Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

Chapter 20 Managing Delegated Administration

Portal Server enables portal administrators to delegate the responsibility for managing various resources to other individuals, called delegated administrators. Decentralizing administrative functions can improve portal management, especially in complex organizations.

You can login to the Portal Server Console as a delegated administrator and work with the resources assigned to you. This does not necessitate a directory server specific setup. Delegated administrators can login to the Portal Server Console independent of the directory server setup.

This chapter explains how resources can be assigned to delegated administrators.

Introduction to Portal Server Delegated Administration

Administrators use the Portal Server Console to assign resources to delegated administrators. For example, if amadmin and mary are an administrator and an user respectively, amadmin can assign some resources to mary, and this makes mary a delegated administrator.

A Delegated Administrator can be of one of the following four types:

Assigning Delegated Portal Server Administrators

Administrators use the Delegation tab on the Portal Server Console to set up delegated administrators for portal resources. The Delegation tab is not displayed in the Portal Server Console for a delegated administrator.

The Delegation page allows administrators to perform the following tasks:

Note –

Delegated administrators can be removed, but it is not possible to change the resources allocated to a delegated administrator. You can remove delegated administrators and then create the same delegated administrator with a new allocation of resources as a work around for changing delegated administrators.

ProcedureTo Assign Delegated Administrators

  1. Log onto the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Click the Delegation tab; the Delegation page appears.

  3. Select the resource to delegate, and click Assign Delegation. The Assign Delegation page appears.

  4. Click the Browse for DN... button. The Search for DN page appears.

  5. Select a DN of type User, Realm, Role, or Filtered Role. For example, select User and type the name of an existing user and click Search.

  6. Select the DN and click Select DN.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Logout of the Portal Server Console and login as a delegated administrator to perform tasks as a delegated administrator.

ProcedureTo remove Delegated Administrations

  1. Click on a delegation for a resource. For example, if the resource Portal Domain is assigned to the Delegated Administrator mary, then click on Portal Domain. The delegations page listing all delegations for the resource appears.

  2. Select a delegation from Assign to and click Delete.

  3. A dialog box with the message This will delete the selected delegation assignments. Are you sure? appears. Click OK.