Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Chapter 1 Understanding Portal Server Management

Portal Server administrators manage a variety of functions, including tasks for the following:

This chapter provides information about Portal Server components and the ways for managing a portal:

Understanding Portal Server Components

A Portal Server deployment has a number of components that affect portal administration. These components include the following:

For more information about Portal Server components, see the Sun JavaTM System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide.

Using the Portal Server Management Console

The Portal Server management console, which simplifies a variety of portal administration tasks, is a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EETM) application that:

The management console enables portal administrators to perform the following activities:

About the Browser Interface

The management console's user interface arranges administration functions into pages. Across the top of each page is a tab strip. The tabs present pages that group management functions in an organized manner. To navigate from page to page, administrators click a tab. The tabs provided are the following:

Portal Server administrators can provide and limit access to content on a portal through the definitions of the identities of specific end users. You can set up portal pages, attributes and access policies so that portal content is available to specific entities. These entities include the following:

ProcedureTo Login to the Management Console

Only administrators with SuperAdmin permission and delegated administrators can access the Portal Server management console. Users access the Portal Server management console using a browser client from a distinct uniform resource identifier (URI).

  1. Type this URL in your browser: http://hostname:port/psconsole


    The name of the system that the management console is running on.


    The management console's port number assigned during installation.

  2. In the text boxes, type the Admin User Name and Password.

    The admin user should be a top-level administrator. A typical Admin User Name is amadmin.

  3. Click the Log In button.

    The management console's Common Tasks page is displayed.

Using the Portal Server Administration Tag Library and Portlets

Portal Server provides an administration tag library for developing administration portlets that enable a portal to be managed from the Desktop instead of from the management console. Administrators can use this tag library to do the following:

Administrators can use administration portlets to grant delegated administration status to other users, called delegated administrators. Portal Server provides a sample set of administration portlets that can be used to design a basic Desktop for delegated administrators.

For more information, see Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Developer Sample Guide and Tag Library for Delegated Administration.

Using the psadmin Command-line Interface

Portal Server software provides a command-line interface (CLI). The CLI allows portal administrators to do the following:

The CLI offers a number of psadmin subcommands for managing portal tasks. These include subcommands for:

Most subcommands commands are written specifically to mimic functions in the browser interface. For management functions that have no special commands, administrators use standard UNIX commands.

Caution – Caution –

If you installed Portal Server on Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 or GlassFish V2 web containers, you must start either of these web container administration servers and cacao before you invoke psadmin commands.

For information about all psadmin subcommands, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Command-Line Reference.