Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Portal

During Portal Server installation, a default portal named portal1 is created. You can also create a new portal server using the Create Portal wizard.

  1. Log in to the Portal Server management console.

  2. Select the Portals tab.

  3. Click the New Portal button to launch the wizard.

  4. Provide a unique name for the Portal Server, for example, portal5.

  5. Type a URI that enables end users to access the Portal Server, for example, /portal.

  6. Enter Web Container Information.

    The available types are the following:

    • Sun JavaTM System Web Server 6.0

    • Sun Java System Web Server 7.x

    • Sun Java System Application Server 8.x

    • BEA WebLogic 8.1SP4/SP5

    • IBM WebSphere

  7. (Optional) Change the default web container instance properties.

    For information, see Creating a New Portal in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide.

  8. Verify the information you supplied.

  9. Click Finish to create the new portal.

  10. (Optional) View the log file to monitor the process.

    1. Log in to the machine where portal is to be created.

    2. Run the psdadmin set-logger command.

      ./psadmin set-logger -u uid -f password -m component-type -O logger-name

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin create-portal

Templates for for supported web containers are in the portal-install-dir/template directory.