Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Property

From the New Property wizard you can edit the values and save. You can also add new name and value pairs.

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Select a portal from Portals.

  4. From Select DN drop-down menu, select any DN.

  5. Under Task, click Manage Channels and Containers.

  6. Select a container in the tree on left frame to display Edit Properties page on the right frame.

  7. Click Table Preferences button to set the client and locale attributes.

  8. Click the New Property button to launch the wizard.

  9. Select the property type, and click Next.

  10. Type a Name, select a Value, and specify if the property is advanced or not.

    Note –

    Collection property behaves like a map when it contains name and value pairs. Property of type Collection can be nested. The property path above the table will change to display the current nesting and you can navigate back.

    Any trailing values are optional. For example, the value may be en or en_US, but cannot be US only. The standard Java format for specifying a locale is followed.

  11. Click Finish to create the property.

  12. Click Close to display the new property in the table.