Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Repair an OTP Host That Is Connected to Shared Storage

In this procedure, pcl8-ipp3 is the OTP host that is being repaired. Substitute your own host information.

  1. Move all the resource groups to another OTP host in the resource group list.

    # scswitch -z -g otp-system-rg -h otherotphost

  2. Remove the disks connected to the OTP host.

    1. Check the disks connected to the OTP host.

      # scconf -pvv | grep pcl8-ipp3 | grep Dev
      (dsk/d8) Device group node list:                 pcl8-ipp3
      (dsk/d7) Device group node list:                 pcl8-ipp3
      (dsk/d6) Device group node list:                 pcl8-ipp1, pcl8-ipp3
      (dsk/d5) Device group node list:                 pcl8-ipp1, pcl8-ipp3
      (dsk/d4) Device group node list:                 pcl8-ipp1, pcl8-ipp3
      (dsk/d3) Device group node list:                 pcl8-ipp1, pcl8-ipp3
    2. Remove the local disks.

      # scconf -c -D name=dsk/d8,localonly=false

      # scconf -c -D name=dsk/d7,localonly=false

      # scconf -r -D name=dsk/d8

      # scconf -r -D name=dsk/d7

    3. Remove the shared disks.

      # scconf -r -D name=dsk/d5,nodelist=pcl8-ipp3

      # scconf -r -D name=dsk/d6,nodelist=pcl8-ipp3

      # scconf -r -D name=dsk/d4,nodelist=pcl8-ipp3

  3. Shut down the OTP host.

    # shutdown -y -g 0 -i 0

  4. Place the OTP host in maintenance mode.

    # scconf -c -q node=pcl8-ipp3,maintstate

  5. Remove the transport information.

    1. Check the transport information.

      # scconf -pvv | grep pcl8-ipp3 | grep Transport

      Transport cable:   pcl8-ipp3:bge1@0    switch1@2           Enabled
      Transport cable:   pcl8-ipp3:ce1@0     switch2@2           Enabled
    2. Remove the transport information.

      # scconf -c -m endpoint=pcl8-ipp3:bge1,state=disabled

      # scconf -c -m endpoint=pcl8-ipp3:ce1,state=disabled

      # scconf -r -m endpoint=pcl8-ipp3:bge1

      # scconf -r -m endpoint=pcl8-ipp3:ce1

      # scconf -r -A name=bge1,node=pcl8-ipp3

      # scconf -r -A name=ce1,node=pcl8-ipp3

  6. Remove the quorum disk.

    # scconf -r -D name=dsk/d3,nodelist=pcl8-ipp3

    # scconf -r -q globaldev=d3

    Note –

    If you perform this procedure on a three-host cluster, you will need to establish quorum before running the above procedure. Otherwise, you will get the following error:

    # scconf -r -h node=pcl8-ipp3

    scconf:  Failed to remove node (pcl8-ipp3) - quorum could be compromised.
    scconf:    All two-node clusters must have at least one shared quorum device.

  7. Remove the host from the authentication list.

    # scconf -r -T node=pcl8-ipp3

  8. Remove the host from the host list.

    # scconf -r -h node=pcl8-ipp3

  9. Make sure that the OTP host is completely removed from the cluster configuration.

    If you see any output for the following command, revisit the above steps to make sure all the steps are executed properly.

    # scconf -pvv | grep pcl8-ipp3

  10. Add the OTP host back into the cluster configuration as described in To Add a Host to the Existing Cluster for more information.