Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide

Chapter 3 Identifying Your Technical Requirements

During the technical requirements phase of the solution life cycle you perform a usage analysis, identify use cases, and determine quality of service requirements for the proposed deployment solution.

This chapter contains the following sections:

About Technical Requirements

Technical requirements analysis begins with the business requirements documents created during the business analysis phase of the solution life cycle. Using the business analysis as a basis, you do the following:

The quality of service requirements are derived from the usage analysis and the use cases, keeping in mind business requirements and constraints previously identified. The quality of service requirements are later paired with logical architectures in the logical design phase to form a deployment scenario. The deployment scenario is the main input to the deployment design phase of the solution life cycle.

As with business analysis, no simple formula for technical requirements analysis exists that generates the usage analysis, use cases, and system requirements. Technical requirements analysis requires an understanding of the business domain, business objectives, and the underlying system technology.

Usage Analysis for Portal Server

You need to establish baseline sizing figures that can be used in the logical and architecture and deployment design. Your technical representative can provide you with an automated sizing tool to calculate the estimated number of CPUs your Portal Server deployment requires.

Note –

Sizing requirements for a secure portal deployment using Sun JavaTM System Secure Remote Access server are covered in Usage Analysis for Secure Remote Access.

You need to gather the following metrics for input to the sizing tool:

Other performance metrics that affect the number of CPUs a Portal Server deployment requires, but are not used by the sizing tool, are:

A discussion of the these performance factors follows.

Peak Numbers

Maximum number of concurrent sessions defines how many connected users a Portal Server deployment can handle.

To calculate the maximum number of concurrent sessions, use this formula:

maximum number of concurrent sessions =
expected percent of users online * user base

To identify the size of the user base or pool of potential users for an enterprise portal, here are some suggestions:

Average Time Between Page Requests

Average time between page requests is how often, on average, a user requests a page from the Portal Server. Pages could be the initial login page to the portal, or a web site or web pages accessed through the Portal Desktop. A page view is a single call for a single page of information no matter how many items are contained on the page.

Though web server logs record page requests, using the log to calculate the average time between requests on a user basis is not feasible. To calculate the average time between page requests, you would probably need a commercially available statistics tool, such as the WebLoad performance testing tool. You can then use this figure to determine the number of concurrent users.

To perform stress testing, you can use the SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine. For more information about SLAMD, see

Note –

Page requests more accurately measure web server traffic than “hits.” Every time any file is requested from the web server counts as a hit. A single page call can record many hits, as every item on the page is registered. For example, a page containing 10 graphic files records 11 hits—one for the HTML page itself and one for each of the 10 graphic files. For this reason, page requests gives a more accurate determination of web server traffic.

Concurrent Users

A concurrent user is one connected to a running web browser process and submitting requests to or receiving results of requests from Portal Server. The maximum number of concurrent users is the highest possible number of concurrent users within a predefined period of time. Calculate the maximum number of concurrent users after you calculate the maximum number of concurrent sessions. To calculate the maximum number of concurrent users, use this formula:

concurrent users = number of concurrent sessions / average time between hits

For example, consider an intranet Portal Server example of 50,000 users. The number of connected sessions under its peak loads is estimated to be 80% of its registered user base. On average, a user accesses the Portal Desktop once every 10 minutes.

The calculation for this example is:

40000 / 10 = 4000

The maximum number of concurrent users during the peak hours for this Portal Server site should be 4,000.

Average Session Time

Average session time is the time between user login and logout averaged over a number of users. The length of the session time is inversely proportional to the number of logins occurring (that is, the longer the session duration, the fewer logins per second are generated against Portal Server for the same concurrent users base). Session time is the time between user login and user logout.

How the user uses Portal Server often affects average session time. For example, a user session involving interactive applications typically has a longer session time than a user session involving information only.

Search Service Factors

If your portal site will offer a Search channel, you need to include sizing factors for the Search Engine in your sizing calculations. Search Engine sizing requirements depend on the following factors:

Page Configuration

If you are using an authenticated portal, you must specify both Login Type and Desktop Type in the page configuration section of the automated sizing tool.

For both Login Type and Desktop Type, select the appropriate content configuration:

Tip –

You can now give the above figures to your technical representative and ask that the sizing tool be run to identify your estimated number of CPUs.

Portal Desktop Configuration

Portal Desktop configuration explicitly determines the amount of data held in memory on a per-session basis.

The more channels on the Portal Desktop, the bigger data session size, and the less the throughput of Portal Server.

Another factor is how much inter-activity the Portal Desktop offers. For example, channel clicks can generate load on Portal Server or on some other external server. If channel selections generate load on Portal Server, a higher user activity profile and higher CPU overhead occur on the node that hosts the Portal Desktop than on a node that hosts some other external server.

Hardware and Applications

CPU speed and size of the virtual machine for the Java platform (Java Virtual Machine or JVMTM software) memory heap affect Portal Server performance.

The faster the CPU speed, the higher the throughput. The JVM memory heap size, along with the heap generations tuning parameters, can also affect Portal Server performance.

Back-End Servers

Portal Server aggregates content from external sources. If external content providers cannot sustain the necessary bandwidth for Portal Server to operate at full speed, Portal Desktop rendering and throughput request times will not be optimum. The Portal Desktop waits until all channels are completed (or timed out) before it returns the request response to the browser.

Plan your back-end infrastructure carefully when you use channels that do the following:

Transaction Time

Transaction time, which is the delay taken for an HTTP or HTTPS operation to complete, aggregates send time, processing time, and response time figures.

You must plan for factors that can affect transaction time. These include:

When you calculate transaction time, size your Portal Server so that processing time under regular or peak load conditions does not exceed your performance requirement threshold and so that you can sustain processing time over time.

Workload Conditions

Workload conditions are the most predominantly used system and JVM software resources on a system. These conditions largely depend on user behavior and the type of portal you deploy.

The most commonly encountered workload conditions on Portal Server software affect:

Usage Analysis for Secure Remote Access

Use this section only if your organization is implementing a secure portal by installing Secure Remote Access. As you did for portal, for Secure Remote Access, you must first establish your Gateway instances baseline sizing estimate. A single machine can have one Gateway installation but multiple instances. Secure Remote Access enables you to install multiple Gateways, each running multiple instances.) Your design decisions help you make accurate estimates regarding Secure Remote Access user sessions and concurrency.

You must first establish your Gateway instances baseline sizing estimate. This baseline figure represents what you must have to satisfy your Gateway user sessions and concurrency needs.

Establishing an appropriate sizing estimate for your Secure Remote Access deployment is an iterative process. You might wish to change the inputs to generate a range of sizing results. Test these results against your original requirements. You can avoid most performance problems by formulating your requirements correctly and setting realistic expectations of Secure Remote Access performance.

Note –

Properly sizing the Gateway is difficult, and using the Gateway sizing tool is only the beginning. Gateway performance depends more on throughput then on the number of users, active users, or user sessions. Any sizing information for the Gateway has to be based on a set of assumptions.


You can choose between one, two, and four CPUs per Gateway instance. The number of CPUs bound to a Gateway instance determines the number of Gateway instances required for the deployment.

Using Secure Remote Access Prototype Numbers

If you have numbers from a prototype of the portal with Secure Remote Access, you can use these numbers in the Gateway sizing tool to arrive at more accurate results. You would fill in the following:

Note –

You do not need to specify the Page Configuration and Scalability options if you are using trial deployment numbers.

Key Performance Factors

Key performance factors are metrics that your technical representative uses as input to an automated sizing tool. The sizing tool calculates the estimated number of Gateway instances your Secure Remote Access deployment requires.

Identifying these key performance factors and giving them to your technical representative is the first step in formulating your baseline sizing figure.

These are the key performance factors:

Note –

After you calculate these key performance factors, give the figures to your technical representative. Ask that the Gateway sizing tool be run to identify the estimated number of Gateway instances.

Session Characteristics

The session characteristics of the Gateway include:

Netlet Usage Characteristics

Consider the following Netlet characteristics of the Gateway, which can have a impact on calculating the number of Gateway instances:

Portal Server Use Cases

Use cases are written scenarios used to test and present the system’s capabilities and form an important part of your high-level design. Though you implement use case scenarios toward the end of the project, formulate them early in the project once you have established your requirements.

When available, use cases can provide valuable insight into how the system is to be tested. Use cases are beneficial in identifying how you need to design the user interface from a navigational perspective. When designing use cases, compare them to your requirements to get a thorough view of their completeness and how you are to interpret the test results.

Use cases provide a method for organizing your requirements. Instead of a bulleted list of requirements, you organize them in a way that tells a story of how someone can use the system. This provides for greater completeness and consistency, and also gives you a better understanding of the importance of a requirement from a user perspective.

Use cases help to identify and clarify the functional requirements of the portal. Use cases capture all the different ways a portal would be used, including the set of interactions between the user and the portal as well as the services, tasks, and functions the portal is required to perform.

A use case defines a goal-oriented set of interactions between external actors and the portal system. (Actors are parties outside the system that interact with the system, and can be a class of users, roles users can play, or other systems.)

Use case steps are written in an easy-to-understand structured narrative using the vocabulary of the domain.

Use case scenarios are an instance of a use case, representing a single path through the use case. Thus, there may be a scenario for the main flow through the use case and other scenarios for each possible variation of flow through the use case (for example, representing each option).

Preparing to Develop Portal Server Use Cases

When developing use cases for your portal, keep the following elements in mind:

Example Use Case: Authenticate Portal User

Table 3–1 describes a use case for a portal user to authenticate with the portal.

Table 3–1 Use Case: Authenticate Portal User




Must have. 

Context of Use 

Only authenticated end-users are allowed to gain access to the portal resources. This access restriction applies to all portal resources, including content and services. This portal relies on the user IDs maintained in the corporate LDAP directory. 


The portal end-users identify themselves only once for a complete online session. In the case that an idle timeout occurs, the users must reidentify themselves. If the portal end-user identification fails more often than a specified amount of allowed retries, access to the intranet should be revoked or limited (deactivated) until a system administrator reactivates the account. In this case, the portal end-user should be advised to contact the authorized person. The identified portal end-users are able to access only the data and information that they are authorized for. 

Primary User 

Portal end-user. 

Special Requirements 



Portal end-user. 


The portal end-user:

  • is an authorized user.

  • has a standard corporate LDAP user ID. The LDAP user ID must be provided to each employee.

  • has an authorized LDAP entry.

  • has access to the corporate intranet.

  • does not have a guest account.

Minimal Guarantees 

Friendly customer-centric message. Status—with error message indicating whom to call. 

Success Guarantees 

Presented with Portal Desktop home page. Authentication. Entitlement. Personal information. 


When any portal page is accessed and the end-user is not yet logged in. 


  1. End-user enters the portal URL.

  2. If the customization parameter [remember login] is set, then automatically login the user and provide a session ID.

  3. If first time user, prompt for LDAP user ID and password.

  4. End-user enters previously assigned user ID and password.

  5. Information is passed to Access Manager for validation.

  6. If authentication passes, assign session ID and continue.

  7. If authentication fails, display error message, return end-user to login page; decrement remaining attempts; if preset attempts exceed limit, notify user and lock out the account.

Quality of Service Requirements

To provide a quality of service, address the following topics:


Work with portal system administrators and portal developers to set the portal performance objectives based on the projected requirements of your portal. Objectives include the number of users, the number of concurrent users at peak load time and their usage pattern in accessing Portal Server.

You need to determine these two factors:

As the number of users concurrently connected to the portal increase, the response time decreases given the same hardware and same set of parameters. Hence, gather information about the level of usage expected on your Portal Server, the anticipated number of concurrent users at any given time, the number of Portal Desktop activity requests, the amount of portal channel usage, acceptable response time for the end-user which is determined by your organization, and an optimal hardware configuration to meet the criteria.


Making Portal Server highly available involves ensuring high availability on each of the following components:


Scalability is a system’s ability to accommodate a growing user population, without performance degradation, by the addition of processing resources. The two general means of scaling a system are vertical and horizontal scaling. The subject of this section is the application of scaling techniques for the Portal Server.

Benefits of scalable systems include:

Vertical Scaling

In vertical scaling, CPUs, memory, multiple instances of Portal Server, or other resources are added to one machine. This enables more process instances to run simultaneously. In Portal Server, you want to make use of this by planning and sizing to the number of CPUs you need.

Horizontal Scaling

In horizontal scaling, machines are added. This also enables multiple simultaneous processing and a distributed work load. In Portal Server, you make use of horizontal scaling because you can run the Portal Server, Directory Server and Access Manager on different nodes. Horizontal scaling can also make use of vertical scaling, by adding more CPUs, for example.

Additionally, you can scale a Portal Server installation horizontally by installing server component instances on multiple machines. Each installed server component instance executes an HTTP process, which listens on a TCP/IP port whose number is determined at installation time. Gateway components use a round-robin algorithm to assign new session requests to server instances. While a session is established, an HTTP cookie, stored on the client, indicates the session server. All subsequent requests go to that server.

The section Designing for Localization, discusses an approach to a specific type of configuration that provides optimum performance and horizontal scalability.


Security is the set of hardware, software, practices, and technologies that protect a server and its users from malicious outsiders. In that regard, security protects against unexpected behavior.

You need to address security globally and include people and processes as well as products and technologies. Unfortunately, too many organizations rely solely on firewall technology as their only security strategy. These organizations do not realize that many attacks come from employees, not outsiders. Therefore, you need to consider additional tools and processes when creating a secure portal environment.

Operating Portal Server in a secure environment involves making certain changes to the SolarisTM Operating Environment, the Gateway and server configuration, the installation of firewalls, and user authentication through Directory Server and SSO through Access Manager. In addition, you can use certificates, SSL encryption, and group and domain access.

Access Control

Portal Server relies on the HTTPS encryption protocol, in addition to UNIX system security, for protecting the Portal Server system software.

Security is provided by the web container, which you can configure to use SSL, if desired. Portal Server also supports SSL for authentication and end-user registration. By enabling SSL certificates on the web server, the Portal Desktop and other web applications can also be accessed securely. You can use the Access Manager policy to enforce URL-based access policy.

Portal Server depends on the authentication service provided by Access Manager and supports single sign-on (SSO) with any product that also uses the Access Manager SSO mechanism. The SSO mechanism uses encoded cookies to maintain session state.

Another layer of security is provided by Secure Remote Access. It uses HTTPS by default for connecting the client browser to the intranet. The Gateway uses the Rewriter or Proxylet to enable all intranet web sites to be accessed without exposing them directly to the Internet. The Gateway also provides URL-based access policy enforcement without having to modify the web servers being accessed.

Communication from the Gateway to the server and intranet resources can be HTTPS or HTTP. Communication within the Portal Server system, for example between web applications and the directory server, does not use encryption by default, but it can be configured to use SSL.

UNIX User Installation

You can install and configure Portal Server to run under three different UNIX users:

Limiting Access Control

While the traditional security UNIX model is typically viewed as all-or-nothing, you can use alternative tools to provide some additional flexibility. These tools provide the mechanisms needed to create a fine grain access control to individual resources, such as different UNIX commands. For example, this toolset enables Portal Server to be run as root, while allowing certain users and roles superuser privileges to start, stop, and maintain the Portal Server framework.

These tools include:

Using a Secure Access Zone

For maximum security, the Gateway is installed between two firewalls. The outermost firewall enables only SSL traffic from the Internet to the Gateways, which then direct traffic to servers on the internal network.

Designing for Localization

Localization is the process of adapting text and cultural content to a specific audience. Localization can be approached in two different ways:

For advanced language localization, create a well-defined directory structure for template directories. To preserve the upgrade path, maintain custom content and code outside of default directories. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Developer’s Guide for more information on localization.