Sun Secure File Transport User Guide

How-To Edit the Configuration File

The /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/sftransport.xml configuration file is installed when the Sun SFT package is installed. This file configures the main daemon parameters as well as all processing slot definitions. (A slot is a virtual holding place for files within a transfer directory.) You can edit this file directly to change the Sun SFT configuration. After making changes to the configuration file, you must restart the daemon for configuration changes to take effect.

Note –

See the sftransport(4) man pages for specific details.

The following is an example of the sftransport.xml file:

 <config version="2">
   <slot type="explorer" threads="5" archivePath="/mnt/explorer_archive">
   <slot type="casedata" threads="1" archivePath="">