Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Creating and Deleting Channels and Containers

This section discusses how to create and delete channels and containers from the portal management console.

ProcedureTo Create a Channel or Container

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select a portal from Portals.

  4. From Select DN drop-down menu, select any DN.

  5. Under Task, click Manage Channels and Containers.

  6. Select a container in the tree on left frame to display Edit Properties page on the right frame.

  7. Under Tasks, click New Channel or Container to launch the wizard.

    In the wizard, ensure that the selected portal and selected DN is where you want to create the channel or container and click Next.

  8. Create a container or channel from the wizard.

    • To create a container, perform the following steps:

      1. Select a provider from the Container Provider drop-down menu, and click Next.

      2. Type a name in the Channel or Container Name text field, and click Next.

      3. Review your selections, and click Finish.

        A message confirms the creation of the container.

      4. Click Close

    • To create a channel, perform the following steps:

      1. Select a channel type.

        Select a channel from the following three types:

        • If you select Provider Channel, a list of provider channels are displayed.

        • If you select JSR 168 Portlet Channel, a list of portlet channels are displayed.

        • If you select WSRP Remote Portlet Channel, select the registered producer and the remote portlet from the drop-down menu.

      2. Type a name in the Channel or Container Name text field, and click Next.

      3. Review your selections, and click Finish.

        A message confirms the creation of the channel.

      4. Click Close.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin add-dp

ProcedureTo Delete a Channel or Container

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select a portal from Portals.

  4. From Select DN drop-down menu, select any DN.

  5. Under Tasks, click Manage Channels and Containers.

  6. Select a container in the tree on left frame to display Edit Properties page on the right frame.

  7. Under Tasks, click Select Channels or Containers to Delete.

  8. Under Type, select Channel or Container.

    Available channels and containers are displayed.

  9. Select a channel or container, and click Delete.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin remove-dp