Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Appendix A Configuration Attributes

This appendix describes attributes that you can configure for Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access through the Portal Server administration console for each Portal Server Secure Remote Access component:

Access Control Service

Access Control Service lists the Access Control service attributes.

Table A–1 Access Control Service Attributes


Default Value 


Denied URLs 


List of URLs that end-users cannot access through Gateway. 

Allowed URLs 

List of URLs that end-users can access through Gateway. 

Single Sign On Disabled Hosts 


Disables single sign-on for a list of hosts. 

Enable Single Sign On per Session 


Enables single sign-on for a session. 

Allowed Authorization Levels 

Indicates how much to trust an authentication. Use an asterisk to allow all authentication levels. For information on authentication levels, see the Access Manager Administration Guide.

Gateway Service

When you click the Gateway service, the right pane displays a button to create a new profile and a list of any gateway profiles that have been created.

If you click New, the next pane prompts you to enter the new gateway profile name. You have the option to use the default template or a previously created gateway profile as the template.

If you click one of the listed gateway profile names, a list of tabs are presented. They are:


Core lists the Gateway service core attributes.

Table A–2 Gateway Service Core Attributes


Default Value 


Enable HTTPS Connections 


Enables HTTPS connections. 



Specifies the HTTPS port. 

Enable HTTP Connections 

Enables HTTP connections. 

HTTP Port 


Specifies the HTTP port. 

Enable Rewriter Proxy 

Enables secure HTTP traffic between Gateway and the intranet. Rewriter proxy and Gateway use the same gateway profile. 

Rewriter Proxy List 


List of Rewriter proxies. For multiple instances of Rewriter proxies enter the details for each in the form host-name:port

Enable Netlet 


Enables security for TCP/IP (such as Telnet and SMTP), HTTP applications, and fixed port applications. 

Enable Proxylet 


Enables the download of Proxylet on a client machine. 

Enable Netlet Proxy 


Enhances security for Netlet traffic between Gateway and the intranet by extending the secure tunnel from the client, through Gateway to Netlet proxy residing on the intranet. Disable if you do not want to use applications with Portal Server. 

Netlet Proxy Hosts 


Lists Netlet proxy hosts, in the format: hostname:port 

Enable Cookie Management 


Tracks and manages user sessions for all web sites that the user is permitted to access. (Does not apply to the cookies used by Portal Server to track Portal Server user sessions). 

Enable Persistent HTTP Connections 


Enables HTTP persistent connections at Gateway to prevent sockets being opened for every object (such as images and style sheets) in the web pages. 

Maximum Number of Requests per Persistent Connection 


Specifies the number of requests per persistent connection. 

Timeout for Persistent Socket Connections 


Specifies the amount of time that needs to lapse before sockets are closed. 

Grace Timeout to Account for Turnaround Time 


Specifies the grace amount of time for the request to reach Gateway after the browser has sent i and the time between gateway sending the response and the browser actually receiving it. 

URLs to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded 


Enables servlets and CGIs to receive Portal Server'ss cookie and use the APIs to identify the user. 

Maximum Connection Queue Length 


Specifies the maximum concurrent connections that Gateway can accept. 

Gateway Timeout (seconds) 


Specifies the time interval in seconds before Gateway times out its connection with the browser. 

Maximum Thread Pool Size 


Specifies the maximum number of threads that can be pre-created in the Gateway thread pool. 

Cached Socket Timeout 


Specifies the time interval in seconds before Gateway times out its connection with Portal Server. 

Portal Servers 


Specifies Portal Servers in the format http://portal server name:port -number. Gateway tries to contact each of the Portal Servers listed in a round robin manner to service the requests.

Server Retry Interval (seconds) 


Specifies the time interval between requests to try to start Portal Server, Rewriter proxy or Netlet proxy after it becomes unavailable (such as a crash or it was brought down). 

Store External Server Cookies 


Allows Gateway to store and manage cookies for any third party application or server that is accessed through Gateway. 

Obtain Session Information from URL 


Encodes session information as part of the URL, whether cookies are supported or not. Gateway uses this session information found in the URL for validation rather than using the session cookie that is sent from the client’s browser. 


Proxies lists the Gateway service proxies attributes.

Table A–3 Gateway Service Proxies Attributes


Default Value 


Use Proxy 


Enables usage of web proxies. 

Use Webproxy URLs 


Lists the URLs that Gateway needs to contact only through the webproxies listed in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list, even if the Use Proxy option is disabled. 

Do Not Use Webproxy URLs 


Lists URLs that Gateway can connect directly to. 

Proxies for Domains and Subdomains 

Specifies which proxy to use to contact specific subdomains in specific domains. 

Proxy Password List 


Specifies the server name, user name and password required for Gateway to authenticate to a specified proxy server, if the proxy server requires authentication to access some or all the sites. 

Enable Automatic Proxy Configuration Support 


Specifies that the information provided in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains field is to be ignored. 

Automatic Proxy Configuration File location 


Specifies the location of files to be used for PAC support. 

Enable Netlet Tunneling via Web Proxy 


Extends the secure tunnel from the client, through Gateway to the web proxy that resides in the intranet. 


Security lists the Gateway service security attributes.

Table A–4 Gateway Service Security Attributes


Default Value 


Enable HTTP Basic Authentication 


Saves the username and password so that users need not re-enter their credentials when they revisit BASIC-protected web sites. 

Non-authenticated URLs 









Specifies URLs that do not need any authentication, such as directories that contain images. 

Certificate-enabled Gateway hosts 


Lists the certificate-enabled Gateway hosts. 

Allow 40-bit Encryption 


Allows 40-bit (weak) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections. If you do not select this option, only 128-bit connections are supported. 

Enable SSL Version 2.0 


Enables SSL version 2.0. 

Disabling SSL 2.0 means that browsers that support only the older SSL 2.0 cannot authenticate to SRA.This ensures a greater level of security. 

Enable SSL Cipher Selection 


Enables SSL cipher selection. You have the option of to support all the pre-packaged ciphers, or you can select the required ciphers individually. You can select specific SSL ciphers for each Gateway instance. 

SSL2 Ciphers 


Lists the SSL version 2 ciphers you can choose. 

SSL3 Ciphers 


Lists the SSL version 3 ciphers you can choose. 

TLS Ciphers 


Lists the TLS ciphers. 

Enable SSL Version 3.0 


Enables SSL version 3.0. 

Disabling SSL 3.0 means that browsers that support only the SSL 3.0 cannot authenticate to SRA. This ensures a greater level of security. 

Enable Null Ciphers 


Enables null ciphers. 

Trusted SSL Domains 


Lists the trusted SSL domains. 

Mark Cookies as secure 


Marks cookies as secure. The Enable Cookie Management option must be enabled. 


The Rewriter tab has two subsections:


Basic lists the Gateway service Rewriter basic attributes.

Table A–5 Gateway Service Rewriter Attributes - Basic


Default Value 


Enable Rewriting of All URIs 


Specifies that any URI is rewritten without checking against the entries in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list. 

Map URIs to RuleSets 

*://**/portal/* |default_gateway_ruleset





REPLACE_WITH_EXCHANGE_SERVER_ NAMEexchange_2000sp3_owa_ruleset




Associates a domain with the ruleset using the Map URIs to RuleSets list. Rulesets are created under Portal Server Configuration in the Access Manager administration console. 

Map Parser to MIME Types 





Associates new MIME types with HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS or XML. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon or a comma. 

URIs Not to Rewrite 


Lists the URIs not to rewrite. Note: Adding #* to this list allows URIs to be rewritten, even when the href rule is part of the ruleset. 

Default Domains 


Resolves a host name to a default domain and subdomain. This is specified during installation 


Advanced lists the Gateway service Rewriter advanced attributes.

Table A–6 Gateway Service Rewriter Attributes - Advanced


Default Value 


Enable MIME Guessing 


Enables MIME guessing when MIME is not sent. You must add data to the Map Parser to URIs list box. 

Map Parser to URI Mappings 


Maps a parser to the URI. Multiple URIs are separated by a semicolon. 

For example HTML=*.html; *.htm;*Servlet 

means that Rewriter is used to rewrite the content for any page with a html, htm, or Servlet extension. 

Enable Masking 


Allows Rewriter to rewrite a URI so that the Intranet URL of a page is not seen. 

Seed String for Masking 


Specifies a seed string used for masking a URI. A masking algorithm generates this random string. 

URIs not to Mask 


Specifies Internet URIs not to be mask. This is used when applications (such as an applet) require an Internet URI. 

For example if you added 


to the list box, the URL would not be masked if the content URI is matched in the ruleset rule. 

Make Gateway protocol Same as Original URI Protocol 


Enables Rewriter to use a consistent protocol to access the referred resources in the HTML content. 

This applies only to static URIs, not to dynamic URIs generated in Javascript. 

NetFile Service

When you click the NetFile Service, the right pane displays tabs. They are:


The Hosts tab has two subsections:


Config lists the NetFile hosts configuration attributes.

Table A–7 NetFile Service Hosts Configuration Attributes


Default Value 


OS Character Set 


Specifies the character set used as the default encoding for communicating with hosts. 

Host Detection Order 


Specifies the host detection order. 

Common Hosts 


Specifies hosts to be available through NetFile to all remote NetFile users. 

Default Domain 


Specifies the default domain that NetFile needs to use to contact allowed hosts. 

Default Microsoft Windows Domain/Workgroup 


Specifies the default Microsoft Windows domain or workgroup which the users choose to access a Windows host. 

Default WINS/DNS Server 


Specifies the WINS/DNS server that NetFile uses to access windows hosts. 


Access lists the NetFile service hosts access attributes.

Table A–8 NetFile Service Hosts Access Attributes


Default Value 


Allow Access to Windows Hosts 


Allows access to Microsoft Windows hosts. 

Allow Access to FTP Hosts 


Allows access to FTP hosts. 

Allow Access to NFS Hosts 


Allows access to NFS hosts. 

Allow Access to Netware Hosts 


Allows access to Netware hosts. 

Allowed Hosts 

Specifies hosts that users can access through NetFile. 

Denied Hosts 


Specifies hosts that users cannot access through NetFile. 


If you disable these options after the user has started using NetFile, the change takes effect only if the user logs out of NetFile and logs in again.

Permissions lists the NetFile service permission attributes.

Table A–9 NetFile Service Permissions Attributes


Default Value 


Allow File Rename 


Allows users to rename files. 

Allow File/Folder Deletion 


Allows users to delete files and folders. 

Allow File Upload 


Allows users to upload files. 

Allow File/Folder Download 


Allows users to download files and folders. 

Allow File Search 


Allows users to search. 

Allow File Mail 


Allows file mailing. 

Allow File Compression 


Allows file compression. 

Allow Changing User Id 


Allows user to use a different ID. 

Allow Changing Windows Domains 


Allows users to change Microsoft Windows domains. 


View lists the NetFile Service view attributes.

Table A–10 NetFle Service View Attributes


Default Value 


Window Size 


Specifies the size of the NetFile window in pixels on the user’s desktop. If you enter an invalid value, NetFile uses the default value. 

Window Location 


Specifies the location where the NetFile window displays on the user’s desktop. If you enter an invalid value, NetFile uses the default value. 


The Operations tab has the following subsections:


Traffic lists the NetFile service operations traffic attributes.

Table A–11 NetFile Service Operations - Traffic Attributes


Default Value 


Temporary Directory Location 


Specifies a temporary directory for various NetFile file operations. 

Ensure that the ID with which the web server is running (such as nobody or noaccess) has rwx permissions for the specified directory. Also ensure that the ID has rx permissions for the entire path to the required temporary directory. 

You may want to create a separate temporary directory for NetFile. If you specify a temporary directory that is common to all modules of the Portal Server, the disk may quickly run out of space. NetFile does not work if the temporary directory has no space. 

File Upload Limit (MB) 

Specifies the maximum size of the files that can be uploaded. If you enter an invalid value, NetFile resets the value to the default. Ensure that you type an integer value. 

You can specify different file upload size limits for different users. 


Search lists the NetFile service operations search attributes.

Table A–12 NetFile Service Operations - Search Attributes


Default Value 


Search Directories Limit 


Specifies the maximum number of directories that can be searched in a single search operation. 


Compression lists the NetFile service operations compression attributes.

Table A–13 NetFile Service Operations - Compression Attributes


Default Value 


Default Compression Type 


Specifies either Zip or Gzip compression type. 

Default Compression Level 

Specifies the compression level, a number between 1 and 9. 


General lists the Netfile service general attributes.

Table A–14 NetFile Service - General Attribute


Default Value 


MIME-types Configuration File Location 


Specifies the response content type to send to the client browser. 

Netlet Service

Netlet Service lists the Netlet service attributes.

Table A–15 Netlet Service Attributes


Default Value 


Netlet Rules 


Choose to add or delete a rule. 

If you add a rule, the following nine attributes are necessary: 


--Rule Name 


Specifies a unique name for the rule. 

--Encryption Ciphers 


Specifies the required ciphers. 



Specifies the URL to the application to be invoked. 

--Download Applet 


Specifies if an applet needs to be downloaded. If an applet is used, the syntax in the associated edit box is: 


--Extend Session 


Ensures that the Portal Server session time is extended while the Netlet session corresponding to this rule is running. 

--Map Local Port to Destination Server Port 


Specifies local port, target host and target ports. After entering those values (in the next three rows of this table), click add to make them appear in the list. 

--Local Port 


Specifies the local port on which Netlet listens. For an FTP rule, the local port value must be 30021. 

--Destination Hosts 


Static rules contain the host name of the destination machine for the Netlet connection. 

Dynamic rules contain the word "TARGET". 

-- Destination Ports 


Specifies the port on the destination host. 

Default Native VM Cipher 


Specifies the default cipher for the Netlet rules. This is useful when using existing rules that did not include the cipher as a part of the rule. 

Default Java Plugin Cipher 


Specifies the default cipher for the Netlet rules. This is useful when using existing rules that did not include the cipher as a part of the rule. 

Default Loopback Port 


Specifies the port to be used on the client when applets are downloaded through Netlet. The default value can be overridden in the Netlet rules. 

Reauthenticate for Connections 


Ensures that users enter the Netlet password each time a Netlet connection needs to be established. 

Display Warning Popup for Connections 


Displays a message when the user runs the application over Netlet, and also when an intruder tries to gain access to the desktop through the listen port. 

Display Checkbox in Port Warning Dialog 


Provides the user with the option to suppress the Warning Dialog Popup when Netlet tries to connect to the destination host on the user's standard Portal Desktop. 

Keep Alive Interval (minutes) 

If the client is connecting to the Gateway through a web proxy, then idle Netlet connections are disconnected due to proxy timeout. To prevent this, give a value less than the proxy timeout for this parameter. 

Terminate Netlet at Portal Logout 


Ensures that all connections are terminated when a user logs out of the Portal Server. 

Access to Netlet Rules 

Define access to specific Netlet rules for certain organizations, roles or users. 

Deny Netlet Rules 


Denies access to specific Netlet rules for certain organizations, roles or users. 

Allowed Hosts 

Defines access to specific hosts for certain organizations, roles or users. 

Denied Hosts 


Denies access to specific hosts within an organization. 

Proxylet Service

Proxylet Service lists the Proxylet service attributes.

Table A–16 Proxylet Service Attributes


Default Values 


Download Proxylet Applet Automatically 


When the checkbox is checked, Proxylet is downloaded to the client machine when the user logs on. 

Default Proxylet Applet Bind IP 

The IP address where the Proxylet Applet resides. 

Default Proxylet Applet Port 


This is the port where Proxylet listens.