Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Setting Up Portal Server Instances

A Portal Server instance is a web application deployed to a web container. An instance uses a particular Portal Server context URI to serve requests on a specific network port. Each Portal Server instance is associated with a single Portal.

A server instance listens on a particular port, bound to either one IP address or any IP address of the host. For the Portal Server, a server instance corresponds to a deployment container process listening on a port and running a single Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM™ software).

Note –

Sun Java™ System Web Server and Sun Java™ System Application Server support multiple instances.

This section explains how to complete the following tasks:

ProcedureTo List Portal Server Instances

You can view a list of Portal Server instances that are already set up.

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Click the name of Portal Server from the table.

  4. Select the Server Instances tab.

    The table displays all the instances of the Portal Server you selected.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin list-portals

ProcedureTo Create a Portal Server Instance

Before You Begin
  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select the name of a Portal Server.

  4. Select the Server Instances tab.

  5. Click on the New Instance button to launch the wizard.

  6. Provide the name of the portal identifier.

  7. Enter Web Container Information.

  8. (Optional) Change the default web container instance properties.

    For information, see Creating a Portal on the Same Node in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide.

  9. Verify the information you supplied, and click Finish to create the new portal instance.

    A progress bar displays the status of this procedure. When the procedure is complete, a results page is provided.

  10. Click Finish to create your new portal instance.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin create-instance

ProcedureTo Delete a Portal Server Instance

You can delete an instance of a Portal Server.

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select the name of a Portal Server.

  4. Select the Server Instances tab.

  5. From the table, select the instance you want to remove.

  6. Click Delete Instance button.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin delete-instance