Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Part II Designing the Desktop

Chapter 13 Managing the Desktop Themes and Layout

The Desktop Design Tool (DDT), inside the Portal Server management console, provides an easy to use GUI to create a new desktop and/or edit an existing desktop. This chapter contains the following sections:

Understanding the Desktop Design Tool

This section contains the following subsections:

Where is the DDT Deployed?

The desktop design tool supports two deployment scenarios:

When you work on a blank slate, the distinguished node (DN) must have the desktop service already assigned to it. Once a new node is created and the desktop service is assigned to it, you can then select the new node from the Portal Server management console and click on the Desktop Design Tool link. A tab named Untitled is created automatically in this node and you can start working on this tab.

What is the Sandbox Organization?

If the Sandbox sample is installed, a Sandbox organization is created by the installer.. Also, a desktop user sandbox is created under the Sandbox organization. sandbox is the password for the user sandbox. You can use this organization to start building the desktop. The Sandbox organization has one main tab, and under this main tab there are two sub tabs. You can start adding portlets into the layout. By logging in as user sandbox, you can view the actual desktop you built using the Desktop Design Tool.

The sandbox organization DN allows you to quickly create a new desktop in the Desktop Design Tool without the need to create a new organization and user separately.

What Can You do With the DDT?

The desktop design tool allows you to create or edit a desktop layout, then apply theme on top of it. The desktop design tool can be separated into two major areas: layout and theme. You can use the Desktop Design Tool to work on a selected DN which does not have any display profile document loaded, and create a brand new desktop from scratch. A default theme (Look & Feel) is used, and you can switch to a different theme using the Manage Theme link from the Desktop common task area.

In the desktop design tool, when a new desktop is created, the desktop type value is theme_support. In the blank slate scenario, when you create a new organization, the desktop type is default and the parent container is DefaultChannel. After you use the desktop design tool to design the new organization, the desktop type is default and the parent container is changed to DefaultJSPTabContainer.

Customizing the Desktop Using the Desktop Design Tool

The DDT allows you to customize the layout of the pages in your portal and the themes used on your portal pages.

Desktop Design Tool Layout

The Desktop Design Tool Layout:

Desktop Design Tool Theme

The Desktop Design Tool Theme:

The Portal Server software includes two themes, default and heavy, that, after deployment, are available at WEB_CONTAINER/portal/desktop/themes/lite and WEB_CONTAINER/portal/desktop/themes/heavy directories respectively. By default, the default theme is used by the sandbox sample portal and the heavy theme is used by the enterprise sample portal.

The theme CSS files are stored either in the Portal web application or individual theme web application in the web container. The file structure in the web application is as follows:


Stylesheet for the theme


Image files, used in the stylesheet


Templates that can be customized (using Dreamweaver) by web designers



Note –

All Javascript used in the default and heavy themes are located in the WEB_CONTAINER/portal/desktop/themes/js/scripts.js file which also loads WEB_CONTAINER/portal/desktop/themes/js/scripts.js/portalMenuHandler.js file.

Note –

WEB_CONTAINER is /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/ for solaris and /opt/sun/appserver/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/ for Linux.

The themes, default and heavy, each have an associated collection in the Display Profile AvailableThemes collection:

<Collection name="AvailableThemes" propagate="false">
	<Collection name="default" propagate="false">
				<String name="contextPath" value="desktop/themes/ lite"/>
		<Boolean name="editable" value="false"/>
		<Boolean name="insidePortalWar" value="true"/>
		<Boolean name="portletControlMenu" value="true"/>
	<Collection name="heavy" propagate="false">
				<String name="contextPath" value="desktop/themes/ heavy"/>
		<Boolean name="editable" value="false"/>
		<Boolean name="insidePortalWar" value="true"/>
		<Boolean name="portletControlMenu" value="false"/>

Accessing the Desktop Design Tool

The Desktop Design Tool can be accessed from the Portal Server management console in one of the following ways:

ProcedureTo Access the Desktop Design Tool Through the Desktop Design Tool Link

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

    The Portal Server management console login page can be accessed from your browser at the following URL: http://server:port/psconsole

  2. Select Desktop Design Tool link under the Common Administrative Tasks tab.

  3. Select your portal and the DN.

  4. Click on OK.

    The page to design the layout of the desktop for your portal is displayed. The top pane displays the selected DN and the tab actions toolbar to add, edit, move, or remove a tab or a sub-tab. The right pane shows the library of channels available for adding on to the selected desktop. The left pane is the work area where the tabs and channels, as displayed on the desktop, can be designed.

ProcedureTo Access the Desktop Design Tool From the Portals Tab

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

    The Portal Server management console login page can be accessed from your browser at the following URL: http://server:port/psconsole

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select the portal from the Portals table.

  4. Select the Design Desktop Layout link from the Common Tasks area.

Chapter 14 Designing the Page Layout

You can specify the layout of columns in a page using the Desktop Design Tool. Every channel can be assigned a thickness: narrow or wide. All the thin and wide channels are then aggregated by the containers and displayed according to the selected page layout.

Using the Desktop Design Tool Layout

This section describes the procedure:

ProcedureTo Change the Desktop Page Layout

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Select the tab (in the work area) whose page layout you wish to change.

    You must select a one level tab to change the layout. The layout of a tab containing sub-tabs cannot be changed as it does not contain any layout.

  3. Click on Change Layout.

    A page with the available layouts to choose from pops up.

  4. Select the layout icon for the tab.

    By default, the following page layouts are available:

    • thin-wide, wide-thin, thin-wide-thin

    • fulltop-thin-wide, fulltop-wide-thin, fulltop-thin-wide-thin

    • thin-wide-fullbottom, wide-thin-fullbottom, thin-wide-thin-fullbottom

    • fulltop-thin-wide-fullbottom, fulltop-wide-thin-fullbottom, fulltop-thin-wide-thin-fullbottom

  5. Click on OK

    The selected page layout for the tab is displayed.

Chapter 15 Managing and Customizing the Tabs

You can use tabs to categorize the information on your desktop. A tab is a web page. Each top level tab can have multiple nested tabs. The order that your tabs are displayed in the Desktop is the order in which they are listed in the display profile. So, to make a tab the first tab in the user’s Desktop, you need to move it and make it the first in the selected list in the display profile.

Managing the Tabs

This section contains the following tasks that describe how:

ProcedureTo Add a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the Add Tab button.

    The page to add a tab pops-up.

  3. Specify whether or not this tab will have sub-tabs by selecting the corresponding radio button.

  4. Specify the title for the tab in the Page Title text box.

    Note that the title you specify here is the name of the tab as displayed on the desktop.

  5. Specify the container name for the tab in the Container Name text box.

    This is the name by which the Portal Server software identifies this tab. The name you specify here can be the same as the tab title (you specified in step 4), but each name must be unique.

  6. Specify whether or not the page will enable AJAX for end users.

    Note –

    If a tab is Ajax enabled, you get the following functionality:

    • Drag and drop positioning of channels and portlets on the page

    • Asynchronous interaction for channel container controls such as minimize, remove, and maximize

    • Independent refresh for individual channels and portlets without refreshing the complete page

    • Edit channels and portlets inline without refreshing the complete page

    • Easy addition and removal of channels

  7. Click on Finish.

    The tab is added to the desktop in your work area.

ProcedureTo Add a Sub-Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the primary tab for which you wish to create a secondary tab.

    The primary tab must allow sub tabs.

  3. Click on the Add Tab button.

    The page to add a secondary tab pops up.

  4. Specify the title for the tab in the Tab Title text box.

    Note that the title you specify here is the name of the tab as displayed on the desktop.

  5. Specify the container name for the tab in the Container Name text box.

    This is the name by which the Portal Server software identifies this tab. The name you specify here can be the same as the tab title (you specified in step 3), but each name must be unique.

  6. Specify whether or not to make this tab AJAX enabled by selecting the corresponding radio button.

  7. Click on Add.

    The secondary tab is added under the primary tab on the desktop in your work area.

ProcedureTo Edit a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab you wish to edit.

  3. Click on the Edit Tab button in the Tab Actions menu.

    The page with the editable properties for the tab pops up.

  4. Click on Close after you have made the modifications.

ProcedureTo Remove a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab (you wish to remove) in the work area.

  3. Click on Remove Tab icon in the Tab Actions menu.

    A page to remove the tab pops up.

  4. Confirm the tab removal by clicking on Remove button to remove the tab.

    The tab is removed from the desktop in your work area.

ProcedureTo Move a Tab

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab (you wish to move) in the work area.

  3. Click on the:

    Move Tab to Left

    To move the tab to the left.

    Move Tab to Right

    To move the tab to the right.

    You can notice the tab move in your work area.

Categorizing Content Using Tabs

ProcedureTo Make the Tab the Start Tab

The “Start tab” is the tab that is highlighted when user first logs in.

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Click on the tab you wish to make as the start tab.

  3. Click on the Edit Tab button in the Tab Actions menu.

    The page with the editable properties for the tab pops up.

  4. Change the startTab property to the tab to highlight when the user logs in.

    For example, in the Sandbox sample, by default, the value is Tab1/SubTab1.

  5. Click on Close after you have made the modifications.

Chapter 16 Managing and Customizing Channels

This chapter explains how you can manage and customize channels using the Desktop Design Layout.

Note –

To configure the Instant Messenger channels, you can refer to

Managing Channels

ProcedureTo Move a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel that you wish to move is located.

  3. In the Channel title bar, select the:

    Up or Down icon

    To move the channel up or down on the desktop.

    Left (<) or Right (>) icon

    To move the channel to the right or left on the desktop. Note that a thin channel cannot be moved into a wide column and a wide channel cannot be moved into a thin column. However, in a three column (thin-wide-thin) desktop, a channel from the thin column can be moved to the left or right thin column using the right or left (<) icon.

ProcedureTo Remove a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel that you wish to remove is located.

  3. In the Channel title bar, select the close (x) icon to remove the channel from the desktop.

ProcedureTo Add a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where you wish to add the channel.

  3. Select the channel that you wish to add from the Channel Library in the right pane.

  4. Click on Add To Desktop button to add the channel to the desktop in your work area.

    If the channel selected in the library area is a library channel, a popup window appears where you must specify the channel name, channel title, and channel width. If the channel selected is a channel instance at the current display profile node, the channel instance is added to the current selected tab.

ProcedureTo Configure a Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel you wish to configure is located.

  3. Select the Configure Channel link in the channel.

    The page with the channel properties pops up to allow you to edit the channel properties.

  4. Click on Close after completing the modifications.

ProcedureTo Set Channel Toolbar Properties

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel is located.

  3. Select the Set Toolbar Properties link in the Channel window.

    The page with the channel toolbar properties for the channel to modify pops up. This page allows you to modify the channel toolbar and display properties (such as minimizable, maximizable, movable, removable) with respect to the tab that the channel resides in.

  4. Click on Save to save the values.

  5. Click on Close to close the pop up window.

ProcedureTo Make a Channel Visible or Invisible to the User

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. In the work area, select the tab where the channel is located.

  3. Select the link to:

    Make Channel Not Visible to end user

    To make the channel invisible.

    Make Channel Visible

    To make the channel visible on the user's desktop.

Adding a Channel to a User-defined Tab

Users can add a new tab to their Desktop by using the Tabs link and then by clicking the Make a New Tab link. The channel list that gets displayed on the content page which is shown when the user selects to create a new tab from scratch is picked up from the JSPTabCustomTableContainer’s Available list.

Adding Content to the Desktop Using Channels

Portal administrators can add content to the portal desktop by adding provider and portlet channels. The following procedures discuss how to create a channel, modify it’s properties, add it to the desktop and then verify that it is being displayed.

ProcedureTo Create a URLScraper Channel

Suppose you want to create a channel, named MyChannel, that displays content from an external web page (for example, The following steps show how to create a URLScraper channel. The same steps can be followed to create other Provider based and Portlet based channels.


  1. Login to the Portal Server management console as administrator (amadmin).

  2. Click the Portals tab.

  3. Click the Portal-URI in the Portals list.

  4. Select Enterprise Sample [Org] in the Select DN list.

  5. Click Design Desktop Layout.

  6. Select a tab where the new channel will be created. For example, click the News tab.

  7. Click New Channel or Container in the NewsContainer page.

  8. Select URLScraper in the Channel Library list.

  9. Click Add to Desktop in the Channel Library.

    A popup window will display. Provide the following info:

    1. Specify the channel title.

    2. Specify the channel name.

    3. Specify the channel width.

  10. click Add Channel. The channel is now available and visible in the work area.

Customizing Channel Refresh Times and Container Caching

The refreshTime property controls how often a channel’s content is reloaded. When refreshTime is set to 0 (the default) for the container, the browser refresh (or reload) causes the page to be reloaded and the getContent() method is called again for every channel.

The following applies to a single channel:

The following applies to controlling and configuring container caching:

Note –

If you have a large number of channels, utilize the provider caching by setting the refreshTime to a large number so that the portal page can use cached content. This makes sense when most of your channels have static content. The way the refreshTime works is if the container’s refreshTime is set, it will use it. If refreshTime is set to an empty string, it will try to get and use the minimum of the refreshTime of its selected channels.

Customizing Window Preference

For channels that include links that launch another browser, you can control how this browser window is opened.

ProcedureTo Customize the Channel Window Preference

  1. Define the display profile (either for the channel, to make the change for only that channel, or for the provider, to make the change for every channel that uses the provider) so that it includes the windowPref property.

    For example:

    	<String name="windowPref" value="all_new"/>

    Note –

    The values are:

    • all_new (New window is opened for every link)

    • one_new (All links open on the same new window)

    • same (Desktop window)

  2. Load the display profile into LDAP using the psadmin subcommand or from the Portal Server management console.

    Note –

    The intelligence has to be built with the help of JavaScript for that particular channel.

ProcedureTo Customize the Channel Window Preference from the Portal Server Management Console

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console and select the user, organization, or role for which the windowPref has to be changed.

  2. Select Manage channels and containers and click on the concerned channel. On the right frame, change the windowPref property value for the channel.

    The values can be:

    • all_new (New window is opened for every link)

    • one_new (All links open on the same new window)

    • same (Desktop window)

Removing a Button

ProcedureTo Remove a Button From All Channels in a Container

  1. Find the container you want to work with. If you are working with one of the sample portals, you need to modify the appropriate “contained” container, which is part of the top-level container.

  2. Add the appropriate property (within the <Properties></Properties>) tags from Removing a Button to the container’s display profile for the button you want to remove. This two column table lists the button in the first column and the property to hide the button in the second column.

    The order of the buttons in this table corresponds to the order they appear in the channel, from left to right: Minimize, Maximize, Help, Edit, Detach, and Remove.


    Property to Hide the Button  


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsMinimizable" value="false"/>


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsMaximizable" value="false"/>


    <String name="helpURL" value=""/>


    <Boolean name="isEditable" value="false"/>


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsDetachable" value="false"/>


    <Boolean name="defaultChannelIsRemovable" value="false"/>

    Note –

    For the Help and Edit buttons, insert the respective property for each channel. You cannot insert the property within the container’s <Properties></Properties> tags.

    Make sure the following properties are not defined in the container:

    <Collection name="channelsIsRemovable">..</Collection>
    <Collection name="channelsIsMinimizable"/>..</Collection>
    <Collection name="channelsIsMaximizable"/>..</Collection>
    <Collection name="channelsIsDetachable"/>..</Collection>
  3. Load the display profile into LDAP using the psadmin subcommand or from the Portal Server management console.

ProcedureTo Remove a Button From All Channels in a Container From the Portal Server Management Console

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console and select the user, organization, or role in which the container is defined.

  2. Select Manage Channels and Containers and click on the contained container.

  3. Change the DefaultChannelIsMinimizable, DefaultChannelIsMaximizable, helpURL, isEditable, DefaultChannelIsDetachable, and DefaultChannelsIsRemovable properties to false.

  4. Select Save to save the new values.

ProcedureTo Remove a Button From a Single Channel

  1. For the channel from which you want to remove a button, add the appropriate property to a Collection tag in the container that contains the channel. See Removing a Button, for the button you want to remove. This two column table lists the button in the first column and the property to hide the button in the second column

    The order of the buttons in this table corresponds to the order they appear in the channel, from left to right: Minimize, Maximize, Help, Edit, Detach, and Remove.


    Property to Hide the Button  


    <Collection name="channelsIsMinimizable">

    <Boolean name="channelname" value="false"/>



    <Collection name="channelsIsMaximizable">

    <Boolean name="channelname" value="false"/>



    <Collection name="channelsIsDetachable">

    <Boolean name="channelname" value="false"/>



    <Collection name="channelsIsRemovable">

    <Boolean name="channelname" value="false"/>


  2. For the channel in which you want to remove a button, add the appropriate property to a Collection tag in the controlling container.

    For example, use the following XML to hide the Remove button for the Sample JSP channel in the JSP table container, MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer, whose container is JSPTabContainer.

    <Container name="MyFrontPageFramePanelContainer" provider="JSPTableContainerProvider">
    		<Collection name="channelsIsRemovable">
    		<Boolean name="SampleJSP” value="false”/>
  3. Load the display profile into LDAP by using the psadmin subcommand or from the Portal Server management console.

ProcedureTo Remove a Button from a Single Channel From the Portal Server Management Console

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console and select the user, organization, or role in which the container is defined.

  2. Select Manage Channels and Containers and click on the contained container.

  3. Change the channelsIsMinimizable, channelsIsMaximizable, channelsIsDetachable, and channelsIsRemovable properties as follows:

    1. Select the property (for example, channelsIsMinimizable) and click on New Property from the Properties table.

    2. Create a boolean type property, specify the channel name that does not want that button, and set the value to be false.

    3. Follow the steps to finish the wizard.

      There will be a new boolean property (for example, for the channelsIsMinimizable property) in the Properties table for the specified channel.

Removing the Title Bar from a Channel

ProcedureTo Remove the Title Bar from a Channel

  1. Add the following to the table container display profile in which the channel is present.

    <Collection name="channelsHasFrame">
    <Boolean name="channelname" value="false"/>
  2. Load the display profile into LDAP by using the psadmin subcommand or from the Portal Server management console.

Changing the Channel Border Width and/or Color

You can change the borderWidth property and borderColor property for the GlobalThemes collection. This changes the width and the color of the channel borders respectively for a theme. Users can then select the theme from the Themes page.

ProcedureTo Change the Border Width and Color for all Channels in a Container

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console and select Portals, portal-URI, Enterprise Sample (from the Select DN pull-down menu), and Manage Channels and Containers.

  2. Select DP XML Tree in the View drop-down menu.

  3. Select DP_Root, GlobalThemes, and SunTheme.

  4. Modify the borderWidth and borderColor settings and save.

Managing the Channel Library

ProcedureTo Create a New Library Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Select the New Library Channel icon from the Channel Library toolbar.

    The page to add a new channel to the library pops-up.

  3. Specify whether this is a channel or library channel.

    When a library channel is created, the name is prefixed with __Library__ and it is stored in the global display profile. Channels that begin with _ cannot be administered from the Portal Server management console Manage Containers and Channels link. Use the Desktop Design Tool link in the management console to change a library channel's properties.

  4. Specify the Channel Type.

    Channels can be Provider-based, JSR 168 compliant portlets, or WSRP remote portlet channels.

  5. Specify the name of the:


    For a provider-based channel.


    For a JSR 168 or JSR 286 compliant portlet.


    For a WSRP remote portlet channel.

  6. Specify the name for the channel.

    Channel names must be unique.

  7. Review your settings and click on Finish.

    The results page displays the results of the attempt to create a new channel for the channel library.

ProcedureTo Edit Library Channel Properties

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Select the channel from the list of channels in the Channel Library.

  3. Select the Edit icon from the Channel Library toolbar.

    The page to edit the properties of the channel pops-up.

  4. Make your changes in the page and click on close.

    The channel properties are modified.

ProcedureTo Delete A Library Channel

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Select the channel from the list of channels in the Channel Library.

  3. Select the Delete icon from the Channel Library toolbar.

    A window requesting confirmation of deletion pops-up.

  4. Click on OK.

    The channel is deleted from the Channel Library list.

ProcedureTo Deploy Portlets

  1. Access the Desktop Design Layout page for the desktop you wish to create or modify in the Portal Server management console.

    To access the Desktop Design Layout page, see procedure To Access the Desktop Design Tool in the Portal Server Management Console.

  2. Select the Deploy Portlet icon from the Channel Library toolbar.

    The page to deploy portlet pops-up.

  3. Select Portal and DN where you wish to deploy the portlet from the Select Portal and Select DN drop-down lists respectively.

  4. Select the appropriate radio button and specify the path to the portlet WAR and portlet deployment information.

    You can specify a WAR file from the local machine or from the Portal Server host. The portlet WAR file is required. You can specify roles and users files from the local machine or from the Portal Server host. The roles mapping file and the users mapping file are optional.

  5. Verify the information and click on Finish.

    The results page displays the results of the attempt to deploy the portlet.

Chapter 17 Managing Google Gadget Integration

This chapter describes the integration of gadgets from Google with the user desktop.

Enabling Google Gadgets on the Desktop

Portal Server administrators can enable end users to add gadgets in the Google Gadget repository to their Desktops. This section describes Google Gadget functions and provides the following instructions for administrators:

Gadgets in the Google Gadget repository are run with the help of googlegadgetportlet.GoogleGadgetPortlet, a JSR 168 wrapper portlet. This portlet allows the gadgets to run in the portal and use page container services such as edit preferences ,show the titlebar only, show in full page, show in a new window, and remove.

Note –

Some gadgets may be incompatible with the Portal Server (such as gadgets designed exclusively for a personalized Google homepage, or gadgets displaying RSS feeds). Gadgets are developed by Google, third-party companies, or by users without any promises or representations about their performance, quality, or content.

You can enable Google Gadgets on portal pages at the global level, organizational level, role level or at a user level for page containers based on JSPTableContainerProvider and AJAXTableContainerProvider.

Once Portal Server administrators enable the Desktop to run gadgets in the Google Gadget repository, authorized end users can do the following:

ProcedureTo Obtain a Google Gadgets API Key for Portal Server

The portal uses the AJAX Feed API of Google, which requires a Google API key to work. A single Google API key is valid for a single domain (such as, as well as the subdomains (such as,

  1. Go to the Google sign-up page for the Google AJAX Feed API.

  2. Click the Sign-up for a Google AJAX API key link.

    The sign up page is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions provided.

  4. Click Generate API Key.

ProcedureTo Enable Portal End Users to Set Up Google Gadgets

To allow end users to set up and display Google Gadgets, you must set the API Key property and activate the Add Google Gadgets link.

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Navigate to "Manage Containers and Channels" section for your portal.

  3. Set Up the Google Gadgets API Key definition.

    1. Select the TopLevel [[Global]] DN.

    2. From the left frame, click GoogleGadgetContainer.

    3. In the property sheet on the right, enter your Google API key in the apiKey property value.

    4. Save your changes.

  4. Activate the Add Google Gadgets Link property.

    1. Navigate to a page container edit page for one of the following:

      • user DN

      • Organization DN

      • role DN

      • global DN

    2. Set the isGoogleGadgetsEnabled property value to true.

      This setting automatically displays the Add Google Gadgets link on the portal page for end users with appropriate permissions. To add gadgets to their pages, these end users click the Add Google Gadgets link.

ProcedureTo Enable “Add Google Gadget” link for a 2column Community

  1. Open the XML template files(owner.xml and member.xml) under /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portal1/communitytemplates/2column.

  2. Add a boolean property, isGoogleGadgetsEnabled to the DP for the container (jsptablecontainerprovider) and set the value to True.