Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide

Appendix B Troubleshooting Your Deployment

This appendix describes how to troubleshoot the Sun JavaTM System Portal Server software and the Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access software.

This appendix contains the following sections:

Troubleshooting Portal Server

This sections contains troubleshooting information for Sun Java System Portal Server.

Troubleshooting the Portal Server Installation

Examining the Portal Server log files helps you to identify errors that might have occurred during the installation phase of your Portal Server deployment. The following sections discuss the log file locations and information:

Installation Log Files

The Java Enterprise System installer log files are located in:

/var/sadm/install/logs/. These log files contain information about the portal packages installed and the basic configuration status. The files are:

ProcedureTo Check for Installation Errors

  1. Use the grep command to view installation errors.

    grep -i failed /var/sadm/install/logs/*

Example B–1 Java Enterprise System Installation Logs

Sun Java(TM) System Access Manager 7.1 : Installed, Configured 
Service Registry 3.1 : Installed, Configure After Install 
Sun Java(TM) System Portal Server 7.1 : Installed, Configuration Failed 
Sun Java(TM) System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.1 : Installed, Configuration 

Creating Portals 
Successfully created Portal: portal1|#] 
Configuration Failed : com.sun.portal.fabric.tasks.ConfigurationException: 
Exception thrown in operation createAndFinalizeInstance|#] 

Portal Server Configuration Log Files

The Portal Server configuration log files are located in:


The following example show a portion of the Portal Configuration log file.

[#|2006-11-21T14:22:14.109+0000|INFO|SJS Portal Server||
ThreadID=10; ClassName=com.sun.portal.fabric.config.PortalConfigurator; 
MethodName=configurePortal; |PSFB_CSPFC0032:Creating Portal Instances|#]
[#|2006-11-21T14:22:14.509+0000|SEVERE|SJS Portal Server||
ThreadID=10; ClassName=com.sun.portal.fabric.config.PortalConfigurator; 
MethodName=createPortalInstances; |PSFB_CSPFC0041:Failed invoking mbean action : 
create instance. Exception thrown in operation 
        at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.StandardMetaDataImpl.invoke
Caused by: com.sun.portal.admin.common.PSMBeanException: 
com.sun.portal.fabric.tasks.ValidationException: Could not fetch 
the value of Platform. Please check wadm username and password

Portal Server Admin and MBeans Log Files

The Portal Server admin and MBeans logs are available at:


Checking the Configured Portals

You can find which portals are configured using the psadmin command. The following command shows which portals are configured.


PATH=/opt/SUNWportal/bin:/usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin:${PATH};export PATH

psadmin list-portals -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd


Domain: defaultDomain
Portal: portal1

Checking UNIX Processes

For the portal to be functioning properly, check that the following root-owned processes are running. Use the ps command to see this output.

Sun Java System Directory Server:

ps -ef | grep dsee

ns-slap -D /var/opt/SUNWdsee/dsins 1 -i /var/opt/SUNWdsee/dsins1/logs/pid

Sun Java System Access Manager:

Check for web container processes (web server)

ps -ef | grep webserv

webservd -d /var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7/ -r /opt/SUNWwb

Sun Java System Portal Server:

Check for web container processes (Application Server)

ps -ef | grep appserver

/opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/lib/appservDAS domain1

Cacao Server:

Verify that the cacao process is running

/usr/ucb/ps -auxww | grep cacao

/usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/java -Xms 128M -Xmx256M ...-classpath .../usr/lib/cacao/lib/cacao_cacao.jar ... Dcacao.config.dir=/etc/cacao/instances/default ...

Derby database:

ps -ef | grep derby

Admin Web Server (optional, but usually running):

./uxwdog -d web-container-install-root/SUNWam/servers/https-admserv/config
ns-httpd -d web-container-install-root/SUNWam/servers/https-admserv/config

Runtime Log Files

Examine the following log files for errors.

Access Manager logs are located in:


Runtime Portal Server logs:

Runtime Portal instance logs are available at:


Restarting Processes

The following tasks describe how you restart some of the component processes.

ProcedureTo Restart the Web Server

  1. Use the cd command to go to the Web Server instance directory.

    cd /var/opt/SuNWwbsvr7/

  2. Stop the Web Server.


  3. Start the Web Server.


    The following message is displayed when the portal module is loaded:

    info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [] at [/portal]

ProcedureTo Restart Common Agent Container

  1. Use the cd command to go to the common agent container directory:

    cd /usr/lib/cacao/bin.

  2. Stop the common agent container server.

    ./cacaoadm stop.

  3. Start the common agent container server.

    ./cacaoadm start.

ProcedureTo Restart the Directory Server

  1. Use the start command to restart the Directory Server.

    Directory-Server-install-dir/SUNWdsee/ds6/bin/dsame start /var/optSUNWdsee/dsins1

Working with the Display Profile

If you need to troubleshoot the XML contents of your portal’s display profile, extract the contents to a file for examination. At some point in the troubleshooting process, it might be useful to reload the display profile.

ProcedureTo Extract the Display Profile

  1. Login as administrator.

  2. Use the psadmin command to extract the display profile. For example:

    psadmin list-display-profile -u uid=amadmin,ou=People,dc=pstest,dc=com -f /tmp/passwd -p portal1 -o /tmp/global_dp.xml -g

    This example puts the contents of the display profile into the /tmp/global_dp.xml file.

ProcedureTo Reload the Display Profile

  1. Login as administrator.

  2. Use the psadmin command to reload the display profile. For example:

    psadmin modify-display-profile -u uid=amadmin,ou=People, dc=pstest,dc=com -f /tmp/passwd -d uid=user001,ou=People,o=DeveloperSample,dc=pstest,dc=com -p portal1 /tmp/updated_display.xml

    This example reloads the contents of the display profile from the /tmp/updated_displayxml file.

Configuring an HTTP Proxy

If the Portal Server software is installed on a host that cannot directly access certain portions of the Internet or your intranet, you can receive errors. For example, when using the SampleSimpleWebService provider, you might see the following error when the proxy has not been configured:

HTTP transport error: Connection refused

ProcedureTo Configure Usage of an HTTP Proxy for a Portal Server Instance

The following procedure describes how to configure an HTTP Proxy for a Portal Server instance on Sun Java System Web Server.

  1. Use the cd command to change to the web container data directory containing the configuration for the instance.

    cd webcontainer-install-root/SUNWwbsvr7/https-instance-name/config

    For example: /var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7/

  2. Edit the server.xml file to add the following lines:




    Where proxy-host is the fully-qualified domain name of the proxy host, proxy-port is the port on which the proxy is run, and portal-host is the fully qualified domain name of the portal host.

  3. Restart the web container.

Troubleshooting Secure Remote Access

This section describes how to capture information that Portal Server support personnel need to troubleshoot problems in your deployment.

ProcedureTo Check Secure Remote Access Status

  1. Use the get-sra-status subcommand to check the status of the Secure Remote Access server:

    get-sra-status -u amadmin -f /tmp/pwdfile

    The following response is returned:


ProcedureTo Enable Secure Remote Access After Installation

  1. Use the psadmin command to enable the Secure Remote Access server core after installation:

    portal-server7.1-base/bin/psadmin switch-sra-status -u amadmin -f /tmp/pwdfile

    The following response is returned:


ProcedureTo List the Secure Remote Access Instance

  1. Use the following psadmin command to list the Secure Remote Access Instance:

    portal-server7.1-base/bin/psadmin list-sra-instances -u amadmin -f /tmp/pwdfile -t gateway.

    The following is displayed:|ip-address

ProcedureTo Start Secure Remote Access Instance

  1. Use the following psadmin command to start the Secure Remote Access instance.

    portal-server7.1-base/bin/psadmin start-sra-instance -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -N default -t gateway

    The following is displayed:

    For gateway-profile default, Secure Remote Access is not provisioned for any portal. Please run psadmin provision-sra for gateway-profile default or modify enableSRAForPortal.xml file for gateway-profile default and upload using amadmin before attempting to start the sra-instance.

ProcedureTo Provision a Secure Remote Access Instance

  1. Use the psadmin command to provision a Secure Remote Access instance.

    psadmin provision-sra -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd -p portal1 --gateway-profile default --enable

ProcedureTo Set Up a Non-authenticated URL List for Secure Remote Access

  1. Edit the non-authenticated URL list:

    Edit a copy of the file, portalserver7.1_base/export/request/enableSRAforPortal.xml with correct values.

    Note –

    Edit the enableSRAforPortal.xml file to enable access to the portal desktop without authentication and to apply the default rewriter rules.

    • To enable the unauthenticated access to the Portal desktop, edit sunPortalGatewayNonAuthenticatedURLPath.

    • To apply the default rewriter rules edit, sunPortalGatewayDomainsAndRulesets.

      Use the following command:

      amadmin -u uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=pstest,dc=com -w password --data /opt/SUNWportal/export/request/enableSRAforPortal.xml --verbose --continue

Debugging the Gateway

ProcedureTo Check the Gateway Process

  1. Use the following command to see if the gateway process is running:

    /usr/ucb/ps -auxww | grep SRAP

    The following response is displayed:

    /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin/java -Dgateway.profilename=default ... -Dgateway.notification.url=notification -Dgateway.keybase=/etc/opt/SUNWportal/cert/default -Dgateway.pass=/etc/opt/SUNWportal/cert/default/.jsspass -Dgateway.nickname=/etc/opt/SUNWportal/cert/default/.nickname -DLOG_COMPATMODE=Off -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/SUNWam/lib/ -Dcom.sun.portal.log.config.file=/etc/opt/SUNWportal/platform.conf.default -Dconf.suffix=default -DSRAP_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/opt/SUNWportal com.sun.portal.netlet.eproxy.EProxy &

ProcedureTo Use Debugging

To turn debugging on or off, you set the level of debugging or set it to off.

  1. Log in as root to the Gateway machine and edit the following file:


  2. Enable the debug option.

    For example:





    The debug levels are:

    • OFF – Logs no debug messages.

    • Severe – Logs only serious errors in the debug file. Rewriter usually stops functioning when such errors occur.

    • WARNING – Logs errors that indicate a potential problem.

    • FINEST - Logs errors that indicate a highly detailed tracing message.

Secure Remote Access Log Files

Examine the following log files for errors.
