Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 Release Notes

Monitoring Issues

This section describes known monitoring issues.

OS Monitoring Fails On Linux Installations if Proper Distribution Groups Are Not Selected

The osmonitor feature will fail on Linux 64–bit installations unless proper distribution groups are selected in the osprofile.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0–64 bit, ensure that you select the Everything group.

For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10–64 bit, ensure that you select the Default group and Common Code Base.

Agent Monitoring Fails if Sun Management Center Port Is Changed (6532397)

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. On the management server, edit the /etc/opt/sun/n1gc/ file to add an entry.


  2. Disable N1 System Manager by using the following command.

    # svcadm disable n1sm

  3. On the target node, create the config file and specify the new password, seed, and snmpv1 string.

    # ls -l /tmp/cred

    -r--------   1 root     root          77 Mar  8 20:04 /tmp/cred

    bash-3.00# cat /tmp/cred




  4. Configure the agent and specify a new user.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -u mynewuser -r -f /tmp/cred -p agent

  5. Stop the agent.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -aY

  6. Edit the “adminUsers” line with the new user in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/kernel-reader-simple.dat file.

    value:adminUsers = "mynewuser"

  7. Start the agent.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -alY

  8. On the management server, verify whether the agent is running.

    snmpwalk -c public -v 1 nodename:10161

  9. Set new credentials for the monitored node.

    # n1sh set server ip_or_name agentsnmpv3=mynewuser/mynewpass

OS Monitoring Status Does Not Change Back to “Good” State (6483181)

If you change an OS monitoring threshold value that moves the current monitoring status from Warning to Good, the status is not consistently updated in the N1 SM interface.

Workaround: On the management server, refresh the server's monitoring information:

n1-ok> set server server-name refresh

OS Monitoring Threshold Violations Are Not Being Sent (6433480)

The OS monitoring agent outbound interface might not match the user specified agentip. If uname -n on the target server does not resolve to agentip, the agent will not send traps to N1 System Manager over the agentip interface and the system will not restart upon reboot.

Workaround: Before adding the OS monitoring (osmonitor) feature, ensure that on the target server, the primary host name always resolves to the agentip IP address, which will be used to add the OS monitoring feature. Verify that uname -n always returns this host name, even upon reboot. Then, add the OS monitoring feature.

Jobs That Are Queued But Not Running Are Shown in the Job Detail as “Not Started” (6318398)

When the total job load is high enough to prevent the next job in the queue from running, the Job Details screen shows the running jobs' status as “running,” and the status for other jobs is shown as “Not Started.” The queued jobs will run after one or more of the running jobs have completed and the total job load is low enough to allow the next job in the queue to run.

See Job Queueing in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide for further information.

Clock Icon Representing Running Jobs Remains After Jobs Finish (6258571)

Even after all jobs are finished running, the clock icon next to the servers in the View Selector section might still display due to a problem with the refresh feature.

Workaround: Click the Refresh button or press F5 to refresh the browser interface.