Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

Backing Up the OTP Provisioning Service on a Clustered OTP Host and Restoring to the External OTP Installation Server

This section provides the procedures for backing up and restoring the OTP provisioning service from one clustered OTP host and restoring the provisioning service to the external OTP installation server.

Backing up the provisioning service on an OTP host and restoring it to the external OTP installation server is comprised of the following tasks:

ProcedureTo Remove the Remote Agent from the Backup Source OTP Host

  1. Log in as root to an OTP host in the cluster.

  2. Type /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -g | grep Online to determine which host in the cluster is active.

    Make note of the host on which the resource group otp-system-rg is active.

  3. Open a Web browser and go to URL http://backup source OTP host:9090 where backup source OTP host is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the OTP host on which the resource group is active.

    The OTP provisioning service log in screen appears.

  4. Log in to the OTP provisioning service.

    The Service Provisioning System screen appears.

  5. Click Host Setup in the left panel.

    The host setup screen appears.

  6. Click hosts in the central panel.

    The hosts screen appears.

  7. Click master server.

    The hosts > details screen appears.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click edit.

    The hosts > details > edit screen appears.

  9. If the checkbox labeled include remote agent on this physical host has a check mark in it, click the check box to remove the check mark.

  10. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click save.

Next Steps

Remove the remote agent from the External OTP Installation Server as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Remove the Remote Agent from the External OTP installation server

Before You Begin

The remote agent must be removed from the backup source OTP host as described in To Remove the Remote Agent from the Backup Source OTP Host

  1. Open a Web browser and go to URL http://external OTP installation server:9090 where external OTP installation server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the external OTP installation server.

    The OTP provisioning service log in screen appears.

  2. Log in to the OTP provisioning service.

    The Service Provisioning System screen appears.

  3. Click Host Setup in the left panel.

    The host setup screen appears.

  4. Click hosts in the central panel.

    The hosts screen appears.

  5. Click master server.

    The hosts > details screen appears.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click edit.

    The hosts > details > edit screen appears.

  7. If the checkbox labeled include remote agent on this physical host has a check mark in it, click the check box to remove the check mark.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click save.

Next Steps

Back up the provisioning service on the source OTP host as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Back Up the Provisioning Service on the Source OTP Host

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root on the backup source OTP host you identified in To Remove the Remote Agent from the Backup Source OTP Host.

  2. Disable the provisioning service resource in the resource group

    Type the following commands:

    /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -y RG_system=FALSE
    /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -n -j otp-spsms-rs
  3. Backup the provisioning service database

    Type the following command:

    su - spsotp \
    /var/otp/spsotp/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server/bin/ \
    -b /var/otp/spsotp/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2 \
    -o /var/tmp -nors -noconfig -nokeystore  -z -shutdown yes

    The compressed backup tar file is created as /var/tmp/timestamp.tar.Z where timestamp is the system date and time stamp. For example, /var/tmp/070411145059.tar.Z

  4. Enable the Provisioning service resource in the resource group.

    Type the following commands:

    /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -e -j otp-spsms-rs
    /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -c -g otp-system-rg -y RG_system=TRUE
Next Steps

Restore the provisioning service to the external OTP installation server as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Restore the Provisioning Service Backup To The External OTP Installation Server

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root to the external OTP installation server.

  2. Restore the provisioning service database.

    Type the following command

    su - spsotp \
    /var/otp/spsotp/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server/bin/ \
    -b /var/otp/spsotp/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2 \
    -f /var/tmp/backup tar file name \
    -l /var/tmp/log file name \
    -t /var/tmp -shutdown yes -nors -noconfig -nokeystore -overwrite yes

    Where backup tar file name is the name of the backup file you created in To Back Up the Provisioning Service on the Source OTP Host, and log file name is the name you specify for the log file.

Next Steps

Add the remote agent to the backup source OTP host as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Add the Remote Agent To The Backup Source OTP Host

Before You Begin
  1. Open a Web browser and go to URL http://backup source OTP host:9090 where backup source OTP host is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the OTP host you identified in To Remove the Remote Agent from the Backup Source OTP Host.

    The OTP provisioning service log in screen appears.

  2. Log in to the OTP provisioning service.

    The Service Provisioning System screen appears.

  3. Click Host Setup in the left panel.

    The host setup screen appears.

  4. Click hosts in the central panel.

    The hosts screen appears.

  5. Click master server.

    The hosts > details screen appears.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click edit.

    The hosts > details > edit screen appears.

  7. If the checkbox labeled include remote agent on this physical host does not have a check mark in it, click the check box to add the check mark.

  8. In connection type, choose TCP/IP (unencrypted).

  9. Type the backup source OTP host IP address in the ip address or name field.

  10. Type 7010 in the port field.

  11. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click save.

  12. Click master server.

  13. Click update remote agent.

  14. Click prepare remote agent.

Next Steps

Add the remote agent to the restore external OTP installation server as described in the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Add the Remote Agent To External OTP Installation Server

Before You Begin
  1. Open a Web browser and go to URL http://external OTP installation server:9090 where external OTP installation server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the external OTP installation server.

    The OTP provisioning service log in screen appears.

  2. Log in to the OTP provisioning service.

    The Service Provisioning System screen appears.

  3. Click Host Setup in the left panel.

    The host setup screen appears.

  4. Click hosts in the central panel.

    The hosts screen appears.

  5. Click master server.

    The hosts > details screen appears.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click edit.

    The hosts > details > edit screen appears.

  7. If the checkbox labeled include remote agent on this physical host does not have a check mark in it, click the check box to add the check mark.

  8. In connection type, choose TCP/IP (unencrypted).

  9. Type the external OTP installation server IP address in the ip address or name field.

  10. Type 7010 in the port field.

  11. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click save.

  12. Click master server.

  13. Click update remote agent.

  14. Click prepare remote agent.