Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Understanding the Display Profile

While installing Portal Server, you create an initial organization. The installer then imports the display profile global level document, and the default organization display profile, based on the input parameters you specify.

After that, each time you create a new organization, suborganization, or role, the display profile is not automatically loaded. However, the new organization, suborganization, or role inherits the display profile defined from its parent. If there are specific entries to the newly created organization, suborganization, or role, you must manually load the display profile.

The display profile creates the display configuration for the standard Desktop by defining the following three items:

Provider definition

Specifies the name and the Java class for the provider. A provider is a template used to generate content, which is displayed in the channel.

Channel definition

Specifies the run time configuration of an instance of the provider class. A channel is a unit of content, often arranged in rows and columns. You can also have channels of channels, called container channels.

Provider and channel property definitions

Specify the values for provider and channel properties. Properties defined in a provider usually specify default values for the channels that are derived from the provider. The display configurations for the channels include properties such as the title, description, channel width, and so on. The properties defined in the channel usually specify the specific value for that channel that is different from the default value.

Container properties define the display definition about how to display the contained channels in the container, including: the layout of the container (thin-wide, wide-thin, or thin-wide-thin); a list of the contained channels; the position of the channel (the row and column number); and the window state of the contained channels (minimized or detached).

The display profile exists only to provide property values for channels. It does not actually define the overall layout or organization of what users see on their Desktops. However, the display profile does indirectly control some aspects of channel presentation, such as column layout for a table container or how the table container draws channels in a table.

The system reports errors when you try to save a display profile document containing invalid XML. The error messages appear as a title, a message, and a sub-message. The title of the message box is “Invalid XML document.” The message appears as one of the following:

If you receive an “Invalid XML document” error, you must correct the error to be able to save the XML document.

The display document syntax is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM " jar://resources/psdp.dtd">

<DisplayProfile version="1.0" priority="xxx">