Guide d'administration système : services IP

Fichier exemple ipsecinit.conf

Le logiciel Solaris inclut le fichier exemple de stratégie IPsec, ipsecinit.sample. Vous pouvez l'utiliser comme modèle pour créer votre propre fichier ipsecinit.conf. Le fichier ipsecinit.sample contient les exemples suivants :

# For example,
#	 {rport 23} ipsec {encr_algs des encr_auth_algs md5}
# will protect the telnet traffic originating from the host with ESP using
# DES and MD5. Also:
#	 {raddr} ipsec {auth_algs any}
# will protect traffic to or from the subnet with AH 
# using any available algorithm.
# To do basic filtering, a drop rule may be used. For example:
#	 {lport 23 dir in} drop {}
#	 {lport 23 dir out} drop {}
# will disallow any remote system from telnetting in.
# If you are using IPv6, it may be useful to bypass neighbor discovery
# to allow in.iked to work properly with on-link neighbors. To do that,
# add the following lines:
#        {ulp ipv6-icmp type 133-137 dir both } pass { }
# This will allow neighbor discovery to work normally.