Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 Release Notes

Chapter 2 Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 Issues

This chapter contains important information available at the time of the Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 release. Enhancements, installation notes, known problems, and other late-breaking issues are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using this Sun product.

Feature and Software Support Notices

This section lists the features and software that are not supported in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 release.

Documentation Updates

This section describes known documentation updates, including documentation errors.

Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Document Collection Issue

When instructed to “log in as root”, either use the “su - root” command or physically log in to the server using the server's root account and password.

Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Site Preparation Guide Issue

The information in the second list item of the Linux OS Installation Requirements section is incorrect. The information should read as follows:

If you are installing Red Hat Enterprise LinuxAS 4.0 Update 1 or later, when prompted whether to enable SELinux, choose Disable. N1 System Manager does not support SELinux enabled even in permissive mode.

Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide Issue

The restricted mode capabilities of the show privilege command are not correct. This command is available only to the SecurityAdmin role.

Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Installation and Configuration Guide Issue

The information on the port used by IPMI in Appendix A, Sun N1 System Manager Protocol, Ports, and Features Reference, in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Installation and Configuration Guide is incorrect. IPMI uses the UDP protocol and not TCP.

Invalid Swap Threshold Properties Are Mentioned in N1 System Manager 1.3 Documentation (6478871)

Invalid swap threshold properties are mentioned in Full OS Monitoring (With Thresholds) in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide. The properties memusage.mbswapfree and memusage.pctswapfree are not valid.

Invalid swap threshold properties are mentioned in set group in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual. The properties memusage.mbswapfree and memusage.pctswapused are not valid.

Invalid swap threshold properties are displayed when you type help set group from the n1sh shell prompt. The properties memusage.mbswapfree and memusage.pctswapused are not valid.

The following attributes are valid:

Command-Line Help Issues

This section provides documentation errors in the command-line help pages.

Specifying the force and netboot Attributes

The force and netboot attributes are documented in the command-line help pages without a corresponding value. You must specify true as their values to provide a valid command, such as force=true or force true.

Description of bootip Attribute Is Incomplete

The command-line help page mentions that the bootip attribute is required only to provision Linux. However, the bootip attribute is also required to provision Windows.

create os Errors

The type attribute is not valid with the file and cdrom attributes. When copying OS images, the OS type is automatically determined.

Grid Engine Module Name Is Incorrect

The Grid Engine module name used for the CLI type attribute value must be GridEngine instead of n1ge. This affects the following commands:

N1 System Manager/N1 Service Provisioning System Cohabitation Issue

This section describes the workaround if you want to install both N1TM Service Provisioning System (N1 SPS) and N1 System Manager (N1 SM) on the same system.

Installing an N1 Service Provisioning System Master Server and an N1 System Manager Management Server on the Same System

If you use the default installation scripts for the N1 SPS master server and N1 SM management server, you cannot install both applications on the same system.

If you want to install both applications on the same system, you can modify the N1 SPS master server installation script to install the master server in an alternate root directory. To use this workaround, perform the following steps.

Note –

Do not install the N1 SPS OS Provisioning plug-in on a system that hosts both the N1 SM management server and the N1 SPS master server.

  1. Install the N1 SM management server. For more information, see Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. Log in as root on the N1 SM management server system.

  3. Copy the appropriate N1 SPS master server installation script to the system.

    Copy either the or the from the N1 SPS distribution.

  4. If necessary, start a Korn shell session.

    # ksh
  5. Create a shell script file that is named with the following contents.

    alias -x pkgadd='pkgadd -R $NEW_PKG_ROOT'
    alias -x pkginfo='pkginfo -R $NEW_PKG_ROOT'
    alias -x pkgparam='pkgparam -R $NEW_PKG_ROOT'
  6. Create an alternate root directory for the N1 Service Provisioning System installation.

    # mkdir -p alternate-root-path
  7. Export the value of the alternate root directory to use with the N1 SPS installation script.

    # export NEW_PKG_ROOT=alternate-root-path

    In the previous step, alternate-root-path specifies the root directory in which you want to install the N1 SPS Master Server, for example, root1. This alternate root directory will contain a new package repository for the N1 SPS Master Server packages.

  8. Create a symbolic link from the opt directory to an alternate opt directory in the new alternate root directory.

    # ln -s /opt alternate-root-path/opt
  9. Create a new installation script by prepending the script to the default N1 SPS Master Server installation script. For example:

    # cat >
  10. Install the N1 SPS Master Server by running the new installation script.

    # ./
  11. Answer the installer questions.

    During the installation, consider the following limitations.

    • When you are prompted to specify the installation directory for the master server, enter a new subdirectory under /opt. To avoid overwriting the master server that is installed with N1 SM, ensure that this new subdirectory is different from the installation directory of the master server that is installed with N1 SM. For example, if, in step 7, you created a symbolic link from /opt to /root1/opt, specifying an installation directory of /opt/ms1 during the installation installs the new N1 SPS master server in /root1/opt/ms1.

    • When you are prompted to choose a port to use with the master server, ensure that you specify a port that is different from the port that is used by the master server used by N1 SM.

    For more information about how to install N1 SPS, see Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.3 Installation Guide.

  12. After the installation is completed, change to the directory that contains the N1 SPS master server scripts. For example:

    # cd /root1/opt/ms1/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server/bin
  13. Create a backup copy of the N1 SPS Master Server uninstallation script.

    # cp
  14. Edit the script to perform the package operations on the alternate root. You can use the sed command to make these changes to the script by typing the following command.

    # /usr/bin/sed -e 's!pkginfo!& -R '${NEW_PKG_ROOT}'!g' \
    -e 's!pkgrm!& -R '${NEW_PKG_ROOT}'!g' \
    -e 's!pkgparam!& -R '${NEW_PKG_ROOT}'!g' \ >
  15. Remove the backup copy of the uninstallation script.

    # rm

    To uninstall the N1 SPS Master Server, use this revised version of the script.

    Note –

    Do not remove the new alternate root directory. This directory is required to uninstall the N1 SPS master server.

Issues with Sun Blade 6000 Blade Server Modules

N1 System Manager supports deployment only over the two Network Express module cards. N1 System Manager does not support deployment through NIC ports on Ethernet PCI express module expansion cards.

Provisioning Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade T6300 Server

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade T6300 server, specify e1000g0 or e1000g1 for the bootnetworkdevice attribute of the load command.

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM0 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=e1000g0 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM1 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=e1000g1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

If bootnetworkdevice is not specified, e1000g0 is taken as the default.

Provisioning Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade X6220 Server

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade X6220 server, specify nge0 or nge1 for the bootnetworkdevice attribute of the load command.

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM0 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=nge0 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM1 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=nge1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

If bootnetworkdevice is not specified, nge0 is taken as the default.

Provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 or 4.0 on Sun Blade X6220 (6541243)

In Sun Blade X6220, you can install one or more PCI Express Modules with network interfaces. The Service Console does not have any information about these interfaces and they will not show up in the show server output.

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the logical interface of the network interfaces depends on whether a PCI Express module exists and causes errors during OS provisioning.

    The ordering is as follows:

  1. PCI Express Modules interfaces will be assigned eth0-eth(N-1) where N is the number of network interfaces in all of the PCI Express Modules connected to the X6220 blade.

  2. NEM interfaces will receive the ethN logical interface

Error Message: The installation will fail by being unable to get the DHCP address if the PEM interface is not attached to the provisioning network or the installation may go interactive asking which network device you wish to install over.

Workaround: During OS provisioning, provide the logical interface device for the NEM0 or NEM1 interface while configuring the networkdevice parameter of the load server command.

The following command will install over the NEM0 interface if there is a PCI Express module with two network interfaces attached to the Sun Blade X6220.

n1sh> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress ip=ipaddress networktype=static networkdevice=eth2

Due to the workaround, you cannot define two interfaces to configure when installing Red Hat Linux on Sun Blade X6220.

Provisioning Red Hat Linux on a Sun Blade X6220 Server

To provision Red Hat Linux on a Sun Blade X6220 server, specify eth0 or eth1 for the bootnetworkdevice attribute of the load command.

To provision Red Hat Linux over the NEM0 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=eth0 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

To provision Red Hat Linux over the NEM1 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=eth1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

If bootnetworkdevice is not specified, eth0 is taken as the default.

If One or More Ethernet PCI Express Modules are Present

The presence of PEM modules in the chassis affects the logical network interface name to which the NEM ports map when Linux is installed. The user is currently required to explicitly specify different logical interface names, depending on the number of PEM modules installed on the blade. In particular, the user must specify both bootnetworkdevice and networkdevice options as specified in the below tables. The following tables shows the valid values for 2-port PCI express modules:

Table 2–1 One 2-port PEM










Table 2–2 Two 2-port PEMs










Since the PEM configuration may vary, the general formula is given below in the following table:






ethX where X = 0 + number of ports on 1st PEM + number of ports on 2nd PEM 



ethX where X = 1 + number of ports on 1st PEM + number of ports on 2nd PEM 

Note –

You cannot configure different bootip and ip settings as part of the load command. When OS deployment completes, only one interface will be configured.

Note –

Linux deployment on a Sun Blade X6220 server goes into interactive mode if you do not specify the correct networkdevice option when PEMs are present.

Physical Chassis Groups Do Not Work for Sun Blade X6220 or Sun BladeT6300 Servers

Physical chassis groups may not be shown in the BUI or CLI due to a platform firmware issue. When this firmware is available, perform the following steps.

  1. Upgrade the blade SP firmware through N1 System Manager.

  2. Upgrade the CMM firmware manually. See the Sun Blade 6000 documentation for details.

  3. Refresh all the upgraded servers.

    N1-ok> set server ipaddress refresh

    Chassis groups should now be available.

Sun Blade T6300 Server Cannot Support Multiple ssh Sessions

Due to a firmware issue, System Manager operations on a Sun Blade T6300 server, which uses ssh, fail if there is also an ssh login session on the service processor, with errors such as the following:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Workaround: Use only telnet for server management. Before discovering the server through N1 System Manager, configure ALOM to use telnet.

  1. Log in to the ALOM SP.

  2. sc> setsc if_connection telnet

  3. sc> resetsc

ssh Is Not Supported on ALOM-CMT Devices (6540600)

Secure Shell (ssh) connections are not supported on ALOM-CMT devices.

Workaround: Use telnet to connect to ALOM-CMT devices.

Issues with NetraTM X4200 M2 Server

Provisioning Solaris 10 11/06 on a Netra X4200 M2 Server

Depending on which interface is used for provisioning Solaris, you need to specify the correct interface name.

Table 2–3 Interfaces for Netra X4200 M2




nge0 (default) 







Hardware Information Missing in the show server Output for Netra X4200 M2 (6528085)

This can occur if you refresh the server information (set server name refresh) immediately after a power cycle. This operation may not properly retrieve the hardware health information.

Workaround: Wait for approximately 5 minutes and retry the set server name refresh command.

Issues with Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Servers

This section describes known issues with Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 servers.

Provisioning Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server

To provision Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 server, you must perform the following steps to modify the default OS profile and specify bge0 for networkdevice in the load command. This example uses an OS profile named s10u2_x86.

N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap
N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86 partition /
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap device=c0d0s1 size=2048 type=swap sizeoption=fixed
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition / device=c0d0s0 type=ufs sizeoption=free
N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile s10u2_x86 networktype=static ip=ipaddress
       console=ttyb consolebaud=9600 networkdevice=bge0

Note –

You must use the Broadcom network port (net0).

Provisioning Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server

To provision Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X2200 M2 server, you must perform the following steps to modify the default OS profile and specify bge0 for networkdevice in the load command. This example uses an OS profile named s10u2_x86.

N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap
N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86 partition /
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap device=c1d0s1 size=2048 type=swap sizeoption=fixed
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition / device=c1d0s0 type=ufs sizeoption=free
N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile s10u2_x86 networktype=static ip=ipaddress
       console=ttyb consolebaud=9600 networkdevice=bge0

Note –

You must use the Broadcom network port (net0).

Provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 AS Update 8 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server

To provision Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 AS Update 8 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 server, you must use the Broadcom network port (net0). You must also use the appropriate console and bootnetworkdevice settings to view the console output through the connect server command. Refer to the server documentation to determine which physical port is net0.

The following example is a sample command to deploy the default OS profile on a Sun Fire X2200 M2 server.

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile RHEL3-U8 bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=eth2 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

Provisioning SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server

To provision SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 server, you must use the Nvidia network ports (net2 and net3). The bootnetworkdevice value must be eth1 for net2 or eth0 for net3. You must also use the appropriate console and consolebaud settings to view the console output through the connect server command.

The following example is a sample command to deploy the default profile on a Sun Fire X2200 M2 server.

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile SUSE9SP3 bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=eth1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

Serial Console Is Not Available During Solaris OS Provisioning on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server (6480994)

Workaround: View the console through the system's Web GUI during installation.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3, 64–Bit OS Deployment Fails on a Sun Fire X2100 Server (6416190)

The deployment fails with the message “Reread of the partition table failed.”

Workaround: Specify hde for the device attribute value in the server's OS profile.

Rediscovery of Sun Fire X2100 M2 Systems Fail (6489463)

If you delete an existing Sun Fire X2100 server from N1 System Manager and try to rediscover it, the discovery might fail with the following error message in the job details: “Cannot set alert destination to N1 SM. Maximum destination count has reached.”

Workaround: You need to manually clear the alert destination on the managed node and run the discovery command again:

  1. Log in as root on the management server.

  2. Change directory to the ipmitool location.

    # cd /opt/ipmitool/bin/ipmitool

  3. Manually clear the alert destination on the managed node. You must know the root password of the managed node's SP.

    # ./ipmitool -H sp-ip -U root -I lan lan alert set 1 1 ipaddr
  4. Rediscover the server using the discover command.

Provisioning Firmware on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server

You need to download the “tools and drivers iso” file for the firmware and then extract the firmware file by mounting the ISO image. After mounting the ISO image, the firmware is located in the remoteflash subdirectory and has a name similar to X2100-190_3A06.

When importing Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 firmware into N1 System Manager, there is an eight character limitation on the firmware name. N1 System Manager will allow longer names to be specified. However, any attempt to load the firmware onto a managed node will be rejected. To avoid having to recreate the firmware image later on, the best practice is to use a shorter name at the time of firmware creation.

Firmware Update May Timeout for a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server (6493791)

If the management network is slow between a managed server's SP and the N1 SM management server, the firmware update process may take longer than the default timeout (10 minutes) to complete and the firmware update job will error out.

Workaround: You need to increase the speed of the management network or increase the timeout value.

  1. Verify that the firmware update actually failed. The update might have actually completed. To verify this, perform steps 4-9 described in the workaround for Upgrading Firmware Version 1.0a/1.1 to 1.2 Is Not Supported on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server (6492583). If the firmware has not been updated, proceed to the next step.

  2. Log in as root on the N1 SM management server.

  3. Make a new directory in the /opt/sun/n1gc/dvrs directory.

    # mkdir /opt/sun/n1gc/drvrs/resources
  4. Create a file named in the resources directory with the following contents. Note the value of the firmwareUpdateTimeout property, which is set to 40 minutes.
    firmwareUpdateFinishedPattern=Update Successful
  5. Restart the N1 SM management server.

    # /etc/init.d/n1sminit stop
    # /etc/init.d/n1sminit start
  6. Retry the firmware update.

Upgrading Firmware Version 1.0a/1.1 to 1.2 Is Not Supported on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server (6492583)

N1 System Manager does not fully support upgrading firmware version 1.0a/1.1 to 1.2 on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 and Sun Fire X2200 M2 servers. Though the update will actually complete successfully in all cases, N1 System Manager may report the operation as a failure depending on the server type and the firmware version being updated. Also, the CMOS checksum will be invalid and must be manually cleared to allow the system to boot properly.

Workaround: Use the following procedure to update the firmware. This procedure assumes you have already imported the firmware image into N1 System Manager using the create firmware command.

  1. Log in as root on the management server.

  2. Update the firmware on the managed server to version 1.2.

    # n1sh stop server server-name force=true
    # n1sh load server server-name firmware firmware1.2-name
  3. Wait for the firmware update job to finish.

    Depending on the following upgrade path, the job may either succeed or fail.

    • 1.0a to 1.2 will fail

    • 1.1 to 1.2 will fail for the Sun Fire X2200 M2 server

  4. Connect to the console of the managed server being updated:

    # n1sh connect server servername
  5. In a different N1 SM terminal window, power off and on the managed server.

    # n1sh stop server server-name force=true
    # n1sh start server server-name

    After the managed server powers on, the console window will display the BIOS POST output, which will report an invalid CMOS checksum.

  6. In the console window, press F2 to restore the defaults and allow the POST to complete.

    Note –

    If the basemanagement or osmonitor features have been enabled on the server, wait until the system fully boots up before proceeding.

  7. Exit the console window for the managed server.

  8. Refresh the system information for the managed server.

    # n1sh set server server-name refresh
  9. Verify that the firmware has been updated to version 1.2 on the managed server.

    # n1sh show server server-name | egrep 'SP|BIOS'

    The SP and BIOS versions should be updated to the latest versions.

Upgrading BIOS to Future Versions of Firmware on Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Servers May Overwrite User Specified BIOS Settings

To update BIOS firmware, N1 System Manager uses the default native firmware update mechanism provided by the platform service processor. For some rare upgrade paths, this default behavior may result in BIOS settings reverting to optimized defaults. Depending on the operating system and platform configuration, this may require the user to manually re-apply these settings. Refer to the server documentation for additional details on which configurations are affected.

Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server “Unreachable” After Firmware Upgrade (6489473)

After you upgrade the firmware to version 1.2 on a Sun Fire X2100 M2 or Sun Fire X2200 M2 server, the server may occasionally change to “Unreachable” state within 5 minutes.

Workaround: You must reset the server's service processor (SP):

  1. Log in to the server's SP.

    # ssh -l sp-user sp-ip
  2. Reset the SP.

    -> reset
  3. On the management server, refresh the server's monitoring information.

    n1-ok> set server server-name refresh

Installation and Configuration Issues

This section describes known N1 System Manager installation and configuration issues.

Occasionally Unable to Run n1sh Shell After Installation and Configuration (6443655)

Workaround: SSL certificates might be corrupted. Regenerate the security keys by issuing the following commands:

# /opt/sun/cacao/bin/cacaoadm stop

# /opt/sun/cacao/bin/cacaoadm create-keys --force

# /opt/sun/cacao/bin/cacaoadm start

For detailed steps, refer to Regenerating Common Agent Container Security Keys in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide.

Java Web Console Is Removed After N1 System Manager Uninstall (6433383)

When N1 System Manager is installed and uninstalled, the JavaTM Web Console is removed from the system. The packages of Java Web Console are not available in the system.

Workaround: Before uninstalling N1 System Manager, run the rm /n1gc-setup/installer/jobs/ script.

Stopping N1 System Manager Stops the Java Web Console (6432305)

Workaround: Restart the Java Web Console by using /usr/sbin/smcwebserver start.

When Installation Is Cancelled, User Interface Components Are Not Installed (6430787)

If you cancel the N1 System Manager installation process by pressing Control-C, the user interface components are not installed.

Workaround: Manually uninstall the user interface components using /usr/share/webconsole/bin/setup -u -f. Run the installer again.

N1 System Manager Database Does Not Start After Solaris x86 Management Server Reboots (6398263)

In some rare instances, the N1 System Manager database does not start after a Solaris x86 management server boot. A typical error message is as follows:

DBI connect('dbname=mgmt;port=5434','mgmt',...) failed: 
could not connect to server: No such 
file or directory at /opt/SUNWscs/lib/perl5/

Workaround: Restart the N1 System Manager database manually on the management server:

# svcadm clear scs-db
# svcadm restart scs-db

N1 System Manager Can Fail to Install (6284696)

If the N1 System Manager installation process is interrupted and restarted, the N1 System Manager installation can fail in Step 5, “Install OS provisioning components.” If this issue occurs, a subsequent uninstall and reinstall of the N1 System Manager will fail.

The installation log file /var/tmp/installer.log.latest shows the following message after initial installation failure:

Installing Master Server ...
Error! Missing file (looked for /opt/SUNWn1sps 
print() on closed filehandle GEN0 at 
  /usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib/i86pc-solaris-64int/IO/ line 399.
SPS install failed with exit status: 256

      2k. Which port should Postgres listen on?
          (default: 5434) [1024-65535] spawn id(3) is not a tty. Not changing mode 
  at /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/ line 375.

      ** Invalid Input.  Enter a numeric value for the port number.

      2k. Which port should Postgres listen on?
          (default: 5434) [1024-65535] spawn id(3) is not a tty. Not changing mode 
  at /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/ line 375.

      ** Invalid Input.  Enter a numeric value for the port number.

      2k. Which port should Postgres listen on?
          (default: 5434) [1024-65535

The installation log shows the following message after uninstall and reinstall of the N1 System Manager software:

Error!  Failed to initialize the database (exit value was 1).
print() on closed filehandle GEN0 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0
   /i386-linux-thread-multi/IO/ line 395.
SPS install failed with exit status: 256

Workaround: Perform the workaround procedure below that is applicable to the operating system installed on your management server. Depending on how the installation error occurred, some of the workaround steps might not complete successfully. If a workaround step does not complete successfully, go to the next step.

Solaris based Sun Fire X4100 or Sun Fire X4200 management server:

  1. Stop the server and agent.

    # su - n1gsps -c "/opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/
    server/bin/cr_server stop"
    # su - n1gsps -c "/opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System/
    agent/bin/cr_agent stop"
  2. Uninstall service provisioning manually.

    # /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/cli/bin/
    # /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server/bin/
  3. Remove the following packages.

    # pkgrm SUNWspsc1.\*
    # pkgrm SUNWspsms.\*
    # pkgrm SUNWspscl.\*

    More than one instance of the SPS packages might be installed. The text string .\* specifies that all instances of the package will be removed.

    Type y in response to prompts asking “Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]”. If the message pkgrm: ERROR: no package associated with SUNWspscl appears, that package has already been removed in Step 2. Continue removing packages.

  4. Delete the service provisioning directory and files.

    # cd /
    # rm  -rf  /opt/SUNWn1sps/
    # rm /n1gc-setup/sps/state
    # rm /n1gc-setup/state/
  5. Reboot the management server and then install the N1 System Manager software.

Linux based Sun Fire X4100 or Sun Fire X4200 management server:

  1. Stop the server and agent.

    # su - n1gsps -c "/opt/sun/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/
    server/bin/cr_server stop"
    # su - n1gsps -c "/opt/sun/N1_Service_Provisioning_System/
    agent/bin/cr_agent  stop"
  2. Delete the service provisioning directory and files.

    # cd /
    # rm  -rf  /opt/sun/N1_Grid_Service_Provisioning_System_5.1
    # rm  -rf  /opt/sun/N1_Grid_Service_Provisioning_System
    # rm  -rf  /opt/sun/N1_Service_Provisioning_System
    # rm  -rf  /opt/sun/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2
    # rm /n1gc-setup/sps/state
    # rm /n1gc-setup/state/
  3. Reboot the management server and then install the N1 System Manager software.

OS Provisioning Issues

This section describes the known OS provisioning (deployment) issues.

Provisioning Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X4200 M2 Server

Perform the following steps to modify the default OS profile to provision Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X4200 M2 server. This example uses an OS profile named s10u2_x86.

N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86  partition /
N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap type swap size 1024 device c3t2d0s1 sizeoption fixed
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition / type ufs device c3t2d0s0 sizeoption free

Windows OS Deployment Fails if OS Profile Does Not Have the Product Key (6449265)

The deployment fails because the OS profile does not have the product key. However, attempting to add the product key to the OS profile fails with the message“OS profile is in use.”

Workaround: Wait until the job times out to add the product key to the OS profile.

Red Hat OS Deployment on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Fails if ACPI Is Enabled (6442992)

By default, the Sun Blade X8400 Server CMOS settings have ACPI enabled, which will cause Linux installation to go into interactive mode.

Workaround: There are two options:

1. Specify the additional kernel parameter to the load command.

N1-ok> load server servername osprofile profilename ... kernelparameter pci=nommconf

This will not change BIOS settings. Hence, you need to specify this parameter each time you issue the load command.

2. Configure BIOS settings manually by disabling the MCFG table in ACPI configuration. This will change BIOS settings permanently.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3, 64 Bit OS Deployment on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Fails if nfs Option Is Specified (6438194)

If nfs is specified as the install protocol, OS deployment goes into interactive mode.

Workaround: Specify http as the install protocol.

During Windows Deployment, Specifying Manual Netboot Does Not Create an Entry in the dhcpd.conf File (6432047)

Workaround: Deploy without specifying manual netboot.

Blank Error Messages Displayed for OS Deployments Due to Exceeding Job or Job Step Timeout Value (6405994)

When deploying an OS on a large number of managed servers, the OS deployments might fail due to the OS deployment jobs exceeding the job or job step timeout value. When this situation occurs, the job indicates the error but the error description is blank and the installation might have actually succeeded.

bash-3.00# n1sh show job 12
Job ID:   12
Date:     2006-03-29T01:06:53+0000
Type:     Load OS
Status:   Error (2006-03-29T03:07:00+0000)
Command:  load group sparc-srvrs osprofile sol-sparc networktype=static ip=
Owner:    root
Errors:   10
Warnings: 0

ID     Type             Start                      Completion                 Result
1      Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   Completed
2      Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   Completed
.       Servers 3 through 28
29     Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   Completed
30     Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   Completed
31     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 1
32     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 2
33     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 3
34     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 4
35     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 5
36     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 6
37     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 7
38     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 8
39     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 9
40     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 10

Error 1:

Error 2:

.             Blank error messages 3 through 8 
Error 9:

Error 10:

Workaround: Increase the job timeout value using n1smconfig or try to reduce the reasons for exceeding the existing timeout value, for example, network latency problems. Also, some of the OS deployments might have succeeded. You can verify whether a server installed properly by viewing the OS Usage column in the All Servers page or by using the Serial Console to log in to the server.

Creating Windows OS Distribution Fails Due to Missing RIS Host Key (6392700)

The create os command will fail for Windows if the RIS server's host key does not exist in the management server's ./ssh/known_hosts file.

Workaround: Make sure the RIS server's host key exists in the management server's ./ssh/known_hosts file. Manually logging into the RIS server from the management server using the ssh command will automatically create a host key.

Provisioning IP Address is Not Assigned Properly When Deploying the Windows OS Using DHCP (6381141)

When you deploy a Windows OS with the networktype=dhcp attribute, the IP address assigned to the managed server after Windows is installed is the IP address specified by the bootip attribute. The IP address should be automatically assigned by the DHCP service.

Workaround: After the installation completes, reboot the managed server. The server's provisioning IP address will be correctly reassigned from the DHCP server.

Solaris 10 6/06 OS Deployment on a Sun Fire X4500 Server Requires a Profile (6379990)

Deploying Solaris 10 6/06 OS on a Sun Fire X4500 Server requires a special profile. You cannot choose any random disks. The system needs to be booted first either from the factory installed OS or from a CD-ROM to determine the server's correct boot disk.

To discover the correct boot disk, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Find the first bootable disk by typing

    #cfgadm | grep sata3/0

    You should see a message similar to the following example.


    Where X and Y are numbers, for example, c4t0d0.

  3. To find the second bootable drive, perform either of the following actions:

    Increment 0 by 4. For example, if the first drive is c4t0d0, then the second drive is c4t4d0.

    Or type the command: #cfgadm | grep sata3/4

    You should see a message similar to the following example.


    Where N is a number, for example, c4t1d0.

  4. Proceed through the install using the information in Step 2 and Step 3 and apply it to the server's OS profile.

OS Profile for Windows Does Not Have Default Values for Time Zone and Language Attributes (6374740)

Workaround: No workaround exists.

OS Deployments Fail on Newer Sun Fire V20z Servers When Specifying bge1 Device Path for bootpath Attribute (6346563)

As documented in the N1System Manager product documentation, the bge1 device path for Sun Fire V20z servers is /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@3. However, when specifying the bge1 device path for the bootpath attribute, the OS deployments will fail on newer Sun Fire V20z servers because the bge1 device path has changed.

Workaround: On newer Sun Fire V20z servers, use the following bge1 device path for the bootpath attribute: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@2,1

Setting Baud Rate for the BIOS Console Makes OS Deployment Fail on Sun Fire V20z and V40z Servers (6322295)

The baud rate for the BIOS console must be set to 9600 (default) or OS deployment to a Sun Fire V20z or V40z server will fail. Therefore, you should not change the consolebaudrate value in the load server command or the Load OS wizard in the browser interface.

Note –

If the SP console baud rate is set to something other than 9600, the OS deployment will succeed but the console through the connect server command will display garbage characters.

Workaround: You must change the baud rate for the BIOS console manually after an OS deployment. Reboot the target server and enter the BIOS setup screen during the boot sequence. Consult the server's user manual to see how to change its BIOS settings.

Problems in Managing a Server Which Has Grid Engine Application (6406020)

When the user tries to load a OS profile on a server that is running the Grid Engine application, the operation fails with the message “Operation failed.”

Workaround: Contact your Sun support representative.

Application Provisioning Issues

This section describes the known application provisioning (deployment) issues.

SCS ssh Agent Fails to Communicate (6540360)

Applications (Grid Engine, SGE, gemm), running commands and updates provisioning from System Manager might fail. This bug affects Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 and systems with newer ssh.

Workaround: Contact your Sun support representative.

Interface Issues

This section describes the known browser interface and command-line interface issues.

Launching the Web Console Is Not Supported From CMM-6000 Chassis (6536621)

“Launch ILOM Web Interface” action is available from the CMM-6000 chassis but the chassis itself does not support a web interface.

Error Message: Access will time out.

Workaround: Do not use the “Launch ILOM Web Interface” feature.

Product Version in Browser Interface Is Incorrect if N1 System Manager Is Installed Through Media

The product version number displayed in the Version screen of the browser interface is incorrect if N1 System Manager is installed through the DVD. The part number of the DVD is 708-0189-10. The correct version number is 1.3.2.

Print Function in Online Help Does Not Work Consistently (6440149, 6436572)

The Printer icon in the online help window might not work in some instances.

Workaround: Open the help content frame in a new browser window and print the help like a typical web page. For example, in a Mozilla-based browser, click mouse button 3 on the content page and select This Frame->Open Frame in New Window.

N1 System Manager Express Module Nomenclature Does Not Match Sun Blade X8400 Server Module CLI (6432413)

Express modules for a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module are denoted by EM.0 and EM.1 instead of EMa and EMb in the ILOM Web GUI.

Workaround: EMa in the user interface needs to be inferred as EM.0 and EMb as EM.1.

The remove group Command Returns an Error Message After Success (6404420)

The remove group command returns an error message even though the remove operation is a success.

N1-ok> show group
Name          Servers  Hardware Faults        OS Resource Faults
new1          1        Unknown                -

N1-ok> show group new1
Name             Hardware    Hardware Health        Power     OS Usage              OS Resource Health       V20z        Unknown                On                              Uninitialized

N1-ok> remove group new1 server all
"," is not in "new1"     False error stating remove failed.
N1-ok> show group new1    Verification that remove succeeded.
No items found.

Workaround: Use the show group command as shown in the previous example to verify that the remove group command succeeded.

Browser Interface Displays Script Problems When Displaying Over 500 Servers (6365731)

If you try to display more than 500 servers in the System Dashboard page, the following message is displayed:

Warning: Unresponsive script

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script 
will complete.

<Stop script>  <Continue>

Workaround: Choose Stop script and wait a few minutes for all the servers to display. This workaround will not work with the Internet Explorer browser.

Incorrect Swap Information Is Reported for Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers With Firmware Level (6344709)

The browser interface server details and the show server command results show the wrong swap information for Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers with Firmware Level 6464 and the Red Hat operating system.

Workaround: Use the serial console to access the server and find out the correct swap information by using the top command.

Stopping a Job Using Browser Interface Does Not Display a Stop Message in Command-Line Pane (6344094)

Stopping a job in the browser interface's Job tab page does not display the associated stop message in the command-line pane.

Workaround: Confirm that the job stopped by viewing the job's detail page in the browser interface or by using the show job job-ID command.

Firmware Update Issues

This section describes known firmware update issues.

Firmware Update Does Not Work on a Management Server Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Update 5 (6510838)

N1 System Manager does not automatically enable the FTP daemon on Red Hat Linux, which is required to update firmware to ALOM based servers.

Error Message:

Job ID:   15
Date:     2007-01-04T12:39:50+0000
Type:     Load Firmware
Status:   Error (2007-01-04T12:40:03+0000)
Command:  load server firmware alom-1.6.1-main
Owner:    root
Errors:   1
Warnings: 0

ID     Type             Start                         Completion                       Result
1      Acquire Host     2007-01-04T12:39:51+0000      2007-01-04T12:39:51+0000         Completed
2      Execute Java     2007-01-04T12:39:51+0000      2007-01-04T12:39:51+0000         Completed
3      Acquire Host     2007-01-04T12:39:53+0000      2007-01-04T12:39:53+0000         Completed
4      Execute Java     2007-01-04T12:39:53+0000      2007-01-04T12:40:02+0000         Error 1

Error 1:
Description: Error during firmware deployment:Cannot update fw: *******

Failed to open ftp connection: Check ip address, pathname, username, and password

Result 1:
Status:   -3
Message:  An exception occurred trying to update

Workaround: Enable the FTP daemon.

# chkconfig vsftpd --level 5 on

# chkconfig vsftpd --level 3 on

# service vsftpd start

Run a Script Before Updating Firmware on Sun Fire X4100/X4200/X4600 Platforms

If you are running older versions of firmware on Sun Fire X4100/X4200/X4600 platforms and want to update firmware to the current level, you must first run a pre-flash upgrade script on all affected servers. Refer to the chapter “Flash Upgrading Your Server to Release 1.1” at to determine if your servers are affected.

N1 System Manager provides a script that will automatically perform the following actions:

The location of the script is /opt/sun/n1gc/bin/updateall.

After this script has been successfully applied to all the affected servers, you can update the firmware using N1 System Manager. Refer to the Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide for instructions.

N1 System Manager Does Not Display System Firmware Version for T1000/T2000 Platforms (6443502)

Firmware updates for T1000/T2000 platforms are provided as versioned bundles which might update any of its subcomponents. N1 System Manager does not display this version number.

Workaround: Log in manually to the service processor using telnet. Determine the version of System Firmware using the showhost command.

Inadequate Error Message When Firmware Update Fails on ALOM-based Servers (6330195)

If the FTP service is not enabled on the management server, firmware updates on ALOM-based servers fail with the following error message in the job output:

An exception occurred trying to update server-name. Please refer to the log file for more information.

Workaround: Enable the FTP service on the management server. See Enabling FTP on the Management Server in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Site Preparation Guide for details.

N1 System Manager Allows Deployment of Incompatible Firmware to Dual-Core Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers (6296404)

Dual-core Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z servers require a 2.3.x and greater firmware revision. N1 System Manager does not prevent you from deploying firmware revisions below 2.3.x. Deploying firmware revisions below 2.3.x might result in issues with the server's service processor.

Workaround: Double check the firmware revision before updating.

Monitoring Issues

This section describes known monitoring issues.

OS Monitoring Fails On Linux Installations if Proper Distribution Groups Are Not Selected

The osmonitor feature will fail on Linux 64–bit installations unless proper distribution groups are selected in the osprofile.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0–64 bit, ensure that you select the Everything group.

For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10–64 bit, ensure that you select the Default group and Common Code Base.

Agent Monitoring Fails if Sun Management Center Port Is Changed (6532397)

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. On the management server, edit the /etc/opt/sun/n1gc/ file to add an entry.


  2. Disable N1 System Manager by using the following command.

    # svcadm disable n1sm

  3. On the target node, create the config file and specify the new password, seed, and snmpv1 string.

    # ls -l /tmp/cred

    -r--------   1 root     root          77 Mar  8 20:04 /tmp/cred

    bash-3.00# cat /tmp/cred




  4. Configure the agent and specify a new user.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -u mynewuser -r -f /tmp/cred -p agent

  5. Stop the agent.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -aY

  6. Edit the “adminUsers” line with the new user in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/kernel-reader-simple.dat file.

    value:adminUsers = "mynewuser"

  7. Start the agent.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -alY

  8. On the management server, verify whether the agent is running.

    snmpwalk -c public -v 1 nodename:10161

  9. Set new credentials for the monitored node.

    # n1sh set server ip_or_name agentsnmpv3=mynewuser/mynewpass

OS Monitoring Status Does Not Change Back to “Good” State (6483181)

If you change an OS monitoring threshold value that moves the current monitoring status from Warning to Good, the status is not consistently updated in the N1 SM interface.

Workaround: On the management server, refresh the server's monitoring information:

n1-ok> set server server-name refresh

OS Monitoring Threshold Violations Are Not Being Sent (6433480)

The OS monitoring agent outbound interface might not match the user specified agentip. If uname -n on the target server does not resolve to agentip, the agent will not send traps to N1 System Manager over the agentip interface and the system will not restart upon reboot.

Workaround: Before adding the OS monitoring (osmonitor) feature, ensure that on the target server, the primary host name always resolves to the agentip IP address, which will be used to add the OS monitoring feature. Verify that uname -n always returns this host name, even upon reboot. Then, add the OS monitoring feature.

Jobs That Are Queued But Not Running Are Shown in the Job Detail as “Not Started” (6318398)

When the total job load is high enough to prevent the next job in the queue from running, the Job Details screen shows the running jobs' status as “running,” and the status for other jobs is shown as “Not Started.” The queued jobs will run after one or more of the running jobs have completed and the total job load is low enough to allow the next job in the queue to run.

See Job Queueing in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide for further information.

Clock Icon Representing Running Jobs Remains After Jobs Finish (6258571)

Even after all jobs are finished running, the clock icon next to the servers in the View Selector section might still display due to a problem with the refresh feature.

Workaround: Click the Refresh button or press F5 to refresh the browser interface.

Grid Engine Module Issues

This section describes known Grid Engine module issues.

Grid Engine Master Cannot Be Unloaded From N1 System Manager When Two Masters Are Present (6423617)

Workaround: Reload N1 System Manager or remove one of the master hosts from the database by performing the following procedure.

  1. Access the database through /opt/SUNWscs/sbin/ psql for Solaris or /opt/sun/scs/sbin/ psql for Linux.

  2. List the entries for the two masters:

    mgmt=>select * from sge_hosts;

     appliance_id |  type  | hostname  |              spooldir
                2 | MASTER | 10-0-0-17 | /gridware/sge/default/spool/qmaster
                3 | MASTER | hdco16    | /gridware/sge/default/spool/qmaster
    (2 rows)

    mgmt=>SELECT * from sge_host_versions;

     appliance_id | version
                2 | a1
                3 | a1
    (2 rows)
  3. Delete one of the masters from the sge_host_versions table and the sge_hosts table.

    mgmt=>delete from sge_host_versions where appliance_id = '3';

    DELETE 1

    mgmt=>SELECT * from sge_host_versions;

     appliance_id | version
                2 | a1
    (1 row)

    mgmt=>delete from sge_hosts where appliance_id = '3';

    DELETE 1

    mgmt=>select * from sge_hosts;

     appliance_id |  type  | hostname  |              spooldir
                2 | MASTER | 10-0-0-17 | /gridware/sge/default/spool/qmaster
    (1 row)

Missing Job Type for Grid Engine Module Jobs (6375965)

The job type for Grid Engine module jobs are missing. For example, after issuing a load server command to install the GE application, the associated jobs 5, 6, and 7 are missing a job type.

Job ID  Date                       Type                        Status        Owner
7       2006-01-07T08:13:24-0700                               Completed     root
6       2006-01-07T08:08:22-0700                               Completed     root
5       2006-01-07T08:04:42-0700                               Completed     root
4       2006-01-07T07:54:41-0700   Add Base Management Support  Completed   root
3       2006-01-07T07:53:43-0700   Add Base Management Support  Completed   root
2       2006-01-07T07:03:04-0700   Discovery                   Completed     root
1       2006-01-07T07:02:10-0700   Discovery                   Completed     root

Workaround: No workaround exists.

Non-root User With Grid Engine Privileges Cannot Create or Delete Grid Engine Application (6407102)

A non-root user with the appropriate Grid Engine privileges cannot create or delete the Grid Engine application on the management server by using the create application and delete application commands, respectively.

Workaround: You must be root on the management server to use the create application or delete application commands.

Internationalization Issues

The following issues might occur if the management server is running in a non-English environment.

CLI Help in the Localized Version Is Not Updated

CLI help in the localized version of the product is not updated with the latest hardware model numbers.

Language Attributes for Each OS Profile Are Not Documented (6426098)

N1 System Manager Online Help does not display a list of valid language attributes for each OS profile. The language attribute differs depending on the OS platform of the OS profile.

Language Attributes for RHEL3 and RHEL4 Platforms

name='Chinese(Mainland)' attribute= 'zh_CN'

name='Chinese(Taiwan)' attribute='zh_TW'

name='Czech' attribute='cs_CZ'

name='Danish' attribute='da_DK'

name='Dutch' attribute='nl_NL'

name='English' attribute='en_US'

name='French' attribute='fr_FR'

name='German' attribute='de_DE'

name='Icelandic' attribute='is_IS'

name='Italian' attribute='it_IT'

name='Japanese' attribute='ja_JP'

name='Korean' attribute='ko_KR'

name='Norwegian' attribute='no_NO'

name='Portuguese' attribute='pt_PT'

name='Russian' attribute='ru_RU'

name='Slovenian' attribute='sl_SI'

name='Spanish' attribute='es_ES'

name='Swedish' attribute='sv_SE'

name='Ukrainian' attribute='uk_UA'

Language Attributes for Solaris Platform

name='Arabic (UTF-8)' attribute= 'ar_EG.UTF-8'

name='Arabic (ISO8859-6)' attribute= 'ar_EG.ISO8859-6'

name='Bulgarian (ISO-8859-5)' attribute= 'bg_BG.ISO8859-5'

name='English (7-bit ASCII)' attribute= 'C'

name='Catalan (ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'ca_ES.ISO8859-1'

name='Catalan (ISO 8859-15) ' attribute= 'ca_ES.ISO8859-15'

name='Czech (ISO 8859-2) ' attribute= 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2'

name='Danish (ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'da_DK.ISO8859-1'

name='Danish (ISO 8859-15) ' attribute= 'da_DK.ISO8859-15'

name='German (Austria ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'de_AT.ISO8859-1'

name='German (Austria ISO 8859-15) ' attribute= 'de_AT.ISO8859-15'

name='German (Switerland ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'de_CH.ISO8859-1'

name='German (de_DE UTF-8) ' attribute= 'de_DE.UTF-8'

name='German (de_DE ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'de_DE.ISO8859-1'

name='German (de_DE ISO 8859-15) ' attribute= 'de_DE.ISO8859-15'

name='Greek (el_GR ISO 8859-7) ' attribute= 'el_GR.ISO8859-7'

name='English (Australia ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'en_AU.ISO8859-1'

name='English (Canada ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'en_CA.ISO8859-1'

name='English (Great Britain ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'en_GB.ISO8859-1'

name='English (Great Britain ISO 8859-15) ' attribute= 'en_GB.ISO8859-15'

name='English (Ireland ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'en_IE.ISO8859-1'

name='English (Ireland ISO 8859-15) ' attribute= 'en_IE.ISO8859-15'

name='English (New Zealand ISO 8859-1) ' attribute= 'en_NZ.ISO8859-1

name='English (UTF-8)' attribute= 'en_US.UTF-8'

name='Canada-English (ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'en_US'

name='U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'en_US.ISO8859-1'

name='U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'en_US.ISO8859-15'

name='Spanish (Argentina) (es_AR.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_AR.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Bolivia) (es_BO.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_BO.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Chile) (es_CL.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_CL.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Columbia) (es_CO.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_CO.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Costa Rica) (es_CR.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_CR.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Ecuador) (es_EC.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_EC.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Spain) (es_ES ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_ES.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Spain) (es_ES ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'es_ES.ISO8859-15'

name='Spanish (Guatemala) (es_GT.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_GT.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Mexico) (es_MX.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_MX.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Nicaragua) (es_NI.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_NI.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Panama) (es_PA.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_PA.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Peru) (es_PE.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_PE.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Paraguay) (es_PY.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_PY.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (El Salvador) (es_SV.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_SV.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Uruguray) (es_UY.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_UY.ISO8859-1'

name='Spanish (Venezula) (es_VE.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'es_VE.ISO8859-1'

name='Estonian (et_EE.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'et_EE.ISO8859-15'

name='Finnish (fi_FI.UTF-8)' attribute= 'fi_FI.UTF-8'

name='Finnish (fi_FI.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'fi_FI.ISO8859-1'

name='Finnish (fi_FI.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'fi_FI.ISO8859-15'

name='French (Belgium) (fr_BE.UTF-8)' attribute= 'fr_BE.UTF-8'

name='French (Belgium) (fr_BE.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'fr_BE.ISO8859-1'

name='French (Belgium) (fr_BE.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'fr_BE.ISO8859-15'

name='French (Canada) (fr_CA.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'fr_CA.ISO8859-1'

name='French (Switzerland) (fr_CH.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'fr_CH.ISO8859-15'

name='French (French) (fr_FR.UTF-8)' attribute= 'fr_FR.UTF-8'

name='French (French) (fr_FR.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1'

name='French (French) (fr_FR.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'fr_FR.ISO8859-15'

name='Hebrew (Isreael) (he_IL.UTF-8)' attribute= 'he_IL.UTF-8'

name='Hebrew (Isreael) (he_IL.ISO8859-8)' attribute= 'he_IL.ISO8859-8'

name='English (India) (hi_IN.UTF-8)' attribute= 'hi_IN.UTF-8'

name='Croatian (hr_HR.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2'

name='Hungarian (hu_HU.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'hu_HU.ISO8859-2'

name='Icelandic (is_IS.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'is_IS.ISO8859-2'

name='Italian (it_IT.UTF-8)' attribute= 'it_IT.UTF-8'

name='Italian (it_IT.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'it_IT.ISO8859-1'

name='Italian (it_IT.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'it_IT.ISO8859-15'

name='Japanese (ja_JP.UTF-8)' attribute= 'ja_JP.UTF-8'

name='Japanese (ja)' attribute= 'ja'

name='Japanese (ja_JP.PCK)' attribute= 'ja_JP.PCK'

name='Korean (ko_KR.UTF-8)' attribute= 'ko_KR.UTF-8'

name='Lithuanian (lt_LT.ISO8859-13)' attribute= 'lt_LT.ISO8859-13'

name='Latvian (lv_LV.ISO8859-13)' attribute= 'lv_LV.ISO8859-13'

name='Macedonian (mk_MK.ISO8859-5)' attribute= 'mk_MK.ISO8859-5'

name='Dutch (Belgium) (nl_BE.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'nl_BE.ISO8859-1'

name='Dutch (Belgium) (nl_BE.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'nl_BE.ISO8859-15'

name='Dutch (Netherlands) (nl_NL.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1'

name='Dutch (Netherlands) (nl_NL.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'nl_NL.ISO8859-15'

name='Norwegian (no_NO.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'no_NO.ISO8859-1'

name='Polish (pl_PL.UTF-8)' attribute= 'pl_PL.UTF-8'

name='Polish (pl_PL.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'pl_PL.ISO8859-2'

name='Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR.UTF-8)' attribute= 'pt_BR.UTF-8'

name='Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'pt_BR.ISO8859-1'

name='Portuguese (Portugal) (pt_PT.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'pt_PT.ISO8859-1'

name='Portuguese (Portugal) (pt_PT.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'pt_PT.ISO8859-15'

name='Romanian (Romania) (ro_RO.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'ro_RO.ISO8859-2'

name='Russian (Russia) (ru_RU.UTF-8)' attribute= 'ru_RU.UTF-8'

name='Russian (Russia) (ru_RU.ANSI1251)' attribute= 'ru_RU.ANSI1251'

name='Russian (Russia) (ru_RU.ISO8859-5)' attribute= 'ru_RU.ISO8859-5'

name='Russian (Russia) (ru_RU.KO18-R)' attribute= 'ru_RU.KO18-R'

name='Serbo-Croatian (sh_BA.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'sh_BA.ISO8859-2'

name='Slovak (sk_SK.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'sk_SK.ISO8859-2'

name='Slovenian (sl_SI.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2'

name='Albanian (sq_AL.ISO8859-2)' attribute= 'sq_AL.ISO8859-2'

name='Serbian (sr_YU.ISO8859-5)' attribute= 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5'

name='Swedish (sv_SE.UTF-8)' attribute= 'sv_SE.UTF-8'

name='Swedish (sv_SE.ISO8859-1)' attribute= 'sv_SE.ISO8859-1'

name='Swedish (sv_SE.ISO8859-15)' attribute= 'sv_SE.ISO8859-15'

name='Thai (th_TH.UTF-8)' attribute= 'th_TH.UTF-8'

name='Thai (th_TH.TIS620)' attribute= 'th_TH.TIS620'

name='Turkish (tr_TR.UTF-8)' attribute= 'tr_TR.UTF-8'

name='Turkish (tr_TR.ISO8859-9)' attribute= 'tr_TR.ISO8859-9'

name='Simplified Chinese (zh_CN.UTF-8)' attribute= 'zh_CN.UTF-8'

name='Simplified Chinese (zh_CN.EUC)' attribute= 'zh_CN.EUC'

name='Simplified Chinese (zh_CN.GB18030)' attribute= 'zh_CN.GB18030'

name='Traditional Chinese (zh_HK.Big5HK)' attribute= 'zh_HK.Big5HK'

name='Traditional Chinese (zh_HK.UTF-8)' attribute= 'zh_HK.UTF-8'

name='Traditional Chinese (zh_TW.UTF-8)' attribute= 'zh_TW.UTF-8'

name='Traditional Chinese (zh_TW.Big5)' attribute= 'zh_TW.BIG5'

Language Attributes for SUSE Platform

name='Catala' attribute= 'ca_ES.UTF-8'

name='Bosnia' attribute= 'bs_BA'

name='Cestina' attribute= 'cs_CZ.UTF-8'

name='Dansk' attribute= 'da_DK.UTF-8'

name='Deutsch' attribute= 'de_DE.UTF-8'

name='Greek' attribute= 'el_GR.UTF-8'

name='English (GB)' attribute= 'en_GB.UTF-8'

name='English (US)' attribute= 'en_US.UTF-8'

name='Espanol' attribute= 'es_ES.UTF-8'

name='Francais' attribute= 'fr_FR.UTF-8'

name='Magyar' attribute= 'hu_HU.UTF-8'

name='Italiano' attribute= 'it_IT.UTF-8'

name='Japanese' attribute= 'ja_JP.UTF-8'

name='Korean' attribute= 'ko_KR.UTF-8'

name='Lithuanian' attribute= 'lt_LT.UTF-8'

name='Nederlands' attribute= 'nl_NL.UTF-8'

name='Norsk' attribute= 'no_NO.UTF-8'

name='Portugues brasileiro' attribute= 'pt_BR.UTF-8'

name='Portugues' attribute= 'pt_PT.UTF-8'

name='Slovenscina' attribute= 'sl_SI.UTF-8'

name='Slovencina' attribute= 'sk_SK.UTF-8'

name='Svenska' attribute= 'sv_SE.UTF-8'

name='Simplified Chinese' attribute= 'zh_CN.gb18030'

name='Traditional Chinese' attribute= 'zh_TW'

name='Turkce' attribute= 'tr_TR.UTF-8'

The n1sh Command Does Not Work in Some Locales (6402666)

The n1sh command fails to run in some locales and the following error message is displayed:

The current encoding "locale-name" is not supported.

Workaround: Change the LANG and LC_ALL environment variables on the management server to UTF-8 (for example, en_US.UTF-8) or en_US locale.

Windows OS Deployment Does Not Work When OS Chooser Directory Name and RIS Server Language Are Different (6400419)

The RIS server assumes that you have files in a language path that is the same as the RIS server's OS language. To provision a Windows OS that is not the same as the RIS server's OS language, you need to do some additional configuration.

Workaround: To configure an English RIS server to deploy a non-English Windows image, copy the other language's files to the English path by performing the following procedure.

  1. Go to the directory in which the OS Chooser files are located.

    For example:

    % cd RemoteInstall\OSChooser

  2. Copy the files from the language directory to an English directory.

    For example:

    % copy -r Japanese English

This procedure creates a directory RemoteInstall\OSChooser\English that contains the install screens in the native language. When the RIS software checks the default English path, it will display the non-English OS Chooser screens during install.

To configure a non- English RIS server to deploy an English Windows image, type:

% copy -r English language

Internationalization Features Are Not Supported for the n1sh Command on Solaris Management Servers (6297808)

The Python version 2.3 on a default Solaris management server does not provide adequate internationalization support for the n1sh command.

Workaround: Install Python 2.4 or later on the Solaris management server. The Python executable must be /usr/bin/python2.4.

Cannot Install ALOM Firmware With a Non-ASCII Firmware Name (6297238)

The load server command fails to install ALOM firmware if the firmware name is non-ASCII.

Workaround: Change the firmware name to ASCII using the set firmware command.

Non-ASCII Objects Display Random Characters if the N1 System Manager Is Running in a Non-UTF8 Locale (6231209)

Non-ASCII objects created using the N1 System Manager display random characters if you start N1 System Manager in any of the following ways:

Workaround: Use either of the two following methods.

Deploying Solaris 10 3/05 OS With Some Installation Languages Will Time Out (6178721)

If you deploy Solaris 10 3/05 OS with an OS profile that has a particular installation language set, the installation is performed in interactive mode and you must select a language when prompted. The deploy OS job will eventually time out if you do not make the language selection. The following languages create this behavior:

Workaround: Because the installation is no longer automated, you must monitor the deployment through the server's serial console and make the language selection. You can choose Serial Console from the Actions menu in the browser interface or use the connect server command.