Solaris 10 7/07 HW Release Notes

Before You Begin

This section contains critical installation issues that you need to be aware of before installing or upgrading to Solaris 10 OS. These issues might have an impact that would prevent installation or upgrades from completing successfully. If bugs in this section apply to your system, you might need to perform the recommended workarounds before you install or upgrade.

Installation Change for the Solaris Companion DVD

When you are installing the Solaris OS, the Companion DVD is not available to be installed with the Solaris installation program. Use the pkgadd(1M) command to install the Solaris Companion DVD. For detailed installation instructions, see the README file on the Companion DVD.

Correct Solaris Data Encryption Supplement Required for Use of Longer Key Lengths on Solaris 10 Updates

When you install the Solaris 10 7/07 HW release and you wish to access longer key lengths for use with data encryption, you must use the Solaris Data Encryption Supplement packages that corresponds to Solaris 10. The supplement is delivered in the SUNWcry and SUNWcryr packages that are available for download from:

To bring these packages up to the same patch level as your current update, you will have to install the appropriate patch:

To determine your current patch level, use showrev -p.

Additional Procedures Required When Installing Patches for Solaris 10 7/07 HW Release

The following patches are applied to resolve problems that were reported in CR 6277164 and CR 6214222:

The sections that follow provide further steps that you must perform to completely resolve the reported problems.

Resolving Issues With the GNOME Display Manager (6277164)

Note –

Perform this procedure before you use the GNOME Display Manager (GDM) as your login program, or if you have already enabled GDM as your login program. Otherwise, you can skip this procedure.

When applying the patch, load new values into the GDM configuration files. Then restart the GDM application.

  1. To load the new values into the configuration file, choose one of the following options.

    • Copy the /etc/X11/gdm/factory-gdm.conf file to the /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf file.

      Perform this step if you have not made any modifications to the gdm.conf file. Then you can start the GDM application.

    • Manually merge the differences in the factory-gdm.conf file into the gdm.conf file.

      Perform this step if you have modified the gdm.conf file and want to retain your modifications.

      When merging files, copy the values for the following commands from the factory-gdm.conf file to the gdm.conf file. These commands enable you to obtain the best OS performance.

      • RebootCommand

      • HaltCommand

      • SuspendCommand

      • DefaultPath

      • RootPath

      • GraphicalTheme

  2. To restart GDM, perform the following steps:

    1. Become superuser.

    2. Issue the following command:

      # svcadm disable application/gdm2-login
    3. In the console that is now displayed, press Return to display a command prompt.

    4. To restart GDM, issue the following command:

      # svcadm enable application/gdm2-login

Sun Fire V250 Server Installation

The SUNWCXall software metacluster must be installed on a Sun Fire V250 Server.

NFS Version 4 Introduces New Prompt at First System Boot

Solaris 10 OS uses NFS Version 4 (NFSv4) as the default distributed file system mechanism. In NFSv4, file user and group attributes are exchanged as strings of the form “user@domain” and “group@domain,” respectively.

The domain portion of the string should be common between client and server. This information is automatically derived from the system's name service domain name. However, in certain cases, the derived domain might not match between client and server. This mismatch might typically occur in environments where either of the following circumstances is true:

If domain information between client and server does not match, NFSv4-accessed files might appear to be owned by “nobody.”

To ensure proper configuration, on the first system boot the system now prompts you for a domain to use for NFSv4. Answer “no” to this prompt if one of the following configurations describes your deployment:

Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

Environments that use the Custom JumpStartTM method to perform unattended system installations require minimal tuning to suppress the first boot prompts.

A sample script, set_nfs4_domain, is provided in the Solaris 10 distribution media and is located in the ${CDrom_mnt_pt}/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample directory. A copy of this script should be modified to set the NFS4_DOMAIN variable to site-specific needs and be called from within JumpStart's finish script. The target system's NFSv4 domain is therefore preconfigured as part of the JumpStart finish phase, and thus suppresses any first boot prompts.

Follow these steps to perform unattended installations:

  1. Create a copy of the set_nfs4_domain script in the same directory as your JumpStart's scripts.

  2. Edit the script and set the NFS4_DOMAIN variable to your specific needs.

  3. Edit your script and append a call to set_nfs4_domain.

  4. Perform the JumpStart installations as usual.

For further details, refer to the sysidconfig(1M), sysidtool(1M), nfsmapid(1M), and nfs(4) man pages. See also the System Administration Guide: Network Services.

Default Size of /var File System Inadequate for Extra Value Products

The default size of the /var file system might be insufficient for the Extra Value products in the following situations:

You must manually specify a larger slice size for the /var file system.

Note –

If the /var file system is not on a separate slice or partition, this problem does not occur.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

SPARC: Older Firmware Might Need Boot Flash PROM Update

On SPARC based systems, Solaris 10 OS runs in 64–bit mode only. Some Sun4UTM systems might need to be updated to a higher level of OpenBootTM firmware in the flash PROM to run the OS in 64-bit mode. The following systems might require a flash PROM update:

The following table lists the UltraSPARC systems and the minimum firmware versions that are required to run the 64–bit Solaris 10 OS. System type is the equivalent of the output of the uname -i command. You can determine which firmware version you are running by using the prtconf -V command.

Table 2–1 Minimum Firmware Versions Required to Run 64–Bit Solaris Software on UltraSPARC Systems

System Type From uname -i

Minimum Firmware Version From prtconf -V







Note –

If a system is not listed in the previous table, the system does not need a flash PROM update.

See any edition of the Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide at for instructions to perform a flash PROM update.

Solaris Management Console 2.1 Software Is Not Compatible With Solaris Management Console 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2 Software

Solaris Management Console 2.1 software is not compatible with Solaris Management Console 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2 software. If you are upgrading to the Solaris 10 release, and you have Solaris Management Console 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2 software installed, you must first uninstall the Solaris Management Console software before you upgrade. Solaris Management Console software might exist on your system if you installed the SEAS 2.0 overbox, the SEAS 3.0 overbox, or the Solaris 8 Admin Pack.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:

Cannot Create a Solaris Flash Archive When Solaris Zones Are Installed (6246943)

Starting with the current Solaris release, a Solaris Flash archive cannot be properly created when a non-global zone is installed. The Solaris Flash feature is not currently compatible with the Solaris containers (zones) feature.

Do not use the flar create command to create a Solaris Flash archive in these instances:

If you create a Solaris Flash archive in such an instance, the resulting archive might not install properly when the archive is deployed.

Workaround: None.