Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Identify the OTP Master Server in a Clustered OTP System

Skip this procedure if you are using a standalone OTP host to install the OS, OTP, and applications to a new OTP host.

In a clustered OTP system, the OTP master server is the clustered OTP host on which the resource group is active.

  1. Log in as root (su - root)to an OTP host in the cluster.

  2. Type /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -g to determine which host in the cluster is online.

    The host on which the resource group otp-system-rg is online is the OTP master server.

    For example:

    # /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -g | grep Online
        Group: otp-system-rg       otp-node17          Online
     Resource: otp-lhn             otp-node17          Online    Online - LogicalHostname online
     Resource: otp-sps-hastorage-plus otp-node17          Online    Online
     Resource: otp-spsms-rs        otp-node17          Online    Online
     Resource: otp-spsra-rs        otp-node17          Online    Online

    In the above example, the resource group otp-system-rg is running on the clustered OTP host otp-node17, and otp-node17 is therefore the OTP master server.

Next Steps

Update the OTP master server remote agent as described in the next procedure.