Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide

ProcedureTo Set Up a Common Derby Network Server Instance (Solaris)

  1. Install JDK from Java Enterprise System 5 distribution. This step is required if the required Java version is not present on the machine.

    1. cd /net/

    2. pkgadd -d . SUNWj5rt SUNWj5rtx SUNWj5cfg SUNWj5dev SUNWj5dmo SUNWj5dmx SUNWj5dvx SUNWj5man

  2. Install the Derby database packages on the dedicated host.

    1. cd /net/

    2. pkgadd -d . SUNWjavadb-common SUNWjavadb-core SUNWjavadb-client SUNWjavadb-demo SUNWjavadb-docs SUNWjavadb-javadoc

  3. Transfer the Derby data files from the Portal Server install host to the dedicated Derby network server instance host. The data files are located in /var/opt/SUNWportal/derby.

    The Derby data files are:


    • and the following directories

      • communitymc_portal1

      • surveydb_portal1

      • filesharingdb_portal1

      • wikidb_portal1

    1. Archive the Derby data files using the tar command on the Portal Server install host.

      cd /var/opt/SUNWportal/derby

      tar -cvf derby-system.tar *

    2. Create the Derby system home directory on the dedicated Derby network instance host.

      mkdir -p /var/opt/SUNWportal/derby

    3. Transfer the derby-system.tar file from the Portal Server install host to the system home directory on the dedicated Derby network instance host.

      On the dedicated Derby network instance host, execute the following commands from the /var/opt/SUNWportal/derby directory.

      ftp> portal install

      ftp> cd /var/opt/SUNWportal/derby

      ftp> get derby-system.tar

      ftp> quit

    4. Use the tar command to extract the derby-system.tar file.

      tar -xvf derby-system.tar

  4. Modify the Derby properties file.

    1. Change the property to the fully qualified host name assigned to the interface on which the common Derby network server instance runs.

    2. Delete the derby log file

      rm derby.log

    3. Create empty log file.

      touch derby.log

    4. (Optional) Change the derby.drda.port property to run the server on a non-default port. Port 1527 is the Derby default port.

  5. Start the Derby network server instance. You can use the following sample script:
    PATH=/usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_09/bin:${PATH};export PATH
    derby_home=/var/opt/SUNWportal/derby;export derby_home
    java -Dderby.system.home=${derby_home} -cp ${derby_classpath}
    org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start &
  6. (Optional) Modify the Derby tuning properties in, or add JVM software tuning parameters to the Java command used to start the Derby network server.

    For details, refer to the Apache Derby manuals and