Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Back Up the Provisioning Service on the Source OTP Host

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root on the backup source OTP host you identified in To Remove the Remote Agent from the Backup Source OTP Host.

  2. Disable the provisioning service resource in the resource group

    Type the following commands:

    /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -y RG_system=FALSE
    /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -n -j otp-spsms-rs
  3. Backup the provisioning service database

    Type the following command:

    su - spsotp \
    /var/otp/spsotp/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server/bin/ \
    -b /var/otp/spsotp/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2 \
    -o /var/tmp -nors -noconfig -nokeystore  -z -shutdown yes

    The compressed backup tar file is created as /var/tmp/timestamp.tar.Z where timestamp is the system date and time stamp. For example, /var/tmp/070411145059.tar.Z

  4. Enable the Provisioning service resource in the resource group.

    Type the following commands:

    /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -e -j otp-spsms-rs
    /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -y RG_system=TRUE
Next Steps

Restore the provisioning service to the restore target OTP host as described in the next procedure.