Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Sources Available at the Data Stage

At the Data stage, the robot has downloaded the content of the resource at the URL and can access data about the content, such as the description and the author.

If the resource is an HTML file, the Robot parses the <META> tags in the HTML headers. Consequently, any data contained in <META> tags is available at the Data stage.

During the Data phase, the following sources are available to RAFs, in addition to those available during the MetaData phase.

Table 19–3 Sources Available to the RAFs at the Data Phase





Character set used by the resource 



Any form of encoding 



Size of the resource in bytes 



MIME type of the resource 

text/html, image/jpeg


Date the resource expires 



Date the resource was last modified 


data in <META> tags

Any data that is provided in <META> tags in the header of HTML resources

Author, Description, Keywords 

All of these sources except for the data in <META> tags are derived from the HTTP response header returned when retrieving the resource.