Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Install the Open Telecommunications Platform on a Clustered OTP System

Before You Begin

Before you begin, review the OTP Plan settings described in Open Telecommunications Platform Plan Worksheets and then print out the Clustered OTP Host Plan Worksheet and fill in the values based on the clustered OTP system to which you will install OTP

  1. Log in as root (su - root) on the external OTP installation server.

  2. Copy the inputOTPMultiNode.dat file to /var/tmp.

    Type the command cp /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/templates/inputOTPMultiNode.dat /var/tmp

  3. Edit the /var/tmp/inputOTPMultiNode.dat.

    Specify the values for each keyword as described by Open Telecommunications Platform Plan Worksheets and the clustered OTP host Plan worksheet.

  4. Run the deployOTPMultiNode script on the external OTP installation server to install OTP on the OTP hosts in the clustered OTP system.

    # /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/deployOTPMultiNode /var/tmp/inputOTPMultiNode.dat

    The deployOTPMultiNode script does the following tasks:

    • Sets up the OTP High Availability Framework on the first OTP host

    • Adds additional OTP hosts to the clustered OTP system

    • Sets up the OTP High Availability Framework on the additional OTP hosts

    Note –

    The installation log files for this procedure and subsequent procedures, and the input files generated for the plans by the procedures are stored on the external OTP installation server in the directory /var/tmp/OTP_INSTALL.

Next Steps