Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 Release Notes

Issues with Sun Blade 6000 Blade Server Modules

N1 System Manager supports deployment only over the two Network Express module cards. N1 System Manager does not support deployment through NIC ports on Ethernet PCI express module expansion cards.

Provisioning Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade T6300 Server

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade T6300 server, specify e1000g0 or e1000g1 for the bootnetworkdevice attribute of the load command.

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM0 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=e1000g0 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM1 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=e1000g1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

If bootnetworkdevice is not specified, e1000g0 is taken as the default.

Provisioning Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade X6220 Server

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 on a Sun Blade X6220 server, specify nge0 or nge1 for the bootnetworkdevice attribute of the load command.

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM0 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=nge0 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

To provision Solaris 10 11/06 over the NEM1 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=nge1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

If bootnetworkdevice is not specified, nge0 is taken as the default.

Provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 or 4.0 on Sun Blade X6220 (6541243)

In Sun Blade X6220, you can install one or more PCI Express Modules with network interfaces. The Service Console does not have any information about these interfaces and they will not show up in the show server output.

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the logical interface of the network interfaces depends on whether a PCI Express module exists and causes errors during OS provisioning.

    The ordering is as follows:

  1. PCI Express Modules interfaces will be assigned eth0-eth(N-1) where N is the number of network interfaces in all of the PCI Express Modules connected to the X6220 blade.

  2. NEM interfaces will receive the ethN logical interface

Error Message: The installation will fail by being unable to get the DHCP address if the PEM interface is not attached to the provisioning network or the installation may go interactive asking which network device you wish to install over.

Workaround: During OS provisioning, provide the logical interface device for the NEM0 or NEM1 interface while configuring the networkdevice parameter of the load server command.

The following command will install over the NEM0 interface if there is a PCI Express module with two network interfaces attached to the Sun Blade X6220.

n1sh> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress ip=ipaddress networktype=static networkdevice=eth2

Due to the workaround, you cannot define two interfaces to configure when installing Red Hat Linux on Sun Blade X6220.

Provisioning Red Hat Linux on a Sun Blade X6220 Server

To provision Red Hat Linux on a Sun Blade X6220 server, specify eth0 or eth1 for the bootnetworkdevice attribute of the load command.

To provision Red Hat Linux over the NEM0 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=eth0 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

To provision Red Hat Linux over the NEM1 interface, type the following command:

N1-ok> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress networktype=static ip=ipaddress 
       bootnetworkdevice=eth1 console=ttyS1 consolebaud=115200

If bootnetworkdevice is not specified, eth0 is taken as the default.

If One or More Ethernet PCI Express Modules are Present

The presence of PEM modules in the chassis affects the logical network interface name to which the NEM ports map when Linux is installed. The user is currently required to explicitly specify different logical interface names, depending on the number of PEM modules installed on the blade. In particular, the user must specify both bootnetworkdevice and networkdevice options as specified in the below tables. The following tables shows the valid values for 2-port PCI express modules:

Table 2–1 One 2-port PEM










Table 2–2 Two 2-port PEMs










Since the PEM configuration may vary, the general formula is given below in the following table:






ethX where X = 0 + number of ports on 1st PEM + number of ports on 2nd PEM 



ethX where X = 1 + number of ports on 1st PEM + number of ports on 2nd PEM 

Note –

You cannot configure different bootip and ip settings as part of the load command. When OS deployment completes, only one interface will be configured.

Note –

Linux deployment on a Sun Blade X6220 server goes into interactive mode if you do not specify the correct networkdevice option when PEMs are present.

Physical Chassis Groups Do Not Work for Sun Blade X6220 or Sun BladeT6300 Servers

Physical chassis groups may not be shown in the BUI or CLI due to a platform firmware issue. When this firmware is available, perform the following steps.

  1. Upgrade the blade SP firmware through N1 System Manager.

  2. Upgrade the CMM firmware manually. See the Sun Blade 6000 documentation for details.

  3. Refresh all the upgraded servers.

    N1-ok> set server ipaddress refresh

    Chassis groups should now be available.

Sun Blade T6300 Server Cannot Support Multiple ssh Sessions

Due to a firmware issue, System Manager operations on a Sun Blade T6300 server, which uses ssh, fail if there is also an ssh login session on the service processor, with errors such as the following:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Workaround: Use only telnet for server management. Before discovering the server through N1 System Manager, configure ALOM to use telnet.

  1. Log in to the ALOM SP.

  2. sc> setsc if_connection telnet

  3. sc> resetsc

ssh Is Not Supported on ALOM-CMT Devices (6540600)

Secure Shell (ssh) connections are not supported on ALOM-CMT devices.

Workaround: Use telnet to connect to ALOM-CMT devices.