Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Remote Execution With qrsh

qrsh is built around the standard rsh facility. See the information that is provided in sge-root/3rd_party for details on the involvement of rsh. qrsh can be used for various purposes, including the following:

By virtue of these capabilities, qrsh is the major enabling infrastructure for the implementation of the qtcsh and the qmake facilities. qrsh is also used for the tight integration of the grid engine system with parallel environments such as MPI or PVM.

Invoking Transparent Remote Execution With qrsh

Type the qrsh command, adding options and arguments according to the following syntax:

% qrsh	[options] program|shell-script [arguments] \
	[> stdout] [>&2 stderr] [< stdin]

qrsh understands almost all options of qsub. qrsh provides the following options: