Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Install Required Patches On Sun Fire T2000 Servers

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the Sun Fire T2000.

  2. Open a web browser and download the following two patches from

    • 118833-24

    • 123334-04

  3. Change directory to the directory in which you downloaded the T2000 patches.

  4. Type patchadd 118833-24 to install the first patch.

    Wait for patch installation to complete.

  5. Type patchadd 123334-04 to install the second patch.

    Wait for patch installation to complete.

  6. Type init s to enter single user mode.

  7. Type /usr/sbin/e1000g_transition -e -f to complete the transition to the e1000g driver.

    You are asked whether you want to reboot.

  8. Type y to reboot.

Next Steps

Ensure that the /globaldevices file system has been created on each clustered OTP system as described in the next section.