Solaris 10 7/07 HW Release Notes

System Administration

This section describes system administration bugs in Solaris 10 OS.

iSCSI Target Coredumps When Running JIST Test Suite (6550844)

When running the JIST read/write/compare load test with 10 threads as part of the entrance test for Amber Road, the iscsi target coredumps. This might cause the JIST test to fail with data compare errors. Sometimes the JIST might run successfully, but a new core file is generated.

Workaround: None.

ZFS Administration Window Fails To Launch (6549565)

Type the URL https://localhost/:6789.2 in a Firefox browser and log in as the root user. When you click the ZFS Administration link, the ZFS Administration window does not start. The following error message is displayed:

setSelectionComponentState is not defined 
openOrClose: TreeFrame is not defined 

Workaround: None.

smosservice Command Fails (6545660)

The smosservice command fails after displaying that the file /usr/snadm/lib/ does not exist. The following error message is displayed:

Failed to load library "". java: fatal: open failed:
No such file or directory.

Workaround: Create a soft link to and then execute the smosservice command. Use the following command to create the link:

ln -s /usr/snadm/lib/ /usr/snadm/lib/

lucreate :zone Feature Does Not Work on Whole Root Zones (6526238)

The lucreate :zone feature does not work on whole root zones when a whole root non-global zone in the parent boot environment has a dedicated filesystem. Bits of the dedicated filesystem in the whole root zone will not be copied to the target zone in the alternate boot environment. The following error message is displayed:

Creating shared file system mount points.
Copying root of zone havana-z1>.
Copying /tests> in zone havana-z1>.
egrep: syntax error

This message essentially means that you have a partially created whole root zone in the newly created boot environment.

Workaround: Copy the bits of the whole root zone's dedicated filesystem manually to the target zone in the alternate boot environment.

Solaris is Unable to Handle Mode Switches Between Legacy and AHCI Modes for the SATA Controller (6520224)

In systems which have an AHCI compliant SATA controller, the BIOS setup typically enables the controller to be set in either AHCI, legacy, or RAID modes. Solaris supports AHCI and legacy modes.

The SATA mode setting in BIOS must not be changed after an initial Solaris installation. The SATA mode setting must also not be changed before or after a Solaris upgrade. If the SATA mode BIOS setting is modified after installing Solaris, the system will reset and fail to boot without indicating what led to the failure.

Workaround: If boot failure is encountered as a result of changing the BIOS setting, revert back to the original setting in order to boot Solaris.

Possible Error With 32-bit Applications Getting File System State on Large File Systems (6468905)

When run on large file systems, for example ZFS, applications using statvfs(2) or statfs(2) to get information about the state of the file system exhibit an error. The following error message is displayed:

Value too large for defined data type

Workaround: Applications should use statvfs64() instead.

Solaris Trusted Extensions Administration Tools Display Incorrect Labels (6478436)

Solaris Trusted Extensions administration tools such as the Solaris Management Console (SMC) and tninfo might not display the ADMIN_LOW or ADMIN_HIGH labels. Instead the administration tools might incorrectly display labels like PUBLIC and CNF : RESTRICTED.

This incorrect display of labels can result in misconfigured systems. For example, the SMC might incorrectly display PUBLIC for a zone when the actual default label is ADMIN_LOW. Because of incorrect label display the zone fails to boot.

The error is because the default label view is EXTERNAL when it should be INTERNAL. This causes ADMIN_LOW to be promoted to the minimum user label and ADMIN_HIGH to be demoted. As a result, the administration tools incorrectly display the lowest and highest labels defined instead of correctly displaying ADMIN_LOW and ADMIN_HIGH.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Install Solaris Trusted Extensions but do not reboot the system.

  2. Edit your label encodings file. The default label_encodings file is /etc/security/tsol/label_encodings. Add the following line in the LOCAL DEFINITIONS section:

    Default Label View is Internal;

Using patchadd With the -R Option To Specify an Alternative Root Path From Systems That Are Not Zones Aware Should Be Restricted (6464969)

On systems running a Solaris release that is not zones aware, using patchadd -R, or any command that accepts the -R option to specify an alternate root path for a global zone that has non-global zones installed, will not work.

In contrast with the error message that is displayed by using the luupgrade [-t, -T, -p, -P] command, no error message regarding the use of appropriate command-level restrictions is displayed in this instance.

There is no indication that the -R option did not work. As a result of the failure of the command, Solaris 10 packages or patches are not installed on any of the installed non-global zones.

This problem occurs while installing and uninstalling packages or patches.

Note –

The -R option works if the alternate boot environment has configured non-global zones, but no installed non-global zones. However, to avoid a potential problem, or if you are not sure whether there are any installed non-global zones used as the alternate root path, restrict the use of the -R option in all instances.

For more information, see the following man pages :

Workaround 1: Upgrade the OS to at least the Solaris 10 1/06 release.

If you are running the Solaris 10 3/05 release, install the following patches to enable the use of commands that accept the -R option to create an alternate root path:

Workaround 2: Restrict the use of the patchadd -R command or any command that accepts the -R option to create an alternate root path.

Instead, boot the alternate root, for example, the Solaris 10 release, as the active OS. Then install and uninstall the Solaris 10 packages and patches without using the -R option.

Upgrade to Solaris 10 7/07 HW or Changing Specific Device Configurations Might Break PCI/PCIe Hotplug Administration (6466526)

The cfgadm command displays ApIds that might be incorrect or inconsistent with the format that is specified in the cfgadm_pci(1M) man page. This inconsistency occurs under the following circumstances:

No specific error message is displayed. However, the cfgadm command might display one of the following:

If the ApId does not work, then the cfgadm command will display a corresponding error message.

Workaround: Remove all PCI and PCIe links under the /dev/cfg directory and then run the command, devfsadm -C. The PCI and PCIe links are displayed as ApIds in:

cfgadm -s "select=class(pci)"

smosservice or smdiskless Is Broken Due to wbem Issues (6378956)

The smosservice or smdiskless command might not work because of a dependency on JDKTM 1.5 release.

The following error message is displayed:

 /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -u <user> -p <password> Exception in thread "main" 
(Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
       at Method)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
       at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(


Set the JAVA_HOME variable to point to a JDK 1.5 installation.

# JAVA_HOME=/usr/java

Sun Patch Manager Tool 2.0 Not Compatible With Previous Versions

A system that runs the Sun Patch Manager Tool 2.0 can manage remote systems that run Patch Manager Tool, including Sun Patch Manager Tool 1.0.

However, a system with an earlier version of Patch Manager Tool cannot manage remote systems that run Patch Manager Tool 2.0. Earlier versions include the following:

Note –

Common Information Model/Web Based Enterprise Management (CIM/WBEM) support for Patch Manager Tool does not exist in the Solaris 8 OS. Consequently, remote management with Patch Manager does not apply to Solaris 8 systems.

Sun Remote Services Net Connect Supported Only in the Global Zone

Sun Remote Services (SRS) Net Connect is supported only in the global zone. Error messages are displayed if you perform one of the following actions:

The error messages are as follows:

*** package SUNWcstu failed to install - 
interactive administration required:

Interactive request script supplied by package
pkgadd: ERROR: request script did not complete successfully

Installation of SUNWcstu was suspended (interaction required).
No changes were made to the system.  

*** package SUNWfrunc failed to install - 
interactive administration required:

Interactive request script supplied by package
pkgadd: ERROR: request script did not complete successfully

Installation of SUNWfrunc was suspended (interaction required).
No changes were made to the system.

Workaround: Ignore the error messages.

Error or Warning Messages Might Be Displayed While Installing Non-global Zones With the zoneadm Command

While installing a non-global zone by using the zoneadm command, error or warning messages might be displayed during package installation. The messages are similar to the following example:

Preparing to install zone zone1.
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Copying 2348 files to the zone.
Initializing zone product registry.
Determining zone package initialization order.
Preparing to initialize 790 packages on the zone.
Initialized 790 packages on zone.
Zone zone1 is initialized.

Installation of the following packages generated errors: 
SUNWjhrt SUNWmcc SUNWjhdev SUNWnsb SUNWmcon SUNWmpatchmgr

Installation of the following packages generated warnings: 
SUNWj3rt SUNWmc SUNWwbmc SUNWmga SUNWdclnt SUNWlvma SUNWlvmg 
SUNWrmui SUNWdoc SUNWpl5m SUNWpmgr

Problems about package installation are also recorded in /export/zone1/root/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log which contains a log of the zone installation.

Workaround: None.

Note –

The non-global zone can still be used even though these messages have been reported. Issues with package installation existed in earlier Solaris Express and Solaris 10 Beta releases. However, no notification about these problems was being generated. Beginning with this Solaris release, these errors are now properly reported and logged.

SPARC: Error Messages Displayed During Dynamic Reconfiguration (6312424)

During dynamic reconfiguration (DR), error messages might be displayed. The messages are displayed if you perform DR while input and output operations are active on devices that are in the DR path. After the messages are displayed, the input and output operations are retried and eventually succeed. The following is a sample that is displayed:

Jul 28 12:23:19 qame10-a scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING:
/ssm@0,0/pci@19,700000/SUNW,qlc@2,1/fp@0,0/ssd@w2100000c5056fa13,0 (ssd6):
Jul 28 12:23:19 qame10-a 	transport rejected fatal error
Jul 28 12:22:08 qame10-a scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING:
/ssm@0,0/pci@19,700000/SUNW,qlc@2,1/fp@0,0/ssd@w2100000c5056f9a7,0 (ssd36):
Jul 28 12:22:08 qame10-a 	SCSI transport failed: reason 'timeout':
retrying command

Workaround: None. Ignore the error messages.

Error Messages Displayed by pkgchk After You Remove Patches for Zones (6267966)

The patchadd and patchrm commands work improperly in non-global zones with inherited file systems. Consequently, in those zones, the pkgchk command might generate error messages about packages under the following circumstances:

  1. In the global zone, you apply patches for the Solaris 10 zone system by using the patchadd command.

  2. You use the patchrm command to remove patches that you just recently applied.

  3. In a non-global zone with inherited file systems, you check with the pkgchk command for information about a package in any of the removed patches.

The following sample message is displayed when the pkgchk command is used on SUNWcsu under the circumstances previously listed.

# pkgchk SUNWcsu
ERROR: /usr/lib/inet/certdb
     modtime <04/26/05 10:55:26 PM> expected <01/23/05 01:48:24 AM> actual
     file size <36012> expected <42152> actual
     file cksum <37098> expected <19747> actual
ERROR: /usr/lib/inet/certlocal
     modtime <04/26/05 10:55:26 PM> expected <01/23/05 01:48:24 AM> actual
     file size <44348> expected <84636> actual

Workaround: None. The errors are harmless. Ignore the error messages.

Race Condition Between EF/kcfd and IPsec Algorithm Availability (6266083)

Systems with the Solaris 10 3/05 HW1 release might cause problems with IPsec. This problem might occur on a freshly installed system or a system that imports a large number of new Service Management Facility (SMF) manifests during the boot. After these booting conditions, IPsec, which is part of svc:/network/initial:default, might be initialized prior to the encryption framework, which is part of svc:/system/cryptosvc:default. Because authentication or encryption algorithms are not available, creation of IPsec security associations might fail with an error message such as the following:

PF_KEY error: type=ADD, errno=22:
Invalid argument, diagnostic  code=40:
Unsupported authentication algorithm

For example, this error might occur when using DR on a Sun Fire E25K system, which involves IPsec services.

Workaround: Before performing operations that use IPsec services, perform the following steps after a boot that imports a large number of new SMF manifests:

  1. Issue this command after booting:

    ipsecalgs -s
  2. If /etc/inet/secret/ipseckeys exists on the system, also issue this command:

    ipseckey -f /etc/inet/secret/ipseckeys

Now you can perform actions that create IPsec security associations, such as using DR on a Sun Fire E25K system.

This procedure needs to be repeated only when a large number of new SMF manifests are imported during the boot.

Solaris Product Registry Administration Utility Fails to Launch in a Zone (6220284)

If you attempt to launch the Solaris Product Registry administration utility in a zone, the attempt fails. During the zone installation, productregistry, the Solaris Product Registry database, is not duplicated in the zone. Consequently, the utility cannot run in a zone.

Workaround: As superuser, copy the productregistry database to the zone.

# cp /var/sadm/install/productregistry zone_path/var/sadm/install/

In the previous command, zone_path is the path to the root directory of the zone that you created.

Cannot Delete Existing Diskless Clients From the System (6205746)

If you use the smdiskless command to delete a diskless client, the command fails. The diskless client is not removed from the system databases. The following error message is displayed:

Failing with error EXM_BMS.

Workaround: Unshare the /export partition before adding the client.

Net Connect 3.1.1 Installation Fails (6197548)

Installation of Net Connect 3.1.1 fails if you select the product at the beginning of a full Solaris 10 installation. This failure occurs when you are installing by using the Solaris 10 Operating System DVD. At the completion of the OS installation, the following error message is recorded in the Net Connect install log in /var/sadm/install/logs/:

Installation of SUNWSRSPX failed.
Error: pkgadd failed for SUNWsrspx 
Install complete. Package: SUNWsrspx

Workaround: After the OS installation is completed, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the Solaris 10 Operating System DVD or the Solaris 10 Software - CD 4.

  2. Change to the directory of the Net Connect product.

  3. Run the Net Connect installer.

Note –

To download the latest version of the Sun Net Connect software and release notes, go to the Sun Net Connect portal at

SPARC: smosservice delete Command Does Not Successfully Remove All Directories (6192105)

If you use the smosservice delete command to remove a diskless client service, the command does not successfully remove all the service directories.

Workaround: Follow these steps.

  1. Make sure that no clients exist that use the service.

    # unshare /export/exec/Solaris_10_sparc.all
    # rm -rf /export/exec/Solaris_10_sparc.all
    # rm -rf /export/exec/.copyofSolaris_10_sparc.all
    # rm -rf /export/.copyofSolaris_10
    # rm -rf /export/Solaris_10
    # rm -rf /export/share
    # rm -rf /export/root/templates/Solaris_10
    # rm -rf /export/root/clone/Solaris_10
    # rm -rf /tftpboot/inetboot.sun4u.Solaris_10
  2. Remove the following entry from the /etc/bootparams file.

    fs1-24 boottype=:os

    Note –

    Remove this entry only if this file server does not provide functions or resources for any other services.

  3. Remove the following entry from the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

    share -F nfs -o ro /export/exec/Solaris_8_sparc.all/usr
  4. Modify the /var/sadm/system/admin/services/Solaris_10 file.

    • If the file server is not Solaris_10, delete the file.

    • If the file server is Solaris_10, remove all entries after the first three lines. The deleted lines indicate the service USR_PATH and SPOOLED ROOT packages in /export/root/templates/Solaris_10 and the supported platforms.

patchadd Command Does Not Support Installing Patches From an NFS Server (6188748)

If you use the patchadd command to install patches across the NFS from another system, the command fails. The following example shows a patchadd operation that failed and the error message that is displayed:

Validating patches...

Loading patches installed on the system...
Loading patches requested to install.
Checking patches that you specified for installation.
Approved patches will be installed in this order:
Checking local zones...
Summary for zones:
Patches that passed the dependency check:

Patching global zone
Adding patches...

 Checking installed patches...
Verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)...
Installing patch packages...

 Patch Patch_ID has been successfully installed.
See /var/sadm/patch/Patch_ID/log for details
 Patch packages installed:

Adding patches...
 The patch directory
 cannot be found on this system.  


Patchadd is terminating.

Workaround: Manually copy all of the patches to be installed from the NFS server to the local system first. Then use the patchadd command to install the patches from the directory on the local system where the patches were copied.

lucreate Command Does Not Create RAID-1 Volumes (5106987)

If you use the lucreate command to create RAID-1 volumes (mirrors) that do not have device entries in the /dev/md directory, the command fails. You cannot mirror file systems with the lucreate command unless you first create the mirrors with Solaris Volume Manager software.

Workaround: Create the mirrored file systems with Solaris Volume Manager software, then create the new boot environment with the lucreate command.

For more information about the lucreate command, see the lucreate(1M) or Solaris 10 11/06 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning.

For more information about how to create mirrored file systems with Solaris Volume Manager software, see Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide.

SPARC: Stopping the System by Using Keyboard Sequences Might Cause a System Panic (5061679)

If you attempt to stop the system by pressing keyboard sequences such as Stop-A or L1-A, the system might panic. An error message similar to the following example is displayed:

panic[cpu2]/thread=2a100337d40: pcisch2 (pci@9,700000): 
consistent dma sync timeout

Workaround: Do not use keyboard sequences to force the system to enter OpenBoot PROM.

Using the ipfs Command With -W Option Fails (5040248)

The ipfs command saves and restores information about the state of the Network Address Translation (NAT) and packet-filtering state tables. This utility prevents network connections from being disrupted if the system reboots. If you issue the command with the -W option, ipfs fails to save the kernel state tables. The following error message is displayed:

state:SIOCSTGET: Bad address

Workaround: None.

kill -HUP Does Not Always Cause the Agent to Reread the snmpd.conf Configuration File (4988483)

After modifying the contents of snmpd.conf, you can issue the command kill -HUP snmp Process ID. This command stops the snmp process. The command then sends a signal to the System Management Agent's master agent (snmpd) to reread snmpd.conf and implement the modifications that you introduced. The command might not always cause the master agent to reread the configuration file. Consequently, using the command might not always activate modifications in the configuration file.

Instead of using kill -HUP, restart the System Management Agent after adding modifications to snmpd.conf. Perform the following steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Type the following command:

    # /etc/init.d/init.sma restart

Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 Daemon Cannot Locate com.sun Application Programming Interface Providers (4619576)

The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon cannot locate providers that are written to the com.sun.wbem.provider interface or to the com.sun.wbem.provider20 interface. Even if you create a Solaris_ProviderPath instance for a provider that is written to these interfaces, the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon does not locate the provider.

Workaround: To enable the daemon to locate such a provider, stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon.

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

Note –

If you use the javax API to develop your provider, you do not need to stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon. The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon dynamically recognizes javax providers.

Some com.sun Application Programming Interface Method Invocations Fail Under XML/HTTP Transport Protocol (4497393, 4497399, 4497406, 4497411)

If you choose to use the com.sun application programming interface rather than the javax application programming interface to develop your WBEM software, only Common Information Model (CIM) remote method invocation (RMI) is fully supported. Other protocols, such as XML/HTTP, are not guaranteed to work completely with the com.sun application programming interface.

The following table lists examples of invocations that execute successfully under RMI but fail under XML/HTTP:

Method Invocation 

Error Message 








XMLERROR: ClassCastException

Cannot Modify File-System Mount Properties With Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares Tool (4466829)

The Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares tool cannot modify mount options on system-critical file systems such as root (/), /usr, and /var.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds: