Sun Secure File Transport User Guide

Chapter 4 Command Line Options for Sun SFT

Sun SFT supports the command line options shown in the following table:

Command Line Options Table



-v or --version

Print version 

-h or --help

Print this usage message 

-p or --printconfig

Print configuration settings 

-i or --info

Print daemon status / current transfers 

-s or --start

Start daemon 

-e or --shutdown

Stop daemon, allow active transfers to finish (graceful shutdown) 

-a or --abort

Stop daemon, abort active transfers 

-l or --start-listener

Start HTTP Listener on Solaris 9 (On Solaris 10, use svcadm)

-L or --stop-listener

Stop HTTP Listener on Solaris 9 (On Solaris 10, use svcadm)


This is an alternative option available with Solaris 10. You can use svcadm to enable/disable the svc:/application/management/sasm service.


Use svcadm to manage the network/sftransport-listener service on Solaris 10.

Note: this command can be used on Solaris 10 only; on Solaris 9 you must use one of the command options previously listed.