Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

ProcedureHow To Submit a Simple Job With QMON

A more convenient way to submit and control jobs and of getting an overview of the grid engine system is the graphical user interface QMON. Among other facilities, QMON provides a job submission dialog box and a Job Control dialog box for the tasks of submitting and monitoring jobs.

  1. Type the following command to start the QMON GUI:

    % qmon

    During startup, a message window appears, and then the QMON Main Control window appears.

    Figure 3–1 QMON Main Control Window

    QMON Main Control window. Shows callouts indicating
that you should first click the Job Control button and then click
the Submit Jobs button.

  2. Click the Job Control button, and then click the Submit Jobs button.

    Tip –

    The button names, such as Job Control, are displayed when you rest the mouse pointer over the buttons.

    The Submit Job and the Job Control dialog boxes appear, as shown in the following figures.

    Figure 3–2 Submit Job Dialog Box

    Dialog box titled Submit Job. Shows callouts
indicating that you should first click the script button and then
click Submit to submit the job.

    Figure 3–3 Job Control Dialog Box

    Dialog box titled Job Control. Shows the Running
Jobs tab with job information. Shows buttons for manipulating jobs.

  3. In the Submit Job dialog box, click the icon at the right of the Job Script field.

    The Select a File dialog box appears.

    Figure 3–4 Select a File Dialog Box

    Dialog box titled Select a File. Shows lists
of directories and files from which to select a job script. Shows
OK, Filter, Cancel, and Help buttons.

  4. Select your script file.

    For example, select the file that was used in the command line example.

  5. Click OK to close the Select a File dialog box.

  6. On the Submit Job dialog box, click Submit.

    After a few seconds you should be able to monitor your job on the Job Control dialog box. You first see your job on the Pending Jobs tab. The job quickly moves to the Running Jobs tab once the job starts running.