Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Managing the Mobile Portal Desktop

Portal Server Mobile Access software uses the Portal Server administration console to manage the mobile Portal Desktop.

Note –

In order to understand the information provided in this chapter and manage the mobile Portal desktop, you need to know the Portal Server administration console.

This section discusses the following topics:

Understanding the Wireless Desktop Dispatcher

Once you install Mobile Access software, your Portal Server site provides a mobile Portal Desktop as well as a standard Portal Desktop. At the time a user logs in to Portal Server, the wireless desktop dispatcher, which is a component of Mobile Access software, determines which Portal Desktop is the appropriate one to route user requests to. The wireless desktop dispatcher uses an XML Display Profile configuration to determine which Portal Desktop—standard, mobile—is the appropriate one to route user requests to.

The wireless desktop dispatcher:

The default channel for the mobile Portal Desktop is the WirelessDesktopDispatcher. Follow the steps to edit the WirelessDesktopDispatcher container from the Portal Server 7.2 administration console to support other containers for particular devices.

ProcedureTo Edit the Parent Container in Portal Server 7.2 Administration Console

  1. Log in to the Portal Server 7.2 Administration Console as administrator.

  2. Click the Portals tab. The available Portals are displayed.

  3. Click on the name of the Portal, which you want to manage.

  4. Choose the Org option from the SelectDN drop down list box. The Desktop Tasks and Attributes page is displayed. The Parent Container attribute is available under the Desktop Attributes. The top level container value in the display profile for the selectedDN is displayed in the Parent Container text box.

  5. Edit the value in the Parent Container text box to support other containers for particular devices.

  6. Click Save.

Wireless Desktop Dispatcher Properties

This section describes the properties listed for the WirelessDesktopDispatcher container.

The wireless desktop dispatcher properties include:

This property is also used to display a list of devices on the Mobile Devices edit page in the standard Portal Desktop. Individual users can view what devices they have used, and they can add to the list simply by logging into the mobile Portal Desktop with other devices.

ProcedureTo Navigate To the WirelesDesktopDispatcher Container Properties Page

  1. Log in to the Portal Server 7.1 Administration Console as administrator. The Common Administrative Tasks page appears.

  2. Under Configuration, click the Manage Channels & Containers button. The Data Collection pop up window appears.

  3. From the Select Portals drop down list box, choose the Portal you want to manage.

  4. From the SelectDNdrop down list box, choose the DN.

  5. Click OK. The WirelessDesktopDispatcher container tasks and properties are listed in the right frame. You can modify the values of these properties in this page.

  6. Edit the value in the editContainerName text box, to suit the appropriate device.

Conditional Properties

Conditional properties for client types enable administrators to specify properties for a channel or container channel that are specific to a client type. Conditional properties for client types can also be hierarchical, just as client data is hierarchical.

The syntax for a conditional property is client=clientType. For example, client=WML is the name of the conditional property for WML client types.

The desktopContainer property for the wireless desktop dispatcher is an example of a client conditional property for the client type client=WML.

Here is a hierarchical representation of the default desktopContainer property forNokia devices:

client=Nokia —> desktopContainer=JSPNativeContainer

The subset of WML clients defined by the Nokia client style use a different desktopContainer definition, however. They use the JSPNativeContainer.

Channel State Properties

These properties indicate the state of a channel to both the JSPNativeContainer . They allow an end user to display only a channels title bar on a mobile PortalDesktop instead of loading a channels content inline.

Note –

On the standard Portal Desktop, you can provide buttons on a channel so that the user can minimize or maximize its content. This is not currently supported with the mobile Portal Desktop.

These properties include: