Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Understanding the WSRP Standard

WSRP 1.0 is an OASIS standard that simplifies integration of remote applications and content into portals. The WSRP standard defines presentation-oriented, interactive web services with a common, well-defined interface and protocol for processing user interactions and for providing presentation fragments suited for mediation and aggregation by portals as well as conventions for publishing, finding and binding such services.

Because the WSRP interfaces are common and well-defined, all web services that implement the WSRP standard plug into all WSRP compliant portals – a single, service-independent adapter on the portal side is sufficient to integrate any WSRP service. As a result, WSRP is the means for content and application providers to provide their services to organizations running portals with no programming effort required.

See the WSRP 1.0 standard for more information:

The implementation of the WSRP 1.0 standard in Portal Server includes both the WSRP consumer and the WSRP producer. The WSRP producer implementation supports publishing JSR 168 portlets for use by a remote WSRP consumer. The JSR 168 portlets are deployed locally on a portal server. These portlets can be published by an instance of the WSRP producer.

Another portal server, through its WSRP consumer, can subscribe to these remote portlets. While local portlets can be expected to provide a large part of the base functionality for portals, remote portlets allow the potential to bind to a variety of remote portlets without installation effort or code running locally on the consuming portal server.