This section discusses the following topics:
Create a producer if you want to offer locally deployed portlets remotely to other portals that act as WSRP consumers. A portal can host multiple producers. The consumer can import remote portlets offered by a producer. Based on the portlets that you want to provide to WSRP consumers, you may create one or more producers. A producer can support registration or it does not require registration. If a producer supports registration, then consumers must register to work with the producer.
Registration is used to build a technical or business relationship between the consumer and the producer. While creating a producer, you can define any one of the following registration mechanisms: in-band registration or out-of-band registration:
If the producer requires registration and enabled in-band registration: the consumer can provide the details through WSRP interface and register with the producer. Consumer is also provided an option to register through out-of-band communication. That is, consumer can provide the registration handle obtained through out-of-band communication.
If the producer requires registration and enabled out-of-band registration: the consumer should obtain the registration handle through out-of-band communication and provide the registration handle during registration. Out-of-band registration happens with manual intervention such as phone calls, email, and so on. For a producer that supports out-of-band registration, the producer gets the details about the consumer through out-of-band communication, and it creates a registration handle for the consumer. The registration handle is communicated to the consumer through out-of-band communication.
Select the Portals tab.
Select a portal server from Portals.
Click the WSRP tab.
From the Select DN drop-down menu select any DN, and click the Producer tab.
The WSRP Producers table displays all producers that are created.
Organizations are created in Sun Java System Identity Server. Select the DN of an organization or suborganization based on the availability of portlets.
Click New to create a new producer.
Type the name to identify the producer.
Select Required for Registration.
Select Supported for Inband Registration
To add a registration property, click Add Row. Enter the values. Enter the name of the registration property and description.
Registration properties are the details that you want to get from the consumer while the consumer registers to a specific producer. The registration properties entered by the consumer can be validated through the Registration Validation class.
Select Supported for out-of-band Registration if you wish the consumer to provide the details through out-of-band communication, such as phone calls, email, and so on.
Click Next.
The Review screen displays the details that you entered. Review details. You can click Previous and change the details you entered.
Click Finish.
For a producer that does not require registration, consumer is not required to enter any information or get any information through out-of-band communication. In this case, the consumer can not customize (or edit) the portlets offered by the producer. The producer that does not support registration provides Read-Only portals to the consumers.
Select the Portals tab.
Select a portal server from Portals.
Click the WSRP tab.
Select DN.
The Configured Producers table displays all producers that are already configured.
Click New.
Type the name of the producer.
Select Registration not required.
Click Finish.
A producer can be disabled. But, all the consumers registered with the disabled producer will not be able to access the portlets offered by the producer.
In the Producer tab, click the producer name link.
The Edit Properties screen appears. The screen displays WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) URL. WSDL URL is a unique URL for a specific producer through which the consumer accesses the producer.
Add one or more published portlets to the producer.
The producer must have at least one published portlet to enable it. The screen displays all published portlets associated with the portal in which the producer is created.
Select a portlet, and click Add.
Edit the Registration Validation Class field if required.
Registration Validator is used to validate the registration properties that are entered by the consumer. You can also customize this class based on the needs.
Click Save. Now, the Enable check box displayed in the screen can be edited. Select Enable and click Save.
You can also edit other properties of the producer.
You can customize the RegistrationValidator class. Using this class, you can process the registration properties. For example, verifying the zip code of the customer. RegistrationValidator is the SPI for registration validation in the WSRP producer. For more information on customizing the validation class, see http://portal/portal/javadocs/. You can also refer to WSRP: Validating Registration Data in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Developer’s Guide.
For a producer that supports registration, a registration handle needs to be generated for a specific consumer. After generating the registration handle, it needs to be communicated to the consumer to register with the producer through out-of-band communication. Consumer needs to enter the registration handle, while registering with the producer.
Click the Consumer Registration tab.
The screen displays all consumers that are already registered to the specific producer.
Click New.
Type details, such as name, status, consumer agent, and method.
A unique name to identify the consumer.
Can be Enabled or Disabled.
Specifies the name and version of the consumer's vendor. Consumer Agent Name should be ProductName.MajorVersion.MinorVersion, where ProductName identifies the product the consumer installed for its deployment, and majorVersion and minorVersion are vendor-defined indications of the version of its product. This string can then contain any additional characters/words the product or consumer wishes to supply.
Specifies whether the Consumer has implemented portlet URLs in a manner that supports HTML markup containing forms with method, get.
Click Next.
The screen displays the registration property values that are specified while creating the producer.
Enter the values, and click Next. Click Finish.