Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Active Comments

Lines with a leading # sign are treated as comments in shell scripts. However, the grid engine system recognizes special comment lines and uses these lines in a special way. The special comment script line is treated as part of the command line argument list of the qsub command. The qsub options that are supplied within these special comment lines are also interpreted by the QMON Submit Job dialog box. The corresponding parameters are preset when a script file is selected.

By default, the special comment lines are identified by the #$ prefix string. You can redefine the prefix string with the qsub -C command.

This use of special comments is called script embedding of submit arguments. The following example shows a script file that uses script-embedded command-line options.

Example 3–2 Using Script-Embedded Command Line Options


#Force csh if not Grid Engine default 

#$ -S /bin/csh

# This is a sample script file for compiling and
# running a sample FORTRAN program under N1 Grid Engine 6
# We want Grid Engine to send mail
# when the job begins
# and when it ends.

#$ -M EmailAddress
#$ -m b e

# We want to name the file for the standard output
# and standard error.

#$ -o flow.out -j y

# Change to the directory where the files are located.


# Now we need to compile the program "flow.f" and
# name the executable "flow".

f77 flow.f -o flow

# Once it is compiled, we can run the program.
