Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide

Portal Server Components

Portal Server deployment consists of the following components:

Note –

For versions of products supported by Portal Server. see the Checking Hardware and Software Requirements in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Installation and Configuration Guide.

In addition to the components that make up the portal, your design should include (but is not limited to) the following:

Additionally, you need to consider how the following three network zones fit into your design:

The logical architecture also describes the Portal Desktop look and feel, including potential items such as:

The logical architecture is where you also develop a caching strategy, if your site requires one. If the pages returned to your users contain references to large numbers of images, Portal Server can deliver these images for all users. However, if these types of requests can be off-loaded to a reverse proxy type of caching appliance, you can free system resources so that Portal Server can service additional users. Additionally, by placing a caching appliance closer to end users, these images can be delivered to end users somewhat more quickly, thus enhancing the overall end user experience.