Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Manage Common Logger Settings

  1. To Login to the Management Console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select a Portal Server under Portals.

  4. Click Logging, then Common Logger settings from the submenu.

  5. From the Instance Name drop-down menu, select a portal instance.

  6. Modify the configuration attributes as necessary.

    The following options are available:


    Log Level — You can choose what information to view in a log file by selecting a log level setting.

    The choices for Log level include:

    • Severe - errors visible to users

    • Warning - user warnings

    • Info - informative for users

    • Config - static setup information for developers

    • Fine - basic tracing information

    • Finer - detailed tracing information

    • Finest - complete tracing information

    • Off - can be used to turn off logging

    • All - indicates that all messages should be logged

    File Handler Properties
    • Limit — Specify the size of the log file in bytes. If the log file size exceeds this value, the log file will be rotated based on file count. The default value is 5 megabytes.

    • File Count — When the log reaches the specified size in bytes, create a new empty file with the generation number (%g in the File Pattern) incremented by 1. The default value is 2. To turn off log file rotation, set the value to 0.

    • Append — Specify whether the new message is to be appended to the existing file. Default is true.

    • Filter — To filter log records that are sent to destinations such as portal log or a destination specified by a custom log handler, you can plug in a custom log filter. The custom filter must implement the interface java.util.logging.Filter. Type the absolute class name of the filter in the field. Also put the filter class in the Application Server classpath so that the filter is installed during server startup.

    • Custom Handlers — To send logs to a destination other than portal log, you can plug in a custom log handler. The custom handler must extend the class java.util.logging.Handler (a JSR 047 compliant API). Type the absolute class name of the handler in the field. Also put the handler class in the Application Server classpath so that the handler is installed during server startup. You can specify more than one handler. Use comma to separate multiple names.

    • Use Web Container Log File — To disable portal logging administration and route all logs to the web container log file, chose Yes, other chose No. Default is No.

  7. Click Apply to the Selected Instance or Apply to All Instances to record the changes.

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin set-logger in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Command-Line Reference