Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 2.0 Developer's Guide

Developing N1 SPS Plans for NEP Application Provisioning

Refer to Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Plan and Component Developer’s Guide to create components and plans for NEP applications.

The three options of adapting your application for application provisioning are as follows:

Calling Existing Application Installers from N1 SPS

Moving an Existing Application Installer Code to an SPS Component

Using Native N1 SPS Provisioning Features

Calling Existing Application Installers from N1 SPS

If the installation script for your application already exists, you can create a component template and call the installation script from the component template.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component xmlns='' 
description='Deploy and configure My Component'
author='OEM Platforms'
softwareVendor='Sun Microsystems'
xsi:schemaLocation=' component.xsd'>

<type name='system#container'></type>

   <var name="bashShell" modifier="FINAL" default="/usr/bin/bash"/>
   <var name="installPath" default="/opt"/>

   <installSteps name="deployMyComponent" access="PUBLIC">

    <execNative userToRunAs='root' timeout='7200'>

      #run installer
      /script_directory/ -p param1 -s param2
      #check for errors
      RET=$?; if [ $RET != 0 ]; then exit $RET; fi

      ]]></inputText> <exec cmd=":[bashShell]"></exec>

Moving an Existing Application Installer Code to an SPS Component

You can also copy the application deployment logic from the installation script of your application and paste the logic into a provisioning component. This option can be used for a tighter integration with Sun OTP provisioning service. In the following example, the application installation script is embedded in its provisioning component.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component xmlns='' name='InstallMyComponent'
  description='Install My Component'
  author='OEM Platforms' softwareVendor='Sun Microsystems'
  xsi:schemaLocation=' component.xsd'>

<type name='system#container'></type>

<var name='shell' modifier='FINAL' default='/usr/bin/bash'></var>
<var name='installPath' default='/opt' modifier='FINAL'></var>
<var name="mediaDirectory" default=":[component:/com/sun/example:mediaDirectory]"/>
<var name='postcheck' default='no' prompt="Mark yes if post check required"></var>
     <installSteps returns='false' name='InstallMyComponent' requireLocking='true'>
       <execNative userToRunAs='root' timeout='7200'>

# Example of product installation:
# -step 1: initial checks (does product bundle exist?)
# -step 2: extraction of bundle into temporary directory
# -step 3: invocation of product installer
# -step 4: (optional) installation post check (was product installed fine?)
# -step 5: temporary files clean up

# 1: initial checks
if [ ! -d $scriptPath ]; then
echo "Error: $scriptPath does not exist"
exit 1
if [ ! -f ${scriptPath}/productName.jar ]; then
echo "Error: productName.jar does not exist"
exit 1

# 2a: copy bundle to tmp
mkdir -p /tmp/install/productName
cp ${scriptPath}/productName.jar /tmp/install/productName
cd /tmp/install/productName

# 2b: extraction of bundle contents
jar xf productName.jar
rm -f productName.jar

# 3: invoke installer
java -cp /tmp/install/productName -p param1 -d param2 -i :[installPath]
RET=$?; if [ $RET != 0 ]; then exit $RET; fi

# 4: post check
if [ "yes" = :[postcheck] ]; then
out=`java -cp /tmp/install/productName checkInstallation -p param1 \
-d param2 -i :[installPath] | grep "Status=OK"`
RET=$?; if [ $RET != 0 ]; then exit $RET; fi

# 5: cleanup
cd /
rm -rf /tmp/install/productName

      <exec cmd=':[shell]'></exec>

The embedded code can be any interpreted shell code or Java code. The shell code can be specified by specifying the value for the cmd attribute in the exec element. The embedded Java code can be specified by specifying the execJava element.

Using Native N1 SPS Provisioning Features

To fully benefit from Sun OTP application provisioning service features, the target application deployment can be redesigned using native Sun OTP provisioning components. This can be done by mapping the application deployment elements to native provisioning components. Based on your application distribution model, these elements could be packages (Solaris SVR4, Linux RPM and Deb) or archives (such as zip, tar, jar, ear) or even individual files (like a library, a kernel module, or scripts).

The following sample code demonstrates package-based installation.

Example 1

    <installSteps returns='false' name='default' requireLocking='true'>
        <execNative timeout='1800'>
                echo "Executing Pre-Install procedures before resource deployement"
                echo "This will be installed into: :[installPath]"
                   <exec cmd='/bin/sh'></exec>
        <execNative timeout='1800'>
                 echo "Executing Post-Install procedures after resource deployement"
                 pkgadd -d :[installPath] SampleAppPkg
                   exec cmd='/bin/sh'></exec>

The following sample code demonstrates package-based uninstallation.

Example 2

    <uninstallSteps returns='false' name='default' requireLocking='true'>
        <execNative timeout='1800'>
                echo "Executing Pre-Uninstall procedures before resource undeployement"
                   <exec cmd='/bin/sh'></exec>
        <execNative timeout='1800'>
                 echo "Executing Post-Uninstall procedures after resource undeployement"
                 yes | pkgrm SampleAppPkg
                   exec cmd='/bin/sh'></exec>

Refer to the following guides to create plans, components, and plug-ins using N1 SPS.