Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create the OS Image

  1. Log in as root to the OTP master server.

  2. Type /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh to open the OTP command shell. For example:

    # /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/n1sh
  3. Create the Solaris 10 Update 2 OS image.

    In the OTP command shell, type create os os name file path to iso image where os name is the name of the image to create, and path to iso image is the path to the Solaris 10 Update 2 ISO image you created and NFS-mounted in To Download and Uncompress the OTP and Solaris OS Installation Zip Files.

    For example, if:

    • The name of the OS image to be created is to be sol10u2

    • The name of the server on which you created the ISO image is otpsource

    • The ISO image sol10u2-ga-sp-dvd.iso was created in the NFS-mounted directory /otp-download

    you would then type:

    N1-ok> create os sol10u2 file /net/otpsource/otp-download/sol10u2-ga-sp-dvd.iso

    Note –

    A job is submitted to create the OS image, and a job ID is displayed. The create os command can take up to 60 minutes to complete.

    To check for job completion, type show job job ID. When the job has completed, type show os to list the OS images.

Next Steps

Create the XML discovery file as described in the next section.