Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Static Rule with Multiple Host Selection

Use this rule to specify multiple alternative hosts. If connection to the first host in the rule fails, Netlet tries to connect to the second host specified and so on.

Rule Name 

Encryption Cipher 

Remote Application URL 

Enable Download Applet 

Enable Extend Session 

Map Local Port to Destination Server Port 




  • Client Port: 8000

  • Server Host: gojoeserver

  • Server Port: 8080

Select the checkbox 

  • Local Port: 10491

  • Destination Host: siroe+sesta

  • Destination Port: 35+26+491-35+491


10491 is the port on the client where Netlet listens for a connection request from the destination host.

Netlet tries to establish connection with siroe on port 35, port 26 and port 491 in the same order, depending on which one is available.

If connections to siroe are not possible, Netlet tries to connect to sesta on port 35 and 491 in the same order.

The plus (+) sign between hosts indicates alternative hosts.

The plus (+) sign between ports numbers indicates the alternative ports for a single destination host.

The minus (-) sign between port numbers is the separator between the port numbers for different destination hosts.

Note –

Connections to hosts provided in the chain is attempted serially. For example, if the rule is siroe+ sesta, then a connection to siroe is attempted first. If the connection fails then the connection to sesta is attempted . If the hosts listed first in the rule are physically unavailable in an active network, the time taken to connect to the next available host will increase as the number of unavailable hosts in the rule increases.