Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide

Portal Server Building Modules

Because deploying Portal Server is a complex process involving many other systems, this section describes a specific configuration that provides optimum performance and horizontal scalability. This configuration is known as a Portal Server building module.

A Portal Server building module is a hardware and software construct with limited or no dependencies on shared services. A typical deployment uses multiple building modules to achieve optimum performance and horizontal scalability. Figure 4–4 shows the building module architecture.

Figure 4–4 Portal Server Building Module Architecture

This figure shows the building module architecture consisting
of a Portal Server instance, a Directory Server Master replica, and search

Note –

The Portal Server building module is simply a recommended configuration. In some cases, a different configuration might result in slightly better throughput (usually at the cost of added complexity). For example, adding another instance of Portal Server to a four CPU system might result in up to ten percent additional throughput, at the cost of requiring a load balancer even when using just a single system.

Building Modules and High Availability Scenarios

Portal Server provides three scenarios for high availability:

Possible supported architectures include the following:

This section explains implementing these architectures and leverages the building module concept, from a high-availability standpoint.

Table 4–1 summarizes these high availability scenarios along with their supporting techniques.

Table 4–1 Portal Server High Availability Scenarios

Component Requirements 

Necessary for Best Effort Deployment? 

Necessary for NSPOF Deployment? 

Necessary for Transparent Failover Deployment?  

Hardware Redundancy




Portal Server Building Modules 




Multi-master Configuration




Load Balancing 




Stateless Applications and Checkpointing Mechanisms




Session Failover




Directory Server Clustering




Note –

Load balancing is not provided with the Sun Java System Web Server product.

Best Effort

In this scenario, you install Portal Server and Directory Server on a single node that has a secured hardware configuration for continuous availability, such as Sun Fire UltraSPARCTM III machines. (Securing a SolarisTM Operating Environment system requires that changes be made to its default configuration.)

This type of server features full hardware redundancy, including: redundant power supplies, fans, system controllers; dynamic reconfiguration; CPU hot-plug; online upgrades; and disks rack that can be configured in RAID 0+1 (striping plus mirroring), or RAID 5 using a volume management system, which prevents loss of data in case of a disk crash. Figure 4–5 shows a small, best effort deployment using the building module architecture.

Figure 4–5 Best Effort Scenario

This figure shows a best effort scenario consisting of
4 CPUs.

In this scenario, for memory allocation, four CPUs by eight GB RAM (4x8) of memory is sufficient for one building module. The Portal Server console is outside of the building module so that it can be shared with other resources. (Your actual sizing calculations might result in a different allocation amount.)

This scenario might suffice for task critical requirements. Its major weakness is that a maintenance action necessitating a system shutdown results in service interruption.

When Secure Remote Access is used, and a software crash occurs, a watchdog process automatically restarts the Gateway, Netlet Proxy, and Rewriter Proxy.

No Single Point of Failure

Portal Server natively supports the no single point of failure (NSPOF) scenario. NSPOF is built on top of the best effort scenario, and in addition, introduces replication and load balancing.

Figure 4–6 shows a building module consisting of a Portal Server instance, a Directory Server replica for profile reads and a search engine database. As such, at least two building modules are necessary to achieve NSPOF, thereby providing a backup if one of the building modules fails. These building modules consist of four CPUs by eight GB RAM.

Figure 4–6 No Single Point of Failure Example

This figure shows two building modules consisting of
a Portal Server instance, a Directory Server replica and a search engine.

When the load balancer detects Portal Server failures, it redirects users’ requests to a backup building module. Accuracy of failure detection varies among load balancing products. Some products are capable of checking the availability of a system by probing a service involving several functional areas of the server, such as the servlet engine, and the JVM software. In particular, most vendor solutions from Resonate, Cisco, Alteon, and others enable you to create arbitrary scripts for server availability. As the load balancer is not part of the Portal Server software, you must acquire it separately from a third-party vendor.

Note –

Access Manager requires that you set up load balancing to enforce sticky sessions. This means that once a session is created on a particular instance, the load balancer needs to always return to the same instance for that session. The load balancer achieves this by binding the session cookie with the instance name identification. In principle, that binding is reestablished when a failed instance is decommissioned. Sticky sessions are also recommended for performance reasons.

Multi-master replication (MMR) takes places between the building modules. The changes that occur on each directory are replicated to the other, which means that each directory plays both roles of supplier and consumer. For more information on MMR, refer to the Sun Java System Directory Server Deployment Guide.

Note –

In general, the Directory Server instance in each building module is configured as a replica of a master directory, which runs elsewhere. However, nothing prevents you from using a master directory as part of the building module. The use of masters on dedicated nodes does not improve the availability of the solution. Use dedicated masters for performance reasons.

Redundancy is equally important to the directory master so that profile changes through the administration console or the Portal Desktop, along with consumer replication across building modules, can always be maintained. Portal Server and Access Manager support MMR. The NSPOF scenario uses a multi-master configuration. In this configuration, two suppliers can accept updates, synchronize with each other, and update all consumers. The consumers can refer update requests to both masters.

Secure Remote Access follows the same replication and load balancing pattern as Portal Server to achieve NSPOF. As such, two Secure Remote Access Gateways and pair of proxies are necessary in this scenario. The Secure Remote Access Gateway detects a Portal Server instance failure when the instance does not respond to a request after a certain timeout value. When this occurs, the HTTPS request is routed to a backup server. The Secure Remote Access Gateway performs a periodic check for availability until the first Portal Server instance is up again.

The NSPOF high availability scenario is suitable to business critical deployments. However, some high availability limitations in this scenario might not fulfill the requirements of a mission critical deployment.

Transparent Failover

Transparent failover uses the same replication model as the NSPOF scenario but provides additional high availability features, which make the failover to a backup server transparent to end users.

Figure 4–7 shows a transparent failover scenario. Two building modules are shown, consisting of four CPUs by eight GB RAM. Load balancing is responsible for detecting Portal Server failures and redirecting users’ requests to a backup Portal Server in the building module. Building Module 1 stores sessions in the sessions repository. If a crash occurs, the application server retrieves sessions created by Building Module 1 from the sessions repository.

Figure 4–7 Transparent Failover Example Scenario

This figure shows a transparent failover scenario. A
load balancer is in front of two building modules.

The session repository is provided by the application server software. Portal Server is running in an application server. Portal Server supports transparent failover on application servers that support HttpSession failover. See Appendix A, Understanding Portal Server and Application Servers for more information.

With session failover, users do not need to re-authenticate after a crash. In addition, portal applications can rely on session persistence to store context data used by the checkpointing. You configure session failover in the file by setting the property to true.

The Netlet Proxy cannot support the transparent failover scenario because of the limitation of the TCP protocol. The Netlet Proxy tunnels TCP connections, and you cannot migrate an open TCP connection to another server. A Netlet Proxy crash drops off all outstanding connections that would have to be reestablished.

Building Module Solution Recommendations

This section describes guidelines for deploying your building module solution.

How you construct your building module affects performance.

Consider the following recommendations to deploy your building module properly:

Directory Server

Identify your Directory Server requirements for your building module deployment. For specific information on Directory Server deployment, see the Directory Server Deployment Guide.

Consider the following Directory Server guidelines when you plan your Portal Server deployment:


The scalability of building modules is based on the number of LDAP writes resulting from profile updates and the maximum size of the LDAP database.

Note –

If the LDAP server crashes with the _db files in the /tmp directory, the files are lost when the server restarts. This improves performance but also affects availability.

If the analysis at your specific site indicates that the number of LDAP write operations is indeed a constraint, some of the possible solutions include creating building modules that replicate only a specific branch of the directory and a layer in front that directs incoming requests to the appropriate instance of portal.

Search Service

When you deploy the Search Engine as part of your building module solution, consider the following: