To run your changed query, click Run.