Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Edit a Consumer Registration

You can edit existing consumer registrations manually. Note that this could also be done via in-band registration from the WSRP Consumer end. Ensure that both out of band and in band registration are not used simultaneously.

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select a portal server from Portals.

  4. Click WSRP, then Producers from the submenu.

  5. From Select DN drop-down menu choose any DN.

  6. Select producers, then select a WSRP producer, then Consumer Registrations.

  7. Select a consumer registration and modify the configuration attributes as necessary.

    For more information about the attributes, see Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference

  8. Click Save to record the changes.