Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.3 Release Notes

Provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 or 4.0 on Sun Blade X6220 (6541243)

In Sun Blade X6220, you can install one or more PCI Express Modules with network interfaces. The Service Console does not have any information about these interfaces and they will not show up in the show server output.

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the logical interface of the network interfaces depends on whether a PCI Express module exists and causes errors during OS provisioning.

    The ordering is as follows:

  1. PCI Express Modules interfaces will be assigned eth0-eth(N-1) where N is the number of network interfaces in all of the PCI Express Modules connected to the X6220 blade.

  2. NEM interfaces will receive the ethN logical interface

Error Message: The installation will fail by being unable to get the DHCP address if the PEM interface is not attached to the provisioning network or the installation may go interactive asking which network device you wish to install over.

Workaround: During OS provisioning, provide the logical interface device for the NEM0 or NEM1 interface while configuring the networkdevice parameter of the load server command.

The following command will install over the NEM0 interface if there is a PCI Express module with two network interfaces attached to the Sun Blade X6220.

n1sh> load server ipaddress osprofile myprofile bootip=ipaddress ip=ipaddress networktype=static networkdevice=eth2

Due to the workaround, you cannot define two interfaces to configure when installing Red Hat Linux on Sun Blade X6220.